Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Joel Poinsett
Number of words: 540 | Number of pages: 2.... Polk's initial desire was to simply purchase California, attempting to maintain peace. He soon learned this would be impossible. When Polk ordered General Taylor to cross the Nueces River and eventually to fortify on the Rio Grande, he fully understood the possilble consequences of these actions. In fact, by deploying Taylor and his troops, Polk putting a slow squeeze on the Mexicans which would leave them with no other option than to strike back. Polk waited for the initial attack to be made by the Mexicans and then struck back. Polk claimed that American blood had been spilled on American soil, thus garnering enough public a .....
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Physical Education In Secondary Schools
Number of words: 1140 | Number of pages: 5.... is that a
physically fit person "values physical activity and its contributions to a
healthful lifestyle". The plan as physical educators is to have each child be a
physically fit person, by their exit of high school. This will take some work
but I believe it could be done.
Another very important issue to be learned in secondary physical
education is teamwork. This is a very important aspect in everyday life. This
helps people think of others as much, or more, than themselves. Today some work
places are going to the team oriented style of work. The worker needs to be
able to express ideas amongst his/her teammates and .....
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Money Vs Morality
Number of words: 625 | Number of pages: 3.... The third known way to obtain slaves was to pillage. All three ways were efficient, and often used. So the slaves were then loaded on a carrier ship. The slaves were loaded into the basement of the ship, a hot, musty, and dark place. Think of the worst place you could imagine, and think of staying there for days at a time. Some tried to escape, but for those who got away, they drowned in the Atlantic. Slaves, who tried and did not succeed, it was a whipping that was horrific.
Slave trading was simply an economical advantage by the English. Other countries in Europe had used slaves before. The English had waited to use .....
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The Working Class In Middletow
Number of words: 2166 | Number of pages: 8.... the
late 1800's and during the depression of the 1930's the many members of the working class had hardly enough
money to buy food. In contrast, many 1950's and 1960's working class families lived quite comfortably and were
able to afford some modern luxuries. These working class differences were very common throughout the 1900's.
The following entails a look back at the working class in the late 1800's and follows their progress into the
present day. The way the working class earned a living, raised a family, and maintained spiritual beliefs will all
be discussed. The role the present day economy has on the present day .....
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Plato Vs. Aristotle
Number of words: 1919 | Number of pages: 7.... a stable government. His less metaphysical
approach to politics makes Aristotle more in tune with the modern world, yet he
is far from modern.
Plato's concept of what politics and government should be is a direct
result of his belief in the theory of forms. The theory of forms basically
states that there is a higher "form" for everything that exists in the world.
Each material thing is simply a representation of the real thing which is the
form. According to Plato, most people cannot see the forms, they only see their
representation or their shadows, as in the simile of the cave. Only those who
love knowledge and contemplate .....
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Bonds And The Bond Market
Number of words: 2635 | Number of pages: 10.... original investment is returned to them.
There are many reasons why people invest in bonds. For example, if one chooses a stable and profitable bond, it will provide a steady source of income through interest payments during the lifetime of the bond. As well, the risk when investing in a bond is considerably less than for most other forms of investment. The bond does not, for instance, experience the volatility of a stock on the stock market, like many other forms of investment do. Also, in instances where the issuer fails to pay the principal amount
back to the bond holder, legal recourse is available. Furthermore, in .....
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Public Relations
Number of words: 896 | Number of pages: 4.... it, accomplishments and contributions, and other bits of information that would complement a company.
The media happens to be one of the most effective tools. There is a very strong love/hate relationship between corporate communicators and the media. On one hand, communicators need to get their messages out. The media also needs news to report. When communicators have a story that they want to get out, they want the media to give them as much attention as possible. There is another side to this story though. The media reports on subjects that are considered newsworthy. This includes stories that not only could be ben .....
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Lafollettes-licensing Of Paren
Number of words: 2112 | Number of pages: 8.... to have licenses. We forbid people from practicing medicine, law, pharmacy, or psychiatry unless they have satisfied certain licensing requirements”(LaFollette 522). There is a reason that America requires its citizens to acquire licenses for driving, medicine, and law. This reason is to protect innocent people from being harmed by incompetent people who are not skilled in these areas. “Imagine a world in which everyone could legally drive a car, in which everyone could legally perform surgery, prescribe medications, dispense drugs, or offer legal advice. Such a world would hardly be desirable”(LaFol .....
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Getting The Most From Our Education
Number of words: 431 | Number of pages: 2.... I check out and explore something new I always learn
something. And whenever I reach out and help someone, I fell good. It was great
to see the students of General Brown help out in the community with the
Thanksgiving dinner for the seniors (I know there was another school that helped
out too, I forgot who, if someone else remembers, please jump in and add their
thanks to the list). If we want our kids to be less self-centered, we have to
show them the example. If they don't follow, it won't be from lack of exposure.
This is a transient world nowadays. The kids that grow up and get educated here
might go away. If we give the best .....
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American Pastoral
Number of words: 1521 | Number of pages: 6.... that starts in the early childhood and nothing Merry did could change that. It develops at the same time as children learn “grammar, accents, and other fundamentals of speech and language”(1). When children fail to learn “speech breathing, vocal fold control, and how to articulate sounds”(1) that is when they develop disfluencies, which can turn into stuttering or stammering. If children do not learn these fundamentals at the right critical time, it is difficult or impossible to learn later. Children will develop these problems between the ages of two and six, when development is most crucial. Which is around the age .....
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