Papers on English
Beowulf: Heroism
Number of words: 1050 | Number of pages: 4.... Throughout the poem, the author allows the reader to see, in action, the true workings of heroes. Men and women who cast aside their own personal needs and desires for the better of others. During this time society sustained a strong honor code. The actions that an individual amassed over their lifetime was the title by which they were known to the rest of the land, both good and bad. A lot was asked of rulers concerning the protection and expansion of the empire, Kings and Queens were known by their conquests and control of the subjects around them. In the prologue we are introduced to a loved and heroic King by the name of Shild .....
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The Transformation Of Nora2
Number of words: 1112 | Number of pages: 5.... twittering out there?\" (1). \"Is it my little squirrel bustling about?\" (2). A lark is a happy, carefree bird, and if you are to squirrel away something, you are hiding or storing it, kind of like what Nora is doing with her bag of macaroons. It seems childish that Nora must hide things such as macaroons from her husband, but if she didn\'t and he found out, she would be deceiving him and going against his wishes which would be socially wrong.
As the play goes on, Nora seems to transform from her delicate little character into something much more. At the end of act one, Krogstad goes to Nora for the recollection of .....
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Imagery In Macbeth
Number of words: 556 | Number of pages: 3.... recurs that Macbeth's new honours sit ill upon him, like a loose and badly fitting garment, belonging to someone else:
New honours come upon him,
Like our strange garments, cleave not to their mould,
But with the aid of use.
The second, most important chain of imagery used to add to the atmosphere is that of the imagery of darkness. In a Shakespearean tragedy a special tone, or atmosphere must be created to show the darkness and blackness in a tragedy. In Macbeth, Shakespeare uses the design of the witches, the guilt in Macbeth's soul, and the darkness of the night to establish the atmosphere. All of the remarka .....
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Shakespeare - Globe Theater
Number of words: 562 | Number of pages: 3.... such as gunpowder explosions and the beating of a pan to simulate thunder.
The stage itself was also remarkably versatile. Behind it were doors for exits and entrances and a curtained booth or alcove useful for actors to hide inside. Above the stage was a higher acting area which symbolized a porch or balcony. This was useful in the story of Romeo and Juliet, when Romeo stood below Juliet and told her how he loved her. In the stage floor was a trap door which was said to lead to "hell" or a cellar, this was especially useful for ghosts or devils who had to appear and disappear throughout the play. The stage itself was shaped in .....
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An Ounce Of Cure
Number of words: 564 | Number of pages: 3.... girl and several boys, to help her with her situation. Before she was able to cover up the ill-fated events, the couple returned home unexpectedly. She then had to explain what happened to her mother. Her mother then buys a bottle of Scotch and goes to see the couple to discuss her daughter’s actions. She was forbidden to date again until she turned sixteen and she had to pay for the bottle out of her baby-sitting money. Her reputation suffered greatly until the fall, when another girl did something even more scandalous and people forgot about her. In the end, she discovered that she was completely over the boy and s .....
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The Cause And Effect In A Very
Number of words: 750 | Number of pages: 3.... Father Gonzaga warned the townspeople, "The devil had the bad habit of making use of carnival tricks in order to confuse the unwary." Although the angel seemed to pose a threat to the townspeople, the spider woman posed no threat and could speak their language. Both the angel and the spider women intrigued the minds of the people, but affected them differently.
The events surrounding the angel caused so much interest with the townspeople that, within a few hours after the priest had been there, "Pelayo courtyard had the bustle of a marketplace, and they had to call in the troops with fixed bayonets to disperse the mob." Wi .....
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Daddy, Vampires, And Dark Hearts
Number of words: 688 | Number of pages: 3.... as Luftwaffe, panzerman, and Meinkampf look are used to descibe her father and husband as well as all male domination. The frequent use of the word black throughout the poem conveys a feeling of gloom and suffocation.
Like many women in society, we know that Plath felt oppressed and stifled throughout her life by her use of the simile "I have lived like a shoe for thirty years poor and white, barely able to breath or Achoo." The use of similes and metaphors such as "Chuffing me off like a Jew. A Jew to Dachau, Auschwitz, Belson." and "I think I may well be a Jew" clearly shows the feelings of anguished hopelessness and the rippin .....
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1984 2
Number of words: 1197 | Number of pages: 5.... The only way to completely eliminate physical opposition is to first eliminate any mental opposition. The government is trying to control our minds, as it says "thought crime does not entail death; thought crime is death." (page 27). Later in the novel the government tries even more drastic methods of control. Big Brother’s predictions in the Times are changed. The government is lying about production figures (pages 35-37). Even later in the novel, Syme’s name was left out on the Chess Committee list. He then essentially vanishes as though he had never truly existed (page 122). Though the methods and activi .....
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Brave New World - The Conflict Between Mond And The Savage
Number of words: 1700 | Number of pages: 7.... of mass production, when "the infants were unloaded".
If mass production of humans is harsh, their whole world is summed up in a few short sentences: "The world's stable now. People are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they can't get. They're well off; they're safe; they're never ill; they're not afraid of death; they're blissfully ignorant of passion and old age; they're plagued with no mothers or fathers; they've got no wives or children, or lovers to feel strongly about; they're so conditioned that they practically can't help behaving as they ought to behave. And if anything goes wrong, there's soma." .....
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Glass Menagerie 2
Number of words: 778 | Number of pages: 3.... is not what Amanda has made it seem inside the house. Also, during his reflections on the firescape he is not really separating himself from the imaginary world because that metal frame is still anchored to the apartment wall. This shows that no matter how hard Tom tries to escape he will always be 'bounded' to the apartment. His emotional attachments to Laura would permantly keep him there no matter what adventure he had chose to seek out.
With such a dull and stressful life, Tom was always looking for adventure like his father. Although it is only referred to a couple of times, the portrait of Tom's father is one of the .....
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