Papers on History
Mathematical Realism And Its D
Number of words: 396 | Number of pages: 2.... mathematics, but mathematicians believe the math is something to be found, not created. Mathematicians describe math as something to observe and find not something to create and construct.
I thought this article to be very interesting. While reading this article I was swayed from one side to the other, both sides had reasonable arguments that kept me doubtful. Math can very much is considered a created thing because we have no way of knowing if it actually applies to areas out of our sight. But as long as math is in our minds we will never get away from it. As we travel the universe we will still see everything as math, wher .....
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Early National Literature
Number of words: 645 | Number of pages: 3.... bad government. The first professional novelist was Charles Brockden Brown, whose gothic and philosophical romances, beginning with Wieland (1798), anticipated Edgar Allan Poe.
Early in the 19th century, Washington IRVING gained European recognition as America's first genuine man of letters. A History of New York (1809) is a whimsical satire of pedantic historians and literary classics. His best-known tales, "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," appeared in The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent, which was published serially in 1819-20. William Cullen BRYANT emerged in the 1820s as a poet of internati .....
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Mrs. Cage (a Play)
Number of words: 914 | Number of pages: 4.... Cage paid her little attention after Elizabeth was born and this caused Lillian's slow but obvious progression from a caged woman to a madwoman. It may have begun with her ironing his shirts.
One of Mrs. Cage's favorite memories is of the times when Mr. Cage had difficult cases and needed her to bring new shirts to the courthouse. It seems her only real connection with him is in his shirts. She had obviously become obsessed even to the point where it was obvious to Elizabeth who tells her to take the shirts to the cleaners. Lillian becomes very upset with this suggestion-a sign to the audience of her rising anxiety.
Lilli .....
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Indigenous Religions Compared
Number of words: 787 | Number of pages: 3.... visiting the graves of passed loved ones. African cultures take it to the extent of setting a place at the table and food and drink. Likewise some Christians have their loved ones cremated and the ashes are placed in their home. Also many times people visit the graves of those who have passed away. Personally, I often visit the grave of my grandmother. She and I were very close, we even shared the same name. Whenever I really miss her I visit her grave. Sometimes I'll talk to her, or sometimes it just helps to sit there and think. It is a way of keeping her memory alive and helping me to cope with her being gone.
Anoth .....
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The Boston Massacre
Number of words: 326 | Number of pages: 2.... turn something small into something big. The
British soldiers were accused of Murder and manslaughter. To represent them
was John Adams, a relative of Samuel Adams. Adams wanted the trial to get
over and didn't want the truth to come out. The Boston Massacre and
misleading visual representation by Paul Revere could have been one cause
of a later war.
The Boston Massacre increased the hatred between the Americans and
the British. The radical people tried to use this minor event as propaganda.
Paul Revere and Samuel Adams were happy the few colonists died because they
used it as propaganda so the colonist would get mad at t .....
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Apartheid In South Africa 2
Number of words: 1080 | Number of pages: 4.... they own 86.3% of the land. However, it must be said that the Afrikaaners are entitled to the Orange Free State and Transvaal, as they were first to use it after the Great Trek of 1836.
The average South African White earns eight times as much as the average black man. Coloureds earn three times as much as blacks while coloureds earn well over half of what whites earn.
During Apartheid, media censorship was at an all time high. People were even banned from showing Soweto on television. It was common to see a newspaper shut down, and then start again after being halted by the government.
Up until 1985, mixed marriages were ban .....
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Medea And The Chorus
Number of words: 561 | Number of pages: 3.... happened in many
places of the story. The characters that the chorus took on were the first
woman, second and third woman. All of them introduced new characters in
order to move the play along smoothly. Such as in 1.29 when second woman
and third woman introduce Creon when he arrives on the scene to talk to
Medea. "Medea beware! Some great person is coming. It is Creon himself!"
And," Creon is coming." These two examples clearly show how the chorus
introduce the entrances of characters in the play. Or when on 1.256, when the
women introduce the entrance of Jason, Medea's husband. "Look: who is
coming? I see the sunlight .....
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Black And Yellow Perils In Col
Number of words: 1837 | Number of pages: 7.... the paranoia concerning 'yellow' and especially 'black' perils in imperial Africa, and also enhanced worries concerning racial degeneration. The result of this and one or two other isolated incidents, was that women were forbidden to attend the majority of any subsequent exhibitions, if not nationally, then certainly in the London area.
The appearance of scientific racism in the second half of the nineteenth century, the basis for which was social Darwinism and anatomical measurement, enabled white colonists to justify their belief in their own racial superiority. Once this superiority had been established, the idea of maintaini .....
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History Of The Far East
Number of words: 2879 | Number of pages: 11.... treasures - Buddha, the Law ( Darma ) and the monastic order, Buddha was a human figure, not a god , although there weren't any written accounts of his life until centuries after his death, it is believed he was born a prince and brought up in luxury, his life changed once he saw an old man, a sick man and a dead man in successive outings from his palace, this changed his outlook on life which he viewed as inevitably filled with suffering ( Schirokauer, 79 ), after Buddha resisted temptation under the wisdom ( Bodhi ) tree , there was a suitable cosmic response, the whole Earth swayed and blossoms rained from heaven ( Schirokauer, .....
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Bosnia 2
Number of words: 266 | Number of pages: 1.... Croatia, and Serbia as well as other international heads of state. Bosnian Serb nationalists were absent because they would have been arrested of war crimes and genocide if they came to Paris. France signed the agreement two days after two of its pilots shot down over Bosnia during the summer were released by their Serb captors. France threatened unspecified consequences if the men were not released.
The three major ethnic groups of Bosnia- Herzegovina are Muslim, Serb, and Croat. Serbs make up 32% of the population, Muslim 44%, and Croat 17%, and the other percent is other inhabitants.
Serbs, in 1992 dominated 55% of the .....
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