Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
C.s. Lewis: The Abolition Of M
Number of words: 607 | Number of pages: 3.... a personalized nature but we tend to identify and be changeable to other ways besides your own. I can relate to Lewis’ idea of science and magic to what ethical innovators are really doing. Magic is something that happens that is impossible much like the innovation of ethics. Just like there is no innovation for ethics then there is none for science. My idea is that everything is already created, we just have to find it. How many times have you thought about some cool thing that you could make and would be useful in some way? Of course you probably never attempt doing it but the idea is there. Not necessarily create .....
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Why Do I Want To Attend College
Number of words: 187 | Number of pages: 1.... or even
what I wanted to become. So after graduation I decided to explore my options at
the University of Pittsburgh. Wow, was this a mistake. Not only was the
college to big for my own well being, but the big University provided too many
distractions. This is why I feel I have finally taken the right and first step
in securing my future.
Currently, I am attending Waynesburg college in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania,
majoring in computer science and minoring in business. I have always had a
fascination when it comes to computers and I think that this is a very good
career move. Hopefully I will be, in the future, working for a ma .....
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Fuel Wars
Number of words: 877 | Number of pages: 4.... highs of $.69 a liter to $.71 to liter. As you can see those prices are ridiculous and all Canadian citizens agree with me, especially those people that devote their life to being on the road, truckers. Truckers are outraged with the prices of diesel it has increased 100% and most of them can afford to pay those prices. Some truckers who work for large companies also sometimes pay for fuel if the total price exceeds the amount the company is willing to pay. Other independent truckers are contemplating whether or not they should call it quits because its just to costly for them to work, and most the time the money they make just goe .....
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Two Brands Of Nihilism
Number of words: 1536 | Number of pages: 6.... to morality by authority become
hollow. By the atheists reckoning then, all acts are permissible.
With Nietzsche's appearance on the scene, however, arrives the most potent
arguments denying the necessary link between atheism and nihilism. It will be
demonstrated that Nietzsche, in fact, will argue it is in the appeal to divine
proscriptions that the most virulent nihilism will attain.
There is a second sense of nihilism that appears as an outgrowth of the first
that Nietzsche appeals to in his critique of values. It contends that not only
does an active, pious, acknowledgment of a divinity foster nihilism, but also,
the disinge .....
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Number of words: 1717 | Number of pages: 7.... west mountainous regions, the center is level land and the east scrubby lowveld. It mostly rains in the summer, which is strangely from December to April. The people are hard workers are originating from the Nguni clan of North Africa. Because of their location many European hunters, traders, farmers, and missionaries came to their area bringing the skills and trades with them. This caused the Nguni people to become what is now known as the Swazi people with a new and mixed culture.
By comparing, the two cultures I will try to show how being isolated and exposed can change a culture. This will show each culture’s destiny w .....
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Russian Jews
Number of words: 1366 | Number of pages: 5.... For hundreds of years, Jews lived these ways in two
communities - the ghetto and the shtetl. To keep out thieves and rioters from
coming in, they built walls around their section of town. When they did this,
the government and churches got an idea, they would use the walls that the Jews
built, to lock them in.
These walls were located near a foundry that made cannons, so they named
it “ghetto” which means "foundry". They would close the gates every night and
the Jews would be locked in until daybreak. The word of the ghettos quickly
spread, soon there were ghettos all over Europe. The Jews were all treated the
sam .....
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Confucianism And Taoism In Joy
Number of words: 3726 | Number of pages: 14.... follow. He loved tradition, for he felt that it was, "a potential conduit- one that could funnel into the present behavior patterns that could have been perfected during a golden age in China's past," (Smith 168). For Confucius, there was no self without relationships, "the human self as a node, not an entity; it is a meeting place where lives converge," (Smith 180). The five basic principles of Confucianism are Jen, Chun tzu, Li, Te, and Wen. Jen is the perfect human relationship that we should all strive for by having respect, charity, empathy, faith, and diligence.
Chun tzu is the real person, one who obtains Jen, "is ne .....
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Number of words: 1029 | Number of pages: 4.... to see what she was doing. Everything that she wrote was for her father and she wanted to win over her father’s approval. But since she was the only daughter, she was thought of as very highly by her father. When she told her father she wanted to go to college, they both had different visions. She wanted to go to college to become a writer but her father wanted her to go to college to meet a husband. Her father his sons to go to college to become masters with their hands. The sons in Sandra’s family have the advantage because they are going to college for what they want to. After Sandra completed two years of graduate s .....
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Corporate Finance
Number of words: 2168 | Number of pages: 8.... as well as many other important aspects, such as risk factors and new organizational structures that must be considered and closely monitored throughout all of the stages of the merger or acquisition. It is of these competitive strategies, mergers and acquisitions, as well as a recent case study following the conclusion, that will be the focus of my paper.
Before going further into the merger and acquisition process, a more complete explanation is necessary. A merger is the combining of two or more companies into a single corporation. This is achieved when one company or business purchases the property or some other form of .....
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A Public Relations Proposal Fo
Number of words: 4229 | Number of pages: 16.... of products such as cakes, pies, pasta, etc.) for food service, manufacturing, retail and export
·17.4% - for food service use
·1.7% - for export
Cholesterol and its link to heart disease have been the biggest detriments to the egg's good name. Nutrition experts recommended a daily limit of 300 milligrams of cholesterol in order to maintain a low cholesterol level. A single egg yolk contains 200 milligrams of cholesterol thereby causing experts to suggest a 4-egg-a-week limit. Since that time, however, changes in expert opinion have come about. Recent research has shown that there are two types of cholestero .....
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