Papers on Politics and Government
Assisted Suicide
Number of words: 4746 | Number of pages: 18.... and what the laws really said regarding this. I also wondered how people distinguished between forgoing medical interventions and actually assisting in the suicide. As I approached the research, my main questions were regarding opposers. I really did not know all the problems that could occur. Research about this brought to light many things that are not discussed in the media, although this is a highly publicized subject. I found that it is very difficult to bring the debate to an end because all the arguments are really just matters of opinion. Opposers and protestors have good arguments. No one really knows what wo .....
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A Stereotypical Media
Number of words: 1263 | Number of pages: 5.... The magazine is M/C Phillips, Page 2 truly tailored to the middle class and so is its advertising. In the midst of clutter, from articles of political power, to the rise of the doughnut culture, sits an ad of poise and content. Posted by the Target Corporation, a store tailored to the middle class, the ad displays, a very young, beautiful woman covered shoulders to toe in ivy, holding a rayon handbag. She is poised, illustrious and elegant, a mirror image of a statue. The backdrop of the image is calm, organized and serene. The ad reads “ivy plant $6.99, rayon crochet bag $14.99”(Newsweek 7). However, the ad’s imagery at fi .....
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Term Limits For Legislators
Number of words: 3060 | Number of pages: 12.... Currently,
advocates of term limits are calling for two terms in the Senate, and three in
the House. It is possible, then, for a member to serve six years in the House,
twelve years in the Senate, eight years as Vice President, and eight years as
President, a total of thirty-six years. It is not unlikely, therefore, that
there will continue to be career politicians. The issue is not about total time
that one may participate in government, rather it is about how long one may
serve in a particular capacity. Term limits enjoy popular, but not political,
support, thereby polarizing the electorate and the elected. This paper wi .....
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Death Penalty
Number of words: 2049 | Number of pages: 8.... of King Canute (1016-1035) and William the Conqueror (1066-1087) was the not used, although the results of interrogation and torture were often fatal (Kronenwetter 12). Later, Britain reinstated the and brought it to its American colonies. Although the death was widely accepted throughout the early United States, not everyone approved of it. In the late-eighteen century, opposition to the gathered enough strength to lead to important restrictions on the use of the in several northern states, while in the United States, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Rhode Island abandoned the practice altogether (Kronenwetter 15). In 1794, Pennsylva .....
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Racial Profiling
Number of words: 1575 | Number of pages: 6.... just feeds to the perception that whites commit fewer drug offenses than minorities. This often results in the persecution of innocent people based on skin color. This also causes a huge distrust and minorities are less willing to cooperate. Driving While Black is not an issue that just arose its just now gaining a name. The practice of by our nations police is the consequence of the rising concern about the war on drugs. Drug use and drug selling are not limited to minorities in the US , in fact five times as many whites use drugs. This war on drugs since it began targeted minorities. According to the governments own reports .....
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Welfare Reformation
Number of words: 1340 | Number of pages: 5.... A welfare check ranges form $5.53 to $17.50 an hour; in a like manner, minimum wage is less than an hourly welfare check (Tilly 8). People desire the higher money of a welfare check to that of a low-paying job (Tweedie 117; Tanner 18). This dependency on receiving the check causes many problems not just with the current generation, but future generations will also be similarly affected. These children are acquiring the habits of their parent or parents, thus creating a permanent underclass (Tucker 45). Economic incentives for staying on welfare should be abolished. People should no longer be allowed to remain on the system for exte .....
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The Medicare Debate
Number of words: 1367 | Number of pages: 5.... social security funds are not being depleted. Gore said that, "the allegations to the contrary have been circulated by certain organizations as a money-making scheme for some time." (Gore Letter). Vice President Gore tries to show theses allegations are untrue by explaining how social security works. In this letter, Vice President Gore cleared up the allegations by writing that, "When Social Security taxes are collected, they are credited to the Social Security trust funds with government security, perhaps the safest investment in the United States.
In history Medicare has experience a few problem regarding it's funding. Proble .....
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Ethical Issues In U.S. Immigra
Number of words: 2225 | Number of pages: 9.... States was built by immigrants, many seeking a new life in a new land. Before 1882, anyone could move to the United States. As the population grew, however, the Federal government decided to control immigration. But they have done this in a very inconsistent manner, letting some people in from one country more than others from another country. The current U.S. immigration policy is immoral, unethical and inconsistent in its dealings with immigrants. Early immigration laws aimed to preserve the racial, religious, and ethnic composition of the United States, which was then largely European (Wilbanks, 1993, p.1). The first immigration .....
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Number of words: 612 | Number of pages: 3.... that are lobbying for trade with . They wish to explore for oil, utilize it's skilled workforce, and open hotels. Unfortunately, because of domestic issues, the present U.S. administration stands powerless to further change our policy in . As Presidents have increasingly linked foreign policy with trade on the bi-partisan level, we can expect to see a continuation of this trend. Second, Time. The Cold War is over and slowly the wounds are disappearing. No longer does represent an ideological or military threat to the U.S.. Embargoes are implemented and maintained in countries that fear military attack. With Castro's dwindling re .....
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Number of words: 666 | Number of pages: 3.... Godwin. Winstanley was a 17th-century agrarian reformer who believed that land should be divided among all the people. Godwin, on the other hand argued that authority is unnatural and that social evils arise and exist because people are not free to live their lives according to the dictates of reason. However, it was not until Pierre-Joseph Proudhon who coined the term defining its political foundations. He argued for the abolition of private property and the control of the means of production by the workers. Instead of government Proudhon desired a federal system of agricultural and industrial associations. Proudhon's theor .....
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