Papers on Creative Writing
Creative Writing: Mayor Of Casterbridge
Number of words: 535 | Number of pages: 2.... stubborn. When he would at
first be refused, he would insist upon a chance to prove his worthiness by
performing some task for the shopkeeper. Most simply refused, but at some
places it got him in the door to speak as best he could on his own behalf. It
was near the end of the street that one shopkeeper agreed to take on Henchard's
services, but only after he had insisted on delivering a package for the man to
a customer across town. When he returned, the shopkeeper offered to pay him for
his general labor, but at a rate that was far below anything necessary to
subsist upon. Henchard, though disappointed, argued the value of h .....
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Personal Biography Of Sean McEndree
Number of words: 534 | Number of pages: 2.... for a long time. They cared for each other sincerely. They both joined soccer teams at the age of six or seven. And when it was time to begin school, they shared a special bond.
Sean went to first grade through fourth with his sister at Glenwood School. He still played soccer with his friends. But then they changed to Saint Joseph School before fifth grade. Sean's younger sister named Casey was attending First grade at this school. Here, Sean clicked with his classmates and soon became well known. He accepted everyone for who they were, and everyone accepted him for who he was. Still playing soccer, he joined the basketball t .....
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Personal Writing: The Cliff
Number of words: 486 | Number of pages: 2.... cliff,
it seemed to be the most level surface and the best view. As we looked up
we could see the stars, thousands and thousands of them. The distinctive
Milky Way right over had looked like a highway of stars stuck in rush-hour
I shined my flashing over the edge down toward the river bed but my light
never made it that far.I Could see the stars jumping up and down in the
reflection of the running water and hear the tackling sound echo up the
cliff walls.
I laid back with my head resting on my backpack staring up searching
for familiar constellations. As Mark passed a metal flask to me I uncapped
it and with one whiff knew .....
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Down With Community Service
Number of words: 464 | Number of pages: 2.... that are about to graduate high school are
planning to go to college after they graduate. I also asked them about
doing community service. Most of them said that they would be getting a
job, and they would not have time to do community service. My survey has
brought me to the conclusion that students who are thinking about going to
college should not be thinking about doing two years of community service.
Community service is detrimental to college students. I was
talking on the phone with my cousin, Waldo, who lives in Rhode Island. We
got to talking about the community service subject. He told me that there
is a law in P .....
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Personal Writing: On My Time
Number of words: 1406 | Number of pages: 6.... best position to be in is about
fourth or fifth band because that is when the crowd starts getting into the
music. Pissed off I haphazardly wandered back to my group to inform them
of my greatest mistake.
We loaded the equipment into the worlds slowest elevator, and
stumbled our way to the backstage lounge. After I had read graffiti
covered walls until my heart was content I noticed much writing by some of
my favorite groups like Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Mansion, Korn, and The
Dead Milkmen. Inspired by them I also signed the wall with some chosen
words. The time had rolled around for the first band to hit the stage. .....
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Creative Essay: Moldy Bread
Number of words: 437 | Number of pages: 2.... in long term mould digesting, but they state they are not 100% sure, as further tests are to be held. A man was seen leaving the A Crock research centre Late yesterday afternoon, but would not comment on his identity or part in researching the bacterial growth. With the crowd of reporters surrounding him, he seemed to find it hard to shut his car door with his third arm. People have been observed acting strange since this news was released, not just in America but in Australia too. Mr N Cubator of Darwin Australian was reported to have stated this to authorities, after making several certain disturbances outside the Darwin Po .....
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A Camera's Eye
Number of words: 621 | Number of pages: 3.... eyes go back to the girl in front of me. I can't stray too long,
I'll be caught surveying my surroundings and accused of not paying
attention. I bring my focus back to her eyes and then her mouth. A close
up of her lips would be a good shot. Forming each word, detailed curves
and slopes. I've captured the shot.
I've been told before that I see the world through the eye of a
viewfinder. I actually like that view. As a filmmaker I am constantly
alert and searching for the perfect lighting, the perfect angles, and
shots. I think that makes me a person with a mind equipped to see beauty
and art in otherwise menial things. Like a pa .....
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Creative Writing: Letter To Mom From Jewish Man During The Holocaust
Number of words: 400 | Number of pages: 2.... a lucky survivor, but they ended up finding me, and I
along with many other Jews were taken to where I am now, Auschwitz. Here
they have shaved our heads, took our clothing, and both men and women are
viscously beaten if not killed for no reason, besides that fact that we are
Jews. Also men and women are separated, along with the women being
separated from there children.
I have been told that today is my last, so I just wanted to tell
you that I love you and will always be watching over you. Please don’t tell
anyone of the information I have just given you. All anyone can do now is
just pray that this nightmare will soon be ov .....
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Personal Writing: "Do You Want To Go To Space Camp This Summer?"
Number of words: 735 | Number of pages: 3.... if I only talked with
Japanese friends. On the second day, we were divided into teams with three
to five Americans on a team. I tried to use my poor English to make
American friends, but it was really difficult. First, I could not even
introduce myself without looking at my note book in which I had written a
few sentences down. Second, the Americans had never had any Asian friends,
so they were surprised when I bowed, and they asked me many questions.
They tried to understand my English, which sometimes took a few minute,
even to ask where the bathroom was. In fact, one of these friends still
writes me a couple of times a .....
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Creative Writing: The Pearl - Continuation
Number of words: 573 | Number of pages: 3.... Tomas and his wife Apolonia said that they would
gladly take care of him. She thanked them and went back to Kino. He had just
finished packing. He then grabbed a few corn cakes and they started on their
long journey.
As they arrived in the city they had found that it had almost entirely
changed. The streets were more crowded, the stores were getting more business,
and all in all was more modern. Kino walked up to a young looking man and asked
where the pearl buyers were located. The man didn't answer he just walked away.
Kino thought that this particularly strange. Back at La Paz anyone would have
been glad to give Kino direc .....
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