Papers on Health and Medicine
Euthanasia: An Overview
Number of words: 1599 | Number of pages: 6.... point to three main arguments which I
will mention only for the purposes of refuting them. First, many cite the
Hippocratic oath which reads, "I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked,
nor suggest any such counsel" as a reason to oppose euthanasia. Clearly, the
Hippocratic oath does condemn the practice, however, I do not find this as
reason enough to reject the moral permissibility of euthanasia. If the premise
of the oath is flawed (i.e., if it is morally permissible for a physician to
assist in suicide), then a physician should not be prohibited from assisting in
suicide simply because of an oath. Indeed, i .....
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Alzheimer's Disease
Number of words: 1285 | Number of pages: 5.... which are not found in normal brain matter. These three are
called neurofibrillary tangles, neuritic plagues and granulovacuolar
A nerve cell has numerous axons and dendrites coming out of it. A
neurofibrillary tangle is when the neuron changes. A number of dendrites are
missing and the nucleus is filled with protein filaments resembling steel wool.
Although all elderly people has a few of these helix shaped bundles in
their brain for they are normal indicators of aging, Alzheimer's patients has
more than usual. Their presence usually in the frontal and temporal lobes is a
indication of AD.
Senile .....
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Number of words: 1012 | Number of pages: 4.... or extremely serious injury to the mother. Unfortunately, there is no consensus of when that event occurs.
Many people believe that happens at conception. That is, a just-fertilized egg is a full human being and should be protected as such. Some hold this belief because of their religious faith. Their religion teaches that a soul enters the fertilized egg at the instant of conception, and the cell becomes a human person at that time because of the presence of the soul.
Others point out that shortly after conception, a unique DNA code is formed which will remain unchanged through the life of the fetus, and throughout the p .....
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Number of words: 2286 | Number of pages: 9.... that the first cases of AIDS in the
United States probably occurred in 1977.
By early 1982, 15 states, the District of Columbia, and 2 foreign
countries had reports of AIDS cases, however the total remained low: 158 men and
1 woman. Surprising enough more then 90 percent of the men were homosexual or
bisexual. Knowing this more then 70 percent of AIDS victims are homosexual or
bisexual men, and less then 5 percent are heterosexual adults. Amazing enough
by December of 1983 there were 3,000 cases of AIDS that had been reported in
adults from 42 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, and the
disease had been recognized .....
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The Controversial Issue Of Doctor-Assisted Suicide
Number of words: 808 | Number of pages: 3.... than live out the rest of their lives depandant on others. The
government thinks that they know what is best for the people. If everyone is
an individuall, how can the government know what is best for everyone. I feel
that people shold make up thir own minds about what is best for them. Joshua
Haney worote an article on assisted suicide. He says, "Everyday we make choices
that decide our fate and future. We choose where we work, what we eat and drink,
etc. This is just one more choice that we are making. I we take away this
right from people we are taking steps towards taking away other rights. Would
it be morally r .....
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The Heart
Number of words: 1535 | Number of pages: 6.... Treatments for the
Heart, Valves, and many Diseases.
The Three Layers of Muscle
The heart has three layers of a muscular wall. A thin layer of tissue,
the pericardium covers the outside, and another layer, the endocardium, lines
the inside. The myocardium is the middle layer and is the biggest of all.
Myocardial Infarction is a disease later read about in this report. The
pericardium is a fibrous sac which is very smooth lining. In the space space
between the pericardium and epicardium is a small amount of fluid. This fluid
makes the movement of the heart muscles smooth. Myocardium is the heart muscle
itself. .....
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Veterinary Medicine
Number of words: 523 | Number of pages: 2.... and many of the increasingly
large poultry farms. A few veterinarians are now becoming involved in
embryo transfer work, in which fertilized eggs are removed from
superior donors and transferred into the uterus of a cow of lesser
genetic qualities.
A minimum of six years of study after high school graduation
is usually required for a student to become a veterinarian. At least
two and sometimes up to four years of college are completed before
the acceptance into veterinary college. The competition is stiff for
such acceptance, with usually five to ten qualified applicants for
each one admitted.
Demand is increasing .....
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Number of words: 478 | Number of pages: 2.... have
way more cases as India, Indonesia, and Myanmar account for almost 70% of the
cases reported in the world. 5500 know cases of Leprosy still exist in the US,
and about 200 cases a reported annually.
Tests to produce leprosy in experimental animals, have not been
successful as of yet. Though the organism can be grown in Armadillos, several
laboratories have been reported cultivating leprosy in the test tube.
Loss of sensation in a patch of skin is often the first symptom that
Leprosy displays. In the lepromatous form, large area’s of the skin may become
infiltrated. The mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and thr .....
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Euthanasia In Today's Society
Number of words: 1883 | Number of pages: 7.... don't really want to die but
rather hear the calls of there loved ones begging them not to go on with the
procedure. They want the attempt to fail. The second type of euthanasia involve
people who are suffering from an illness that makes them unable to communicate
(Johanson 2). These type of people are those who are in comas, paralyzed, or
simply so sick that they cannot make meaningful sounds or other communication
(Johanson 2). This is a much more accepted type of euthanasia. Especially in
the Netherlands where Euthanasia is more common then the United States. There
are two sides to attack this issue from. One being from t .....
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Teenage Suicide
Number of words: 935 | Number of pages: 4.... own
life every one and a half hours, making about one hundred and thirty
deaths a week, making suicide the second leading cause of death among
Three major aspects of teenage suicide are (1) what causes teens to
make this choice to take their own lives. (2) How you may be able to detect
if someone you know might be going to commit suicide and (3) and how you
could help someone who may be suicidal.
First what really are the reasons that make teens choose to pick
suicide as an answer to their problems to take thier own lives? One of
the many reasons could be from a form of depression. Depression could be
caused by man .....
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