Frequestly Asked Questions
How do I join iEssays?
Joining is quick and easy. Just go to our signup page and select your desired method of payment and length of membership. Your subscription is active immediately after you submit payment. No waiting!
How much does it cost?
The price depends on the length of membership. There are discounts for paying 3 and 6 months in advance.
Do I really get access to all the essays for one low price?
Yes! Your membership gives you full access to all the papers with no additional fees. Get the most for your money. Use the extra money you saved from the other sites for pizza and beer.
Can I turn in the essays I download?
No. This is plagiarism. You should not turn in any paper that you did not write yourself.
Is it safe to order online?
Yes. All your billing information is encrypted before it is sent over the internet. If you see the yellow lock in your browser, no one will be able to see your information as it is sent to the payment processor.
What does 'recurring billing' mean?
Recurring billing is like your phone or internet service where your subscription is active until you cancel it. You can cancel anytime you want.
How do I cancel my membership?
To cancel your membership, just go to the cancellation page.
I am having trouble logging in. What is wrong?
Be sure that you are entering your login details exactly as provided. Your username and password are case-sensitive. If you are still having problems, please email us.
I forgot my password. What can I do?
You can retrieve your username and password at anytime by going to the forgot password page.
What is your privacy policy?
We respect our customer's privacy and will not share or sell your information to a third party.