Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Sex Is For Marriage Only
Number of words: 1829 | Number of pages: 7.... acquaintance. He was married to her.
Children are to be conceived ONLY within the sexual intimacy of marriage. When Adam and Eve had sex, they created a baby. Now certainly that doesn't mean that the first time they had sex they created Cain. It means that the outcome of their sexual relationship was a child.
Those two statements of principle about marriage may seem obvious, but most of the world doesn't live by these principles. You can hardly see a commercial or an advertisement today in which sex isn't being used to sell a product. You can hardly see a movie which doesn't have an impure sexual relationship, including a lot .....
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Men And Women
Number of words: 750 | Number of pages: 3.... money with power, the person bringing home the money had the power. The man often makes the final decision on all household matters because he has the money.
The workplace is another place where are not equal. The most obvious sign starts at the top. Look at the CEO of the corporation. The majority of CEOs are men. Women, who serve as CEOs, are a rare sight. Another sign of the unfairness can also be found in the lower ranks. Men are often applauded for being assertive and giving orders. By giving orders, men are taking a leadership role. Demonstrating leadership ability is a quality that employers often look for. On t .....
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Gender Issue
Number of words: 1596 | Number of pages: 6.... however, still remains. Can the idea of unity truly penetrate the heart of everyone? No matter how close we are to close up the gap between the two
genders, there is no definite way of telling how male and female will came to an understanding.
Perhaps a step to approach unity is to start at the very beginning. Rules of being a boy and a girl divided the commonality from the day babies came into the world, when the babies were separated and classified by pink and blue. Later on in life before they develop a sense of personal interest, girls are given Barbie's and kitchenware to play with, while boy’s toy with plastic tank .....
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Computers In Education
Number of words: 284 | Number of pages: 2.... alike.
The most basic way that computers help students is through word processing. Through word processing programs like Claris Works and Microsoft Word students can access programs to edit, correct spelling errors, and much more. Programs can also be bought that will change writing into the MLA format. It also gives students the ability to be creative and add pictures, highlight, underline, and use different fonts.
In some classrooms the teachers use computers to compound what they teach. Computers can be used as projectors, to run programs, or simply to print out information quickly. Use of the internet is also now part of the .....
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Our Declining Education System
Number of words: 2277 | Number of pages: 9.... which implement their own curriculum, set their own goals and have their
own requirements for teacher preparation. Combined with this is the fact that
we have lowered our expectations in these areas, thus we are not providing an
equal or quality education to all students across the country. The commission
findings generated recommendations to improve the content of education and raise
the standards of student achievement, particularly in testing, increase the time
spent on education and provide incentives to encourage more individuals to enter
the field of education as well as improving teacher preparation.
N.Y. State respon .....
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Studying In The Computer Science Field
Number of words: 980 | Number of pages: 4.... like it this way and some like it another. A person must
develop a bond with that computer they will learn to like their computer
and only their computer. No other computer is the same.I know I like to
use my computer because I know exactly how to use it and when something is
wrong I know how to fix it. It is just a bond between man and machine.
You must talk to the computer (telling it what to do) and you will get your
result (the computer talking back to you).
Presentational Speaking:
Presentational Speaking is more or less the speaking in front of a
group for a purpose. It is to present something to a group so that they .....
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The Importance Of Communication And Teamwork Among The Flight And Cabin Crew
Number of words: 2245 | Number of pages: 9.... LOFT Training 10
Organizing Resources and Priorities 11
Summary of Findings 11
Interpretation of Findings 11
The majority of aircraft accidents are caused by human error, and an accident or
incident is linked together by a chain of errors. Most of these accidents could
have been avoided by the crew if they would have been communicating to .....
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Number of words: 5466 | Number of pages: 20.... both of her daughters made. As these three women came to the United States of America, along with their families, they faced a democratic government where employment was not guaranteed and women did have to face the hardships of unemployment, and more importantly, inequality. It would be the values and traditions that both Alla and Helen believed in that allowed them to be successful and relatively unaffected by inequality.
In the time period that the three women lived in the USSR, society was ruled by socialism (communists did exist, but were not the majority). Under this theory of government, everyone worked; it was believ .....
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Ship's Main Engine Lube Oil System
Number of words: 372 | Number of pages: 2.... Because of this, basket type
strainers are used. Lube oil systems are equipped with a wide variety of
strainers. It is important to operate these strainers at all times to prevent
clogging. Aboard our ship, we have Hayward Plug-type Duplex Basket Strainers.
All of these types of strainers are one way. The liquid to be strained enters
to the top and filters through the bottom.
Both strainers and filters clean lube oil using a similar process. The
components of the strainer element, also known as a basket, consists of a spring,
a pleated perforated screen, and a handle. There is a metal to metal seal
between the bas .....
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Men Fear Death
Number of words: 1807 | Number of pages: 7.... they will have no wants, everything you ever wanted is there. They also see the process of death as an act of God, for it is said that “only God can start a life and only God can take it away.” (Euthanasia…)The Islamic religion sees it the same way. Other beliefs across the globe have different theories. Hindus say that the spirit undergoes a form of reincarnation. So for many Hindus, death is a welcome event. A chance for them to enter the world anew, and escape the old. For them death truly is an awakening.
For others though, it is an escape for many people, with religious beliefs or not, just want to die. This can be .....
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