Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Dreams Life
Number of words: 2381 | Number of pages: 9.... and dreaming are essential to our mental health ( Howell 105). Together these sudies emphasize the psychological importance of dreams and dreaming. They show how our consciousness maintains its delicate balance. Ken Howell suggests why consciousness is like a scale balancing one side against another and how dreaming is related : On one side of this mental scale our consciousness weighs its conscious experiences. On the opposite side of our mental scale our consciousness weighs its subconscious experiences. When we give more weight or attention to either side of this mental scale, our consciousness becomes unbalanced. Essential .....
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Elian Gonzales, The Way Socrat
Number of words: 486 | Number of pages: 2.... them,”
After he heart Crito reasoning, Socrates tried to explain his reasoning in which he not only took in account his friends but also the effects on the State. One reason Socrates refused to run away is because of what might happen to his friends that helped him, like loosing everything they own. His second argument is that public opinion is not always right and that he should follow the advice of a qualified person and not the advice of the general public “Than he should be afraid of the criticism and welcome the praise of the qualified person, but not those of the general public. Crito agrees to this argument. .....
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Individiual Understanding
Number of words: 1831 | Number of pages: 7.... that an appropriately programmed computer actually has all the same mental states and capabilities as a human. In AMinds, Brains, and Programs,@ John Searle outlines this argument:
AIt is a characteristic of human beings= story understanding capacity that they can answer questions about [a] story even though the information they give was never explicitly stated in the story. . . . [Strong AI claims that m]achines can similarly answer questions about [stories] in this fashion. . . . Partisans of strong AI claim that in this question and answer sequence the machine is not only simulating a human ability but also (1) that the mach .....
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Crabs For The Crabber
Number of words: 1212 | Number of pages: 5.... getting
drenched and muddy. The last thing that you should never leave the dock without
is plenty of liquids to drink. I recommend Gatorade or water, but no soft
drinks. It is very hot on the boat and fluids are a necessity so that you do no
Before you can start crabbing, you need certain materials. The most
important is a commercial license to sell crabs. A license can be purchased
from the Game Warden in Richmond Hill. You must go early in the year because
they only sell a limited number. Once you have a license and your personal
number for your traps, you need a large flat bottom boat with a powerful motor.
I .....
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Number of words: 601 | Number of pages: 3.... strains they can get to the market
quickly. Careful and attentive raising is non existent. The leaves are
quickly dried and thrown into boxes for shipment to the rolling factory.
Fine cigars are hand rolled, whereas all cigarettes are machine rolled.
Including the type and quality of the leaf, rolling is the ultimate judge of
whether a cigar is good or bad. Cigar companies go to great pains to be sure
they hire only the best "Torcedores" (cigar rollers). If a cigar is
underfilled it will burn hot and harsh; if it is overfilled it is "Plugged" and
will not draw. To be sure that the cigars are of the best quality, one out o .....
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Asian Economic Crisis
Number of words: 430 | Number of pages: 2.... in the employment line. Many workers were fired, or “let go,” as they put it, because the company couldn’t afford the extra disbursements. This may have been beneficial for the companies, but not its employees and their families.
With my father, a Fire Specialist for the Guam Fire Bureau, and my mother, a financial advisor at a national bank, my family may not have been affected in the area of unemployment and retrenchment of workers. However, there are other members of other families that may have been. Because of the decrease in tourists, people who work(ed) for hotels, restaurants, and other tourism-relate .....
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Myth Or Reality, Today's Perception On Monsters
Number of words: 1795 | Number of pages: 7.... year on July 11, in the Wild Creek area in the foothills of
Snoqualmie National Forest.The picture was obtained from the photographer bt
Cliff Crook, the director of Bigfoot Central. The cameraman was out on a hike
when he heard splashing coming from the stream below him. He then found himself
face to face with the creature. Usually after most sightings, footprints of the
usually large creatures can be found. Footprints have been found everywhere
including at these two mentioned sightings. The length of the prints has varied
between 1' to 2.5' indicating from scientific study that Bigfoot could be as
tall as nine feet. Also the d .....
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Gender Roles 2
Number of words: 2103 | Number of pages: 8.... people will know whether it is a boy or a girl. After all, what male infant wears pink? When the children grow older, do they still continue the practice the color identification game? This is wear it changes. When boys reach the age wear they start dressing themselves and start buying their own clothes, they will continue to wear the
blues and the greens and even yellows and reds, but not pink or violet, cause those are “girly” colors. Girls on the other hand, when they reach the same age still continue to wear the pink and violets and can even wear the blues, yellows, blacks, and greens. So why can
girls make the .....
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Night Rider
Number of words: 2590 | Number of pages: 10.... forgetting to lock my car and house.
A favorite time of year was upon my life. The time just after all the summer people went home and gave the beach back to me. It was the end of the excitement of summer and began the preparation for the holidays and the cold of winter. It is a very quiet time of year especially on the beaches.
After years of working in three different summer businesses my wife decided to be the rural housewife. She would meet her girl friends at least once a week. They would go to either Bob's Cafe or to John’s Restaurant to talk about subjects girl friends talk about. They loved to laugh at the natives .....
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How To Create A Music CD Using
Number of words: 515 | Number of pages: 2.... song. Keeping track of the duration time for each song will help stay within the 74 minute limit imposed by recordable CDs.
In the next step, create a layout for the recording within the mastering software. Creating the layout of the CD simply tells the computer in what order to place the audio tracks (songs), the duration of each track, and the total duration of tracks. Start the mastering software according to the manufacturer's instructions. Place the first CD on the list created in the previous step in the recorder. The mastering software will display a list of the tracks by their number from that CD in a small window. .....
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