Papers on History
A Post-Modern Age
Number of words: 2815 | Number of pages: 11.... point, not focused on a clear goal in the future but simply changing through forces outside our control. I will first describe how "Modernity" came about, and then to indicate some of the features for which "Post-Modernity" is meant to be a reaction, response or addition to modernization.
Beginnings of Modernity:
First, I aim to give a broad historical picture against which we may understand the rise of Modernity as an idea related to science and society or as a framework for a view of rationality. We know that we experience change as either progress or transition, that is, we view our historical situation and o .....
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African Reaction
Number of words: 1077 | Number of pages: 4.... more civilized work for black women, which as a result led to a stronger economy base.
This was not the end result of the oppression that the black women would receive. They were forced to carry passes and the black women united on May 28, 1913 to vow that no matter what actions that the whites did to them they refused to carry the passes. This is known as a passive resistance. A nonviolent display by the women that frustrated the whites more than anything. The whites tried to crush the resistance many times and succeeded, but only for a short time. This resistance was finally resolved and the women were allowed to live withou .....
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Middle East And Canada
Number of words: 4558 | Number of pages: 17.... on the Mattawa would this religious item have been deemed worthy of
coverage? Or was it the newspapers' sense of the irony of these events, of their news value as symbols depicting the pervasive conflict and violence we have come
to associate with the Middle East that led to their selection for publication from the reams of teletype endlessly flowing into the editorial departments of the Canadian
press? It would seem that even when the subject matter is scientific or religious--about mice or monsignors--the press is inclined to remind its readers of the
inherently violent nature of the Middle East, and a fundamentally negative .....
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Hitler And The Nazi Party
Number of words: 795 | Number of pages: 3.... of the Treaty of Versailles. Such as redistribution of territory, reduction of Germany's fighting power and imposition of harsh conditions, which meant Germany had to pay 6600 million-pound to the Allies in 1921. Germany thought that the punishment was too harsh.
The masses in Germany were crushed by the problems that they had, especially the Treaty of Versailles, which left Germany in debt. The hyperinflation left a lot of people unemployed. People were looking for answers and someone to blame. The Nazi party had the policies that the German people wanted to hear. Hitler offered the easy answer for Germany's problems. T .....
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Attempt At Reconstruction
Number of words: 4585 | Number of pages: 17.... At this time the Congress was divided politically on issues that grew out of the Civil War: Black equality, rebuilding the South, readmitting Southern states to Union, and deciding who would control government.1 Socially, the South was in chaos. Newly emancipated slaves wandered the South after having left their former masters, and the White population was spiritually devastated, uneasy about what lay ahead. Economically, the South was also devastated: plantations lay ruined, railroads torn up, the system of slave labor in shambles, and cities burnt down. The economic condition of ex-slaves after the Civil War was just as .....
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Number of words: 2099 | Number of pages: 8.... 1901; four years later, he appointed Bonaparte to be Attorney General. In 1908, Bonaparte applied that Progressive philosophy to the Department of Justice by creating a corps of Special Agents. It had neither a name nor an officially designated leader other than the Attorney General. Yet, these former detectives and Secret Service men were the forerunners of the . 1907, the Department of Justice most frequently called upon Secret Service "operatives" to conduct investigations. These men were well-trained, dedicated -- and expensive. Moreover, they reported not to the Attorney General, but to the Chief of the Secret Service. Thi .....
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K0rean War
Number of words: 1397 | Number of pages: 6.... Democratic People's Republic of Korea. North and South Korea claimed the whole country and their troops fought several times between 1948-1950. The US removed it's troops from South Korea in 1949. It also said that Korea was outside of US defense line. North Korea saw it's chance for military action to take over South Korea.
In June 1950, North Korea surprised South Korea with an attack. At the time, the North Korean Army had 135,000 soldiers, most of them veterans of WW II. It also had airplanes, tanks, and artillery that outnumbered South Korea by three to one. On the other hand, South Korea had 65,000 combat troops who .....
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The Breakfest Club
Number of words: 696 | Number of pages: 3.... their school’s sport jackets, for geeks to wear the cardigans and khakis, bullies to wear leather jackets, weirdos to wear an assortment of clothing, and the popular girls to wear the fashion magazine trends. All of the characters are dressed in one of these ways. The soundtrack accompanying the movie was created by a very popular “top 40” band. The characters in this movie do not really display social concerns, outside of their own. They only address the concerns of their lives, none of society. The article was “right on” with these points.
The biggest and most attractive feature of Hughes’ films is the realistic .....
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A Scientific Understanding Of
Number of words: 464 | Number of pages: 2.... began questioning corrupt governments and the combination of church and state. John Locke claimed that because the people created a government, then civilians could change the run of the government. This belief, perhaps, was the most influential to colonial society. Educated and powerful political leaders began questioning their government under British rule, therefore, igniting dreams of independence. The Enlightenment theory added to the oppression of British rule led to a revolution. Although not as significant as the Enlightenment, the Great Awakening still had a deep impact on colonial society. Primarily, the conflict tha .....
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How The Decision To Declare War Was Influenced
Number of words: 797 | Number of pages: 3.... U-boats. Germany set up a submarine blockade to prevent supplies from getting to Great Britain. The U-boats destroyed many goods and supplies headed for Britain. On May 7, 1915, Germany fired on a passenger liner, the Lusitania. There were 1,198 passenger deaths, of which 128 were Americans. This prompted President Woodrow Wilson to push Germany to agree to naval warfare restrictions. By September, they agreed they would not attack passenger or non-threatening ships. In February, Germany returned to unrestricted submarine warfare. They knew this might prompt the United States to enter the war. They thought they could sta .....
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