Papers on People and Biographies
Emily Dickinson
Number of words: 1250 | Number of pages: 5.... without opinions” (Tate 86). “Her verses and technical license often seem mysterious and can confuse critics, but after all is said, it is realized that like most poets Miss Dickinson is no more mysterious than a banker. It is said that Miss Dickinson’s life was starved and unfulfilled and yet all pity is misdirected. She lived one of the richest and deepest lives ever on this continent. It was her own conscious choice to deliberately withdraw from society into her upstairs room…” (Tate 83). She kept to “only a few select friends and the storm, wind, wild March sky, sunsets, dawns, birds, b .....
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Mark Twain
Number of words: 1498 | Number of pages: 6.... Lowell, Holmes… they were like one another and like other literary men; but Clemens was sole, incomparable.” (Twainweb) This being Jones 2 perhaps the best explanation for Twain’s unique humorist views, it is no doubt this lifestyle provided for his creative storytelling and successful career as an author. , a native of Missouri who lived most his childhood in poverty, began his career, surprisingly, as a steamboat pilot. This career path was soon to be interrupted by the Civil War, in which he served for the Confederate Army for two weeks before withdrawing. Already at this point in his life, Twain was showing his hu .....
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Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar
Number of words: 974 | Number of pages: 4.... the
dangerous German tribes. Tiberius made two more marches into the heart of
Germany. On his return to Rome he was awarded a triumph, the highest official
tribute that was given to honor a victorious warrior.
Augustus died in AD 14 and Tuberius assumed sole power of the whole
Roman empire. Tiberius was a large, strong man, and very tall. He had a fair
skin complexion that was sometimes subjected to outbreaks of skin disease.
According to Suetonius, he wore his hair long in the back. This was an old
fashioned style for the time. Perhaps it was adopted in memory of his
distinguished ancestry. Tiberius remained in excellen .....
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Vincent Van Gogh
Number of words: 677 | Number of pages: 3.... England. There, he takes a job as a teacher and curates with the local minister. The more obsessive his interest in religion gets, the worse his physical and mental state get. He leaves England a year later to take up religious studies in Amsterdam. He soon comes to an end of his formal religious studies, and travels to a small coal-mining district in Belgium. Conditions for the miners are terrible, but Van Gogh reads them the bible and gives them hope. Soon enough, he devotes all of his time to helping the miners by bringing food and clothing to the miners. Although his superiors like what he is doing, they believe that .....
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Number of words: 1789 | Number of pages: 7.... Augsburg, notably Heimberg, from 14th century. The surname was spelled in variety of forms, including Moxarth, Mozhrd and Mozer. His mother’s family came mainly from the Salzburg region, but one branch may be traced to Krems-Stein and Wien. They mostly followed lower middle-class occupations; some were gardeners. 2 Though did not walk until he was three years old, he displayed musical gifts at extremely early age. At the age of four, he could reproduce on the piano a melody played to him; at five, he could play violin with perfect intonation. According to Norbert Elias, it took all of thirty minutes for to master his first musi .....
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King Solomon
Number of words: 1665 | Number of pages: 7.... copper-mining industry aided in Solomon’s wealth. Contact with other nations showed his advanced intelligence. Solomon displayed political and administrative wisdom and showed himself equal to his father by taking full advantage of the chance for economic expansion.
The Song of Solomon is a book of the Old Testament. It is a unique collection of love poetry. In Christian versions of the Bible it usually appears after the Book of Ecclesiastes. In the Hebrew Bible it is found after the Book of Job. It is believed to be written by , but the actual author or authors of the book are unknown. It is a non-religious subject so .....
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THe Life And Work Of John Keats
Number of words: 900 | Number of pages: 4.... for him to become a licensed surgeon and apothecary. Soon after
he had came to a conclusion that he was not going to be a doctor as a
profession, his true passion was in poetry (computer). Though some of his
early poetry which was written when he was twenty just six years before his
death, the poetry didn't seem “top-notch.'' As his life played out his
poetry became more matured and astonishing. Because of his lack of
education he spent allot of time studying Shakespeare and Milton. He
admired and imitated these two writers as reflected in his poetry. His
quality of work has often been likened to resemble Shakespeare .....
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Tiger Woods: The Making Of A Champion
Number of words: 502 | Number of pages: 2.... I want my ball to go". During this whole time Tiger
attended Stanford college and maintained straight A's in his sophomore year. He
had originally planed to graduate from Stanford before going pro, but when Nike
offered him a 42 million dollar deal to wear their clothes for 5 years he couldn'
t resist. This was not the only reason he decided to go pro. After an excellent
finish in the British Open, Tiger felt that he also had enough mental strength
to go pro. His parents are very supportive of him and felt fine with this. Wood'
s first pro win was the Las Vegas invitational. At the Honors Course in Texas
he brought out an .....
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The Biography Of Ernest Hemingway
Number of words: 744 | Number of pages: 3.... correct 1899.)
Hemingway joined a volunteer American Red Cross ambulance unit as a driver. He was so seriously wounded at Fossalta on the Italian Piave on July 8, 1918, that he recalled life slid from him, “like you’d pull a silk handkerchief out of a pocket by a corner,” almost fluttered away, then returned. It is thought by some literary observers that the experience gave Hemingway a fear of his own fear and the lifetime need to continually test his courage through dangerous adventures.
After a dozen operations on his knee and recuperation in Milan, he returned, with an aluminum kneecap and two Italian decorations, to join .....
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Number of words: 417 | Number of pages: 2.... secret police searched all houses for passages with Jews hidden away. Adolf also decided the Germans were a master race, so any other race had to be wiped out. Since Adolf had a dictatorship, he could tell Germans to kill all Jews. Adolf killed and captured many Jews.
, as a young child, had a very troubled childhood. His father, a petty customs official, wanted the boy to study for a government position. But as wrote later in his book, "the thought of slaving in an office made me ill…not to be master of my own time." Passively disobeying his father, filled most of his school hours with daydreams of becoming a painter. H .....
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