Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
The Indian And The Horse
Number of words: 1503 | Number of pages: 6.... replaced by modern technology. They are now viewed as luxury pets or as sports items. However, the horse had a great impact on the human lifestyle in the past, especially that of the Indians of the New World. According to archaeologists, the horse was present when the Indians first set foot on the American continent, but it was never tamed (Wissler 264). The Indians may have hunted the wild horse for food and used its skin for various purposes, similar to the buffalo. This could have possibly led to the extinction of the horse in the New World long before the arrival of the Europeans. While Indians of the past are stereotypical .....
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Excellence In Education
Number of words: 2799 | Number of pages: 11.... he does not assume schools should be social research agencies, recreational facilities, adjustment centers, or custodial institutions. (3). While he does not deny that our nation is currently wrestling with a dreary array of social ailments, he does argue that the answer to such problems can or should lie within the jurisdiction of our schools.
In discussing education’s mission to provide useful knowledge, Ebel defines what he means by the word knowledge: “It is an integrated structure of relationships among concepts and propositions” (5). Knowledge, the way Ebel describes it is not the same as information. Eb .....
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Small Business Setup
Number of words: 2837 | Number of pages: 11.... structure of the company. The three legal structures are Sole-proprietorship, Partnership and a Corporation. Each one of these legal structures has its advantages and disadvantages. The different aspects that each legal structure differs are: management control, capital, liability, income taxes, business continuity, and government regulations. The understanding of these different issues is crucial to the decision of which structure is the best one for the entrepreneurs business. Be sure to consult an attorney before making this decision.
In a sole-proprietorship, the owner retains total control of all the decisions that need .....
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Chinese Economic Reform
Number of words: 2483 | Number of pages: 10.... living standards. It had become clear to members of the CCP that economic reform would fulfill a political purpose as well since the party felt that it had suffered a loss of support. (Shirk 23)
This movement "from virtue to competence" seemed to mark a serious departure from orthodox Chinese political theory. Confucius himself had said that those individuals who best demonstrated what he referred to as moral force should lead the nation. Using this principle as a guide, China had for centuries attempted to choose its leaders by administering a test to determine their moral force. After the Communist takeover of the country .....
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Shooting A Rifle
Number of words: 558 | Number of pages: 3.... eyes from ejecting shells and backblast. Eye and ear protection can be rented or bought from any shooting range or sports store like Jumbo Sports or Wal-Mart.
Never point the rifle at anybody. A firearm no matter what is always treated as if it were loaded. Every year people are shot and killed because they thought the gun was
unloaded. Check to see if the rifle is actually loaded. Do this by pushing up the bolt lever, don't be gentle, and pull it back with just as much force. Close the bolt and open it again to double check. As always keep you finger off the trigger, keep it under the trigger guard or somewhere else .....
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Social Roles In Pyschology
Number of words: 729 | Number of pages: 3.... to encourage their roles in the prison scenario. The subjects immediately began to take on rolls as to how they thought they should act. The prison had a much greater impact on all persons than could have been anticipated. The study was supposed to last 14 days, but due to extreme emotional depression the study ended after 6 days. In the spring of 1998, my Law and Government class had the opportunity to tour a New York State Prison. When we proceeded through the cellblocks, our tour guard indicated to us which inmates were sentenced to life and for what crime. I noticed that the inmates that were sentenced to life acte .....
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Human Resource Challenges In T
Number of words: 2829 | Number of pages: 11.... during development of company intranets.
U.S companies must be aware of the host country workforce framework and structure. Russia provides an excellent example as a big country with big needs-millions of potential consumers eager for goods and services denied them under communism. Since the fall of that system, a new market economy has grown quickly. Foreign businesses (an estimated 35,000 registered enterprises, not including joint ventures) now compete with each other and with Russian startups for market share.
Today, most U.S. companies are looking to replace expatriate employees with Russians at all organizational levels .....
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The History Of The Barbie Doll
Number of words: 1282 | Number of pages: 5.... Kennedy. Enchanted Evening, a lovely pink stain gown, also debuted this year. This fashion was a collector’s favorite and was reproduced in 1996. Ken, Barbie’s boyfriend was introduced this year with short blonde or brown hair, blue eyes, and moveable head, arms, and legs. He was also a ½ inch taller then Barbie. Ken was named after Ruth’s son, Kenny. Barbie doll was now the hottest selling fashion doll on the market at this time.
In 1962, Barbie doll was still being made with a ponytail, but the Bubble Cut was much more popular and was produced in much greater numbers. Red was her color this year and .....
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The Hopi And Their Culture
Number of words: 309 | Number of pages: 2.... Kachinas live in their own land within the San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff. When the winter solstice comes, Kachinas leave their homes and become one with the Hopi, remaining there until the end of July (Niman Festival).
During this season for Kachina dance ceremonies, the Hopi men dress in colorful masks and vestiments to impersonate these spirits. Hopi men become the Kachinas with their power and spirit vested in these masks. Considered sacred, these masks must be kept out of sight when not in use. Intrinsic to the religious beliefs of the prehistoric ancestors of the Hopi, Kachinas continue to be of paramount importance an .....
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Bitter Sweet Aspartame A Diet Delusion
Number of words: 1502 | Number of pages: 6.... The average diet pop drinker doesn’t realize how much of this chemical he or she is consuming on a daily basis, or the possible effects aspartame toxicity could have on the body.
What is it? In 1879, while developing new food preservatives, a young Johns Hopkins chemistry research assistant accidentally discovered that one of the organic compounds he was testing was intensely sweet. Saccharin he called it, after sakcharon, the Greek word for sugar. He further learned that it passed through the body unchanged and was thus a safe artificial sweetener for diabetics. Food processors, noting that it was 500 to 70 .....
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