Papers on English
Dress Code
Number of words: 358 | Number of pages: 2.... clothes in fashion for boys and girls which are not appropriate for school
dress. Good taste and common sense should dictate parental and student choice of school
clothes. The school will determine what is not appropriate dress, even if it conforms to
current fashion. Also, school dress should not be viewed as a daily fashion show.
In this essay I had many compelling reason why there should be dress codes for
students. I think that schools should have dress codes because it they can help people
save money on other clothes such as brand name clothes, theses clothes can be very
expensive and many kids steal them. Baggy clothes .....
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Hamlet As A Madman
Number of words: 1401 | Number of pages: 6.... and future king, Hamlet would most likely want to avoid a civil war. Even though Claudius is a murderer, and probably not as noble a king as Hamlet Sr. was, he is still a king. Hamlet realizes that Claudius brings order to Denmark and in killing him he will plunge his country into the darkness of chaos.
On top of this dilemma, Hamlet cannot share his feelings with his mother or his girlfriend. While the first is literally sleeping with the enemy, the latter has chosen the side of her father (and Claudius). Ophelia is in a difficult position, being torn between her father and her lover.
All of these things amass a great dea .....
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Animal Farm
Number of words: 1122 | Number of pages: 5.... terrorize the other animals. Napoleon symbolizes the dictator Joseph Stalin in this world.
He is a pig that fights with Napoleon over the power on the farm. He is a very energetic, eloquent speaking, brilliant leader who organizes the defense of the farm. Napoleons jealousness of him makes him try to kill Snowball. Snowball flees the area and every misfortune in Animal Farm after that is blamed on him. He represents Leon Trotsky in this story.
He is a short, fat, twinkle eyed pig who is a brilliant talker. He justifies the horrible actions of Napoleon and most of the animals buy into it. He has a sly, persuas .....
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Huckleberry Finn 19th Century
Number of words: 1691 | Number of pages: 7.... choices, Huck is pounded by his society’s teachings the black men are property. When Huck first escapes from Pap and sets up camp on Jackson Island, he finds Jim has also found refuge there from the widow and Mrs. Watson. Huck is stunned at first when Jim tells him he escaped, because Huck knows that Jim is Miss Watson’s rightful property. “People would call me a low-down Abolitionist and despise me for keeping mum,”(pg.43) Huck knows that if he helped Jim that would make him an Abolitionist, which was not exactly an accepted role in the 19th century. Huck decides that he would help Jim escape, as he .....
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Number of words: 1765 | Number of pages: 7.... He finds the controversy around the mystery of the boy's conception amusing. He employs his own son as one of his servants, as his "lackey." Although incredible attention to detail is paid to the story of Lizaveta, Dostoevsky waits to speak of the boy himself. It is as if the author is all ready separating this last son. Dostoevsky claims to not want to go into detail about so as not to distract the reader from the story. However, it is an intention set-up on the part of the author.
When we finally learn more of this mysterious character, it is not until four chapters later. Dostoevsky is oddly able to summarize the charac .....
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Julius Caesar - Citizen Of Rome
Number of words: 2164 | Number of pages: 8.... Caesar is about to take place. Brutus will explain his reasons
for murdering Caesar, which will surely be logical. Then, Mark Antony
will be delivering a speech, and conducting the funeral rites. The
funeral speech, or Laudatio Funebris, is a common Roman custom. This
funeral promises to be chaotic, and I am not sure what is to come for
Brutus is about to speak. My co-worker at the local bakery, Ragorius,
says aloud what many of us Roman citizens are thinking. He says, "We
will be satisfied; let us be satisfied." I am anxious to hear Brutus'
speech, for I am very curious to hear the justification of t .....
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Oliver Twist
Number of words: 675 | Number of pages: 3.... to London and comes in the world of thieves. When he finally meets a friendly person (Mr. Brownlow) he is then kidnapped by the thieves. In the end he finds a good home and also finds out who his parents were and inherits a sum of money.
I found Oliver Twist to be a very exciting, suspenseful, sorrowful, and interesting novel. I would recommend the novel to anyone who likes a hard to put down book about hardships, and sorrow but with a happy ending. I recommend the book because you really get into the novel, feeling what Oliver goes through and you also feel a strong hatred to people who mistreat Oliver.
I do thi .....
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Canterbury Tales Wife Of Bath
Number of words: 426 | Number of pages: 2.... her in the sense that he is like a 'slave' and she will 'command' over
him.. This quotation seems as if the Wife of Bath is leaning toward
the feministic opinion.
"Nevertheless, since I know your pleasure I'll satisfy your
physical pleasure." This was said by the Wife of Bath and supports
the non-feministic view. The reason this is considered non-feministic
is because the woman is giving in to the man's desire which goes
against feministic beliefs. The Wife of Bath has a choice of not
giving in to the man, but she decides to let the man have pleasure for
his desire not hers, because she ha .....
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In Dubious Battle
Number of words: 1630 | Number of pages: 6.... in exchange for picking his crop for free. London is charismatic, and takes the ideas from Mac to lead the strike. What will be the fate of the strikers, and what will Jim accomplish with his newly acquired skills?
Sketch 1
Jim Nolan is a character who has always been angry at some type of institution throughout his life, which causes him to join the "Party." He is young, and goes from being an apprentice to a leader. He is keen and brave, which emanate from his innate leadership ability.
Sketch 2
Mac McLeod is a seasoned veteran of the "red" work, as he knows more about fieldwork than anyone else does. .....
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King Lear
Number of words: 1998 | Number of pages: 8.... kingdom to his daughters as a form of reward to his
test of love.
"Great rivals in our youngest daughter's love,
Long in our court have made their amorous
And here are to be answered. Tell me, my
(Since now we will divest us both of rule,
Interest of territory, cares of state),
Which of you shall we say doth love us most?
That we our largest bounty may extend
where nature doth with merit challenge."
(Act I, Sc i, Ln 47-53)
This is the first and most significant of the many sins that
he makes in this play. By abdicating his throne to fuel his
ego he is disrupts the great chain of being which states
that .....
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