Papers on Book Reports
Lord Of The Flies: Symbolism Of The Conch
Number of words: 626 | Number of pages: 3.... have to have 'hands up' like at school." At first
everyone thinks that this is the best method to maintain order but soon they
find out how quickly the power of the conch is abused by Ralph and Jack. On pg
89 While Simon is trying to speak Ralph and Jack try to get him to sit down. "
'Sit down' 'Shut up' 'take the Conch!' 'Sod you' ' Shut up!' " This shows early
on that the Order is starting to fall apart, fortunatly Ralph doesn't become a
corrupt leader he keeps his head on straight which causes the others to get
restless. They want to have fun but Ralph being the leader doesn't have a choice
some things need to be done in or .....
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The Catcher In The Rye
Number of words: 660 | Number of pages: 3.... wants to visit his little sister, Phoebe, to say good bye. He admires her a lot and they communicate very well.
Holden realises that there are things he cannot solve by him self, and decides to rejoin his family.
The style of the book is very unusual because it is told by a sixteen-year-old boy. It can give you some problems because some of the things he tells about and observe might not be true, but extremely exaggerated. We are not even sure that he is mentally stabile since the writer of the book J. D. Salinger lets Holden tell the story from a hospital bed.
Although the problems the style of writing lets us better understand a .....
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Bram Stoker's Dracula
Number of words: 747 | Number of pages: 3.... him out of England back to
Castle Dracula. There they carry out an ultimate plan to destroy Dracula.
The Author uses suspense as a storytelling device rather effectively
throughout the story. There are a fair number of parts in which the reader
is left suspended on the edge of seat, eager to find out what is to happen
next. However, there were parts where suspense could be used in a manner
that would enhance the gravity of the plot. Nonetheless, The book is
written in a unique way that allows suspense to be used easily and
effectively built up. Dracula is written in first person like many other
novels but then it dif .....
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A Worn Path
Number of words: 984 | Number of pages: 4.... as young as Phoenix have trouble doing such things. Not many other emotional force other then love is strong enough to give power to an old woman who is living only for one reason. She realizes that if she were to die then the fate of her grandson would be damned.
There are also mental obstacles that obstruct Phoenix’s journey. She has to triumph over her weariness because of her old age and her mental fatigue. As she is walking her mind plays tricks on her, such as the time when she is in the field and mistakes the scarecrow for a dark mysterious figure that she is frightened of. Another time is when she talks to he .....
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Ambushed Tradition
Number of words: 2626 | Number of pages: 10.... were nearing extinction. Eventually, for survival, the tribe agreed to sell their land to the whites. The Indians were forced to live on reservations.
Indians, in the United States of America today, are in a constant battle with the duality of their lives. This duality is a struggle between their traditional culture and the modern day society that surrounds them. In the collection of short stories The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, Sherman Alexie expresses the dual sides of reservation life, where the Indians' desire to succeed is often ambushed by fear. This fear, one that is universal, is the fear of the unknown. .....
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The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty - Character Study Of Walter Mitty
Number of words: 448 | Number of pages: 2.... Mitty's reaction was "I don't need overshoes,"(88) but he did give
in to his wife in the end, and bought the overshoes. Another incident that
shows Walter Mitty is stubborn occurs when his wife told him to put his
gloves on, then Walter Mitty puts them on, but when his wife is out of site
he took them off immediately.
The most obvious trait of Walter Mitty is his constant day dreaming.
Throughout the whole story, Walter Mitty is being distracted easily by
everyday events. His dreams turn these simple events into wild fantasies
such as being a surgeon, bomber pilot and a captain of a sea vessel. An
example of how .....
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A Classic To Kill A Mockingbir
Number of words: 818 | Number of pages: 3.... based on the color of a man's skin. This is important because the author was not making this racism up; it was what it was like in those times. She is trying to show how ignorant and blind people can be just because of differences between them, as well as how society treats racial minorities.
During the book Scout and Jem are at an age were people around them greatly affect their thoughts, views and ideas about the world. Although Atticus tried to raise them to treat Negroes as equals, people around them affected their views on them. A good example is when Dill questioned the seemingly rude way which Mr. Gilmer treated Tom .....
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Houdini: Master Of Escape
Number of words: 661 | Number of pages: 3.... love at first sight. He and Bess are married at Coney Island the day he gives her the new dress. Often when I here of Houdini I think, and even have been told, that he died in an escape accident. That is not only untrue it is nowhere near his true means of death. During a performance one night he broke an ankle. That is when it all started. He began feeling worse everyday. He had stomach pains. He waited to late. He had a ruptured appendix and gangrene had set in. The doctors told him that he would not survive more that twelve hours. However he fought for seven days. He died at the age of fifty-two on October 31, 1926, .....
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The Lady With The Pet Dog
Number of words: 501 | Number of pages: 2.... unfaithful to her for a long time. When he meet Anna, I felt, she was the woman that he was looking for in his life. Anna is trapped between two men. One that make her feel like nothing and the other one that make her feel a live. Anna loves her husband but not in the same passion that she loves Gurov. Anna and Gurov Found love and passion in each other arms and feel like a husband and wife, both of them tried to let it go but they can not. Gurov himself tried to understand their relationship but he stop, “ he wanted to be sincere and tender.” She constantly questions his ability to respect her and love her. I don’t know i .....
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The Great Gatsby: Daisy's Love
Number of words: 1253 | Number of pages: 5.... to be one of the very top priorities in her life, and everyone that
she surrounds herself with, including her daughter, seem to accept this as mere
fact with her. She lives in one of the most elite neighborhoods in the state, in
one of the most elegant houses described in the book, and intends very much for
her daughter to grow up much like she has. "And I hope she'll be a fool --
that's the best thing a girl can be in this world today, a beautiful little
fool." (Fitzgerald 24) She raves repeatedly of boats and large windows and halls
where many a extravagant party is held. This only stands remind of her reliance
on material goods .....
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