Papers on History
Cival Rights Act 1964
Number of words: 1993 | Number of pages: 8.... in America, a voice that the government could no longer ignore. The government finally answered on July 2nd with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is historically significant because it stands as a defining piece of civil rights legislation, being the first time the national government had declared equality for blacks. The civil rights movement was a campaign led by a number of organizations, supported by many individuals, to end discrimination and achieve equality for American Blacks (Mooney 776). The forefront of the struggle came during the 1950's and the 1960's when the feeling of oppression inten .....
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The Shining
Number of words: 927 | Number of pages: 4.... to the individual. In fact, the film begins with a majestic shot of the Rocky Mountains showing its beauty and height. The beauty of nature and even friendliness of nature changes as the film develops. As the movie progresses the snow still seems white and pure, almost virgin like, but nature becomes an isolating force, not providing the family with a retreat from the pressures of modern life, but forcing the family to turn in on its dysfunctional and psychopathic self. Imprisoned by the snow and the tall mountains , the family seems weak and vulnerable.
Nature has no compassion for the plight of the family, nor is it a malici .....
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Rise Of Communism
Number of words: 848 | Number of pages: 4.... overthrew the provisional government.
Over the next few years, Russia went through a traumatic time of civil war and turmoil. The Bolsheviks’ Red Army fought the white army of farmers, etc. against Lenin and his ways. Lenin and the Bolsheviks won and began to wean Russia of non-conforming parties eventually banning all non-communist as well as removing an assembly elected shortly after the Bolshevik’s gain of power. Lenin’s strict government, however, was about to get a lot stricter with his death in 1924.
After the death of Lenin, his chief lieutenant Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin fought for control of the country. Stal .....
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Malcom X And Charles Sheldon
Number of words: 361 | Number of pages: 2.... to reach the people.
Malcolm X however, had a different agenda than that of Charles Sheldon. Malcolm was viewed by most Americans as a radical, many people say him as a black that was ready to speak his mind to the world. Malcolm’s mouth got him in trouble with Elijah Muhammad and was silenced for 90 days after his comments following the death of John F. Kennedy.
Malcolm was by no means a person who was out to make friends. Not only did Malcolm make the general public question his comments, but also the Black Islam community was ashamed that Malcolm would say those comments in front of entire nation that “idolized” Joh .....
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The History Of The Ku Klux Klan
Number of words: 380 | Number of pages: 2.... and employed violence to scare its enemies.
After 1921 the Klan grew rapidly in membership and influence, “In a six month period from 1920 to October 1921 the Klan added 100,000 new members, And made one and a half million dollars from the sale of robes, ritual equipment and other paraphernalia.” It was only ten dollars for a membership. “A 1924 estimate of its membership was as high as 3 million.”
In 1944 the Klan formally split up when it was unable to pay taxes owed the federal government. After World War II, widespread public sentiment developed for the suppression of the organization. It broke down into numero .....
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Operation Desert Storm
Number of words: 360 | Number of pages: 2.... what so ever against the mighty military of the United
States and its allies.On the final night of the war, within hours of the cease fire towards United States, Air force bombers dropped specially designed, 5000 pound bombs on a command bunker fifteen miles northwest of Baghdad in a deliberate attempt to kill Saddam Hussein.During the very week, King Fahd was persuaded to invite the United States troops to Saudi Arabia in order to defend his monarchy from the alleged threat of Iraqi invasion. General H. Norman Schwaszkopf secretly sent an intelligence officer to Kuwait reported that Iraq had began withdrawing its Republica .....
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Battles Of World War One
Number of words: 854 | Number of pages: 4.... across Belgium
and Luxembourg, and then into a giant wheel South into France.
This plan accepted the risks of an early Russian attack on the
eastern front, so when the French destroyed it the German
objective wasn't attained and it left the Russians with an open
window for an attack. The Russians took this opportunity and
attacked, which brings us to our second most important battle.
The Russians sent two armies into Germany that met in
Tannenberg. Due to an error one army arrived before the
other, but still had superior numbers. The battle of
Tannenberg was a lot like the First battle of the Marne. In it
and over .....
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Kosovo History
Number of words: 798 | Number of pages: 3.... number of possible options.
On 13 October 1998, following a deterioration of the situation, the NATO Council authorised Activation Orders for air strikes. This move was designed to support diplomatic efforts to make the Milosevic regime withdraw forces from Kosovo, cooperate in bringing an end to the violence and facilitate the return of refugees to their homes. At the last moment, following further diplomatic initiatives including visits to Belgrade by NATO's Secretary General Solana, US Envoys Holbrooke and Hill, The Chairman of NATO's Military Committee, General Naumann, and the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Cla .....
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The Steam Engine
Number of words: 1974 | Number of pages: 8.... (The Penetration of the Industry by Steam Power) The mine owners “worried…that the mines would have to be shut down unless water could be pumped out of the shafts.” “The engine successfully raised water from the bottom of deep mines.” (Siegel, 17) This saved the shutting down of the mines, which were essential to further the economy. Not only did save the mines, it provided a method of mining that proved to be extremely quicker than the traditional techniques. One of the biggest incomes for the British was found in their textile industry. In the textile industry, the domestic system presented many problems for me .....
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History Of Bikes
Number of words: 800 | Number of pages: 3.... so tall, the bicycle was unstable and many people
wouldn’t try it.
In 1885, J. K. Starley, an English bicycle manufacturer, producted the first commercially successful bicycle. It was much lower than the penny-Farthing with two wheels of the equal size, making the bicycle much more stable. It was the first bicycle that incorporated the design and parts of today’s bike. Later, the iron tires were replaced with solid rubber tires and patented name “bicycle” was given to it.
Years later, with the coming of the industrial revolution, the bicycle industry lost ground and almost disappeared. The 1900’s brought th .....
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