Papers on Politics and Government
Number of words: 1736 | Number of pages: 7.... destroyed. One form of ion is to cut the foetus into pieces with serrated forceps before being removed, piece by piece from the uterus by suction with a vacuum aspirator. Another form consists of bringing the foetus feet first into the birth canal, puncturing its skull with a sharp instrument and sucking out the brain tissue. The body parts, such as the head, are given letters, rather than refer to the parts as what they are. In my opinion this is for the doctors who cannot face the reality of what they are doing. The remains of the foetus or embryo, as the case may be, are put into everyday, plastic buckets and then sent to a du .....
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Child Abuse
Number of words: 2163 | Number of pages: 8.... his touch in more intimate places and you
scream involuntarily. His grip tightens as he places his hand over
your mouth. “We’ll have to do this the hard way!?comes his intense
whisper. You flail your arms at him, but it doesn’t help. His
writhing massive body is on top of yours, and you feel so powerless.
Eventually, you sink into a sobbing heap and simply wait for his
passions to stop. You wait for the nightmare to end. When he is
done, you limp to the laundry room and try fruitlessly to get the
blood stains out of your clothes. It is all your fault...
Abuse: The violation or defilement of;
What you have just .....
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Should We Legalize
Number of words: 4785 | Number of pages: 18.... crimes and punishment. The estimated cost to the United States for the "War on Drugs" is $200 billion a year or an outstanding $770 per person per year, and that figure does not include the money spent by state and local government in this "war" (Evans and Berent, eds. xvii). The second cost of this "war" is opportunity costs. America has two resources which are limited prison cells and law enforcement. When more drug crimes take up law enforcement's time and when more drug criminals take up cells, less ability to fight other crime exists. In 1994, law enforcement arrested some 750,000 people on drug charges, and of those 750,00 .....
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Women In Iran
Number of words: 875 | Number of pages: 4.... invisible in the media. · This bill will create conflicts between the clerical community and the press because the law has never defined "commercial use of women's image and text." Therefore, the subject is completely left at personal interpretation and judgment. Because of the fanatic nature of Islamic rulers, this amendment means complete elimination of women from public media. Married Iranian women require their husband's permission to apply for a passport, according to Article 18 of the passport law. In case of an emergency or absence of the husband, the public prosecutor's office can issue the permit within 3 days from the .....
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Gore Vs. Bush On Education
Number of words: 919 | Number of pages: 4.... science are the key elements to attending college. He notes that money is what keeps kids away from college. He proposes to make it easier for parents to save for their children’s college tuition with tax-free and inflation free savings, the National Tuition Savings program. Gore wants to make two years of college free with more student loans with lower costs, and expanding Pell Grants. Gore says he believes that in the knowledge- based economy of the 21st Century; everyone who is willing to work for it must have the chance to go to college. George W. Bush pretty much feels that existing teachers that are no longer qualified t .....
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Hate Crimes Should Not Be Puni
Number of words: 784 | Number of pages: 3.... With hate crime laws, the hate is being looked at, more so than the crime itself. Even though hate is a terrible thing to have in your heart, all Americans have the right to hate whatever or who ever they want (Hudson 1). Besides, if officials start punishing hate or unholy thoughts, they might as well make a new category of crime- thought crime. If this line of thinking were acted upon, then half of America would be behind bars.
As stated above, the idea of punishing crimes differently based on the victim might make some people or groups feel as if others are more protected or valued than they are. This whole concept is hypocrit .....
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Women As Leaders
Number of words: 2172 | Number of pages: 8.... degree to be a contributor to this century's model of the family unit and in this time of "education inflation", the demand for higher education is growing at a staggering rate. In the corporate sector, the generation of women who entered the corporate world two to three decades ago have blazed the trail now followed by ever-growing numbers of women (Shaiko, 1997).
The great strides women are making in the work force can be attributed to numerous factors including the:
"passage of equal employment opportunity
legislation's, modifications in job requirements,
more females on the buying side, elevated
educational achievements b .....
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Number of words: 750 | Number of pages: 3.... sentences in prison and mothers get no punishment at all? Sure they’re certain circumstances that would be a benefit for the mother to have an . One is a mother with money problems who can not support a family and don’t have time to manage a baby and have a job. Women with incomes under eleven thousand are over three times more likely to have an than those with incomes above twenty-five thousand. These mothers take the easy way out by having an and ending their child’s life. Another reason why most mothers have s are teen pregnancies where a young women made a bad decision and can’t handle the consequences. Unmarried wo .....
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The Importance Of The Bill Of Rights
Number of words: 295 | Number of pages: 2.... which are an undeniable standard of the proper protection of human and civil rights even now. But some sceptics maintain that this act did not enshrine the liberties of the Americans because some groups were outside the system of protection. However, we must keep in mind that the amendments were ratified over 200 years ago and they simply did not intend to protect all the inhabitants of the new-born United States.
Similar regulations were commonly met in other countries' legal acts of the time. For example, in the Polish Constitution ratified in 1791 only the nobility had all the civil rights, so it was even a more narrow unde .....
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Cuba And Embargo
Number of words: 2276 | Number of pages: 9.... experts disagree about how the U.S. government should accomplish these aims. Some believe that the country’s current policy toward Cuba is outdated in its Cold War approach and needs to be reconstructed. However, many still consider Fidel Castro a threat in the hemisphere and a menace to his own people and favor tightening the screws on his regime even more. (Close Up Foundation) For almost forty years, the United States has not imported any Cuban products, nor allowed any American food, medical supplies, or capital to enter Cuba. President Clinton, like each of his predecessors, supports the trade embargo. Two recent pieces of l .....
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