Papers on Legal Issues
Medical Malpractice
Number of words: 1671 | Number of pages: 7.... to
the patient. 3) Causal Connection. Your failure to correctly diagnose,
("duty" you "breached") the duty due and owing to the patient and as a direct
and proximate cause of your breach, caused damages. 4) Damages. The result of
your failure to diagnose correctly, the patient sustained damages in the form of
an additional hospital stay, complications that may or may not be of a permanent
and continuing nature. (Brooten Jr., Kenneth E. p. 1) Negligence is the most
common civil suit filed against doctors. Liability for negligence will not be
found unless the following factors are present: (a) the defendant must owe a
du .....
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Setting Up A Dummy Corporation...
Number of words: 3225 | Number of pages: 12.... as well as any of them!
Almost every company in America will ship you goods on credit if you project the
right image, ask the right questions and have the right answers...People will
kiss your ass if they think you have great wealth. The best resturants will seat
you "up front" if they think "you're a player". Why not? Sounds good to me...
Is this method for acquiring material things legal? Hell no! But half the shit
Big Brother does to us everyday isn't legal either...Want to ride around town in
a big black imported car for free? How about a brand new Pentium computer for
the office? The kids want Mopeds? Nooooooo problem! Pay .....
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Quick Look At Gun Control
Number of words: 451 | Number of pages: 2.... to occur.
It is a proven fact that handguns have been the murder weapon of
choice. Guns are involved in half of all homicide cases. People
believe that society has relied on weapons that create harm and
criminals. Therefore, these weapons should be outlawed.
However, law abiding citizens have the right to protect
themselves against danger. Due to the ownership of guns, burglaries
have reduced considerably. A gun is a tool, guns don't kill people.
People kill people. The matter depends on who is using the gun, and
what situat .....
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Lysergic Acid Diethlamide (LSD)
Number of words: 416 | Number of pages: 2.... amounts, one can die of an overdose of LSD.
Psychologically, LSD has a tremendous effect on a person. LSD is an
unpredictable drug in which the effects are different each time it is ingested.
A person under the influence of LSD ifs flooded with visual experience, as much
when the eyes are closed as when open. Light is greatly intensified; colors are
vivid and seem to glow; images are numerous and persistent, yielding a wide
range of illusions and hallucinations; details are sharp; perception of spaced
is enhanced; music may evoke visual expressions, and light may give the
impressions of sound. Quite often, mood swings occur .....
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History And Uses Of Marijuana
Number of words: 817 | Number of pages: 3.... of its
3,000 year history, however, shows that this "explosion" has been
characteristic only of the contemporary scene. The plant has been
grown for fiber and as a source of medicine for several thousand
years, but until 500~ AD its use as a mind-altering drug was almost
solely confined in India. The drug and its uses reached the Middle and
Near East during the next several centuries, and then moved across
North Africa, appeared in Latin America and the Caribbean, and finally
entered the United States in the early decades of this century.
Marijuana can .....
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How Should The United States Treat Todays Criminals?
Number of words: 691 | Number of pages: 3.... receiving the death penalty, but the “
Medical Model” would have sentenced this inmate to a number of
rehabilitation programs believing that this decision to take human life was
caused by the environment that the inmate lived in.
Unlike the “Medical Model” the “Justice Model’” will not sentence a person
to rehabilitation, but it will provide rehabilitation programs and certain
incentives to participate in them. The belief of the “Justice Model” is
that a person cannot be forced to rehabilitate his/her self. Statistics
have proven that if people are forced into rehabilitation they will do what
is necessary to ge .....
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Legalizing Marijuana
Number of words: 1291 | Number of pages: 5.... number of people in the United States who believe that marijuana should not be legalized. There are many reasons that people feel this was, and one is because of marijuana's short-term effects. A person who smokes marijuana will usually have problems with memory and leaning, trouble with thinking and problem solving, and suffer loss of coordination. All of these effects can affect a person's performance at work, school, or during sports.
Another reason people think marijuana should not be legalized is its long-term effects. There are four major long-term effects of marijuana use. The first one is that marijuana smoke conta .....
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Gun Control In The U.S.
Number of words: 543 | Number of pages: 2.... problem with this method of gun control is that it stops the ordinary citizen from purchasing a gun on the whim, but it actually protects the common criminal. Underage buyers and other delinquents can purchase mass quantities of weapons through "dummy buyers" that have clean backgrounds. So if a burglar enters a house with full intention to maim or kill, the innocent victim (who can't get a gun to protect his family because he was arrested for drunk driving seven years ago) is simply a victim of a law that supports black market trade. There are over 200 million registered guns in circulation (Larson), and they are the o .....
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Marijuana: The Untold Story
Number of words: 764 | Number of pages: 3.... piece entitled Hemp for Victory. The campaign was born because their main hemp suppliers The Philippine and East India were taken over by Japan. The military had many uses for hemp such as; parachutes, uniforms, and tents. The fabric canvas’s name was derived from cannabis, the main fiber that is used to manufacture canvas. The fibers from the bark of marijuana plants are used to make a great variety of textile products, including coarse fabrics, ropes, sailcloth, and packing clothe. The oil in hemp seed contains LA, and LNA amino acid which, rarely are found in the present day fast food diet, are the essential building blocks .....
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The Need For Capital Punishment
Number of words: 773 | Number of pages: 3.... lenghthly appeal process. Once all the appeals have failed,
it soon is time, and you will be moved to a holding cell. There you will
be offered your final mean, of your choice. Your last visitors arrive,
first your lawyer, your family members and at last a preist who prays with
you. You take your final glance around the room, as you are lead to
another room close by, the execution room. A few prison officials are
present to witness your execution. In a matter of moments it's over.
You could have been Gary Gilmore, Ted Bundy or Charles Brooks, all
famous serial killers. Maybe you were the first women to die by lethel
injec .....
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