Papers on Health and Medicine
Abortion: A Women's Right And Choice
Number of words: 1413 | Number of pages: 6.... girls younger than
15 jumped 18 percent. The rate among minority teens climbed from 186 per
1,000 to 189 per 1,000.
The most popular procedure involved in abortions is the vacuum
aspiration which is done during the first trimester (three months or less
since the women has become pregnant). A tube is simply inserted through the
cervix and the contents of the uterus are vacuumed out. The most commonly
used type of second trimester abortion is called dilation and evacuation.
Since the fetus has bones, bulk and can move, second trimester is not as
simple. When as much of the fetus and placenta are vacuumed out then
tweezers are us .....
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Von Willebrand’s Disease
Number of words: 2937 | Number of pages: 11.... properly when blood vessels are injured, therefor it takes longer for a blood clot to form. In some patients, the factor VIII (the anti-hemophilic factor that helps blood clot) is also reduced, and blood clotting is severally impaired. In patients with hemophilia, the primary problem is the decrease or absents the factor VIII, while the von Willebrand factor is normal.
Erik von Willebrand, who lived in Helsinki, Finland, founded in 1924. Who described a new type of bleeding disorder in the inhabitants of the Åland Islands is the Gulf of Bothnia, which is located between Sweden and Finland. This disorder was found to affect b .....
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Lucid Dreaming
Number of words: 1907 | Number of pages: 7.... 10 percent) are the result of returning to REM sleep directly from an
awakening with unbroken reflective consciousness (LaBerge, 1985). These types of
lucid dreams occur most often during daytime napping. If the napper has been REM
deprived from a previous night of little sleep their chances of having a REM
period at sleep onset are increased. If the napper is able to continue his or
her train of thought up to the point of sleep, a lucid dream may develop due to
an immediate REM period.
The basic definition of lucid dreaming requires nothing more than the
dreamer becoming aware that they are dreaming. However, the .....
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Number of words: 784 | Number of pages: 3.... there was a way to go back in time and change the past so that our present will be normal. As normal as a 15 year old girl should be. With problems relating to boys and meeting assignment deadlines, rather than the hard stuff. The kind of stuff a baby would otherwise provide to her with open arms.
Unfortunately there isn’t, so we were left with the option of ending the baby’s life. This course of action was in the best interest for everybody involved. The baby would’ve been better off, as a 15 year old girl is too young to properly take care of a baby. As well as concentrate full time with her studies.
So I ask yo .....
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Teens And Suicide
Number of words: 922 | Number of pages: 4.... or to someone they feel they can trust. Listen to their feelings let them know that someone is here for them. Do not give advice or feel obligated to find simple solutions. Just try to imagine being in their place, dealing with the feelings and emotions they are feeling. When talking with your child, don’t’ let their actions or words scare you. If you feel you know what it is like, share your feelings too. Let them know that they are not alone.(When a Child Talks of Suicide)
Studies show that suicide attempts among young people may be based on long standing problems triggered by a specific event. Suicidal teens may view .....
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The Search For Inner Peace
Number of words: 975 | Number of pages: 4.... make myself leave.” (Ehrlich 156). Ehrlich was drawn to the vastness of nothing. Later in the essay she says, “Its absolute indifference steadied me.” (Ehrlich 157)
Without the presence of fellow people, one must look into oneself for company. It is here when one is able to look into oneself and find harmony in one’s life. As a resident of Wyoming, Ehrlich is able to almost meditate much like monks and Buddhists. From personal experience I have found that much like Ehrlich solitude in an open area helps me think about problems troubling me and allows me to look into myself. Ehrlich shows just how solitude .....
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Japanese Medicine
Number of words: 950 | Number of pages: 4.... 2,500 years ago, in the mountains of Northern China, Taoist priests practiced Qi labeling it the vital life force. They believed that this source was inseperable from life itself. Through Traditional Chinese medicine it is phylosophized that Qi is displayed as both yin “interior”, and yang “exterior”. According to the Chinese Qi exists in all opposites we experience, such as hot and cold, and night and day. Although yin and yang are looked upon as opposites, they are actually inseperable. The recognition of one is necessary to the recognition of the other. This view of the world leads them to believe that yin/yang m .....
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Resuscitation From Severe Hemorrhage
Number of words: 431 | Number of pages: 2.... the optimal treatment.
Half of the deaths that occur annually are due to acute illness or injury, and are associated with circulatory failure or shock. Some of these deaths could be avoided by the proper monitoring. The present technology is the monitoring early in the temporal course of an acute illness to observe the cardiac index, oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption. In the future, a possibility for a very effective non-invasive monitoring device, would be one which can provide the following cardiac output readings: pulse oximetry for estimating arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturationas a reflection of pul .....
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Two Sides Of The Brain
Number of words: 1107 | Number of pages: 5.... of life.
Most people, if they thought about it, would identify more with
their left brain. In fact, many of us think we are our left brains. All
of that non-stop verbalization that goes on in our heads is the dominant
left brain talking to itself. Our culture- particularly our school system
with its emphasis on the three Rs (decidedly left-brain territory) -
effectively represses the intuitive and artistic right brain. If you don't
believe it, see how far you get at the office with the right brain activity
of daydreaming.
As you read, your left-side is sensibly making connections and
analysing the meaning of .....
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Number of words: 1647 | Number of pages: 6.... either of these functions,
antibiotics must be brought into contact with the bacteria.
It is believed that antibiotics interfere with the surface of bacteria
cells, causing a change in their ability to reproduce. Testing the action
of an antibiotic in the laboratory shows how much exposure to the drug is
necessary to halt reproduction or to kill the bacteria. Although a large
amount of an antibiotic taken at one time might kill the bacteria causing
an illness, such a dose usually would make the person suffer from illness
caused by the drug. Therefore, antibiotics are given in a series of
smaller amounts. This assures that .....
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