Papers on Science and Nature
Extinction Of Dinos
Number of words: 392 | Number of pages: 2.... own sun. All kinds
of matter and radiation are blasted into space. This matter and radiation travels
through space at nearly the speed of light (186,000 miles per second)
Now, if one of these supernovae were to occur within about 130 light years
of Earth, some scientists feel that life on earth would be drastically affected.
Since a light year is the distance light travels in one year, 130 light years is about
760,000,000,000,000 (760 quadrillion miles!).
So, suppose a supernova had occurred sixty-five million years ago within 130
light years of Earth, how exactly would it cause the death of the dinosaurs? Some
scientis .....
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Number of words: 1053 | Number of pages: 4.... in number of extraordinary ways. First, the is an excellent way to make business information available to possible consumers. Say a person hears about a product that your business produces and would like to know more information about that product. Well, through access, that person can easily locate your business web site and browse through the information needed. Included in the web site found, there could be many documents, pictures, small movie flicks, and unique question and answer sections available. All of this can be gathered in the convenience of a person's home, twenty-four hours a day. A business can be very plea .....
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The Importance Of The Ozone Layer
Number of words: 765 | Number of pages: 3.... a certain
amount of chlorine monoxide in the atmosphere.
It is important to remember that ozone is constantly being created and
destroyed in the atmosphere. The amount of ozone in the atmosphere is based
on these reactions. There are many factors that influence the amount of
reactions like season, latitude, and solar cycle. Because of these factors
ozone can vary wildly each day. In the northern latitudes there can be up
to 40% difference than the day before. And in the equator regions, there
might be no variance at all.
Unfortunately, the Congress passed a bill reducing the production of CFC's
based on a NASA document. Thi .....
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Number of words: 1865 | Number of pages: 7.... path around the
solar system. Scientists believe that all comets were formed of material,
originally in the outer part of the solar system, which did not become
incorporated into planets. This material is from when the planets just started
forming. This makes comets an extremely interesting topic to scientists who are
studying the history of the solar system.
In comparison to planets, comets are very small. They can be anywhere
from 750 meters (or less) to 20 kilometers in diameter. However, lately,
scientists have been finding proof that there are comets 300 kilometers in
diameter or greater.
Comets are still compared to th .....
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Number of words: 835 | Number of pages: 4.... it into plutonium.
Shortly after, Seaborg was able to isolate plutonium 239, an isotope used in
atomic bombs.
Plutonium is a highly dangerous and poisonous element because it rapidly
gives off radiation in the form of alpha particles. Alpha particles, which are
identical to the nucleus of a helium atom, consist of two protons and two
neutrons tightly bound together. Although the particles can only travel about
five centimeters in the air, they can cause great damage when the enter the body,
causing cancer and other serious health problems. Beyond the danger of their
radiation, Plutonium will spontaneously explode when a certain .....
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Acid Rain: Cause And Effects And Issues
Number of words: 3928 | Number of pages: 15.... is a suitable work force in the area for
plant construction and operation;
d. Whether there is sufficient energy resources readily
e. Whether or not the chemical plant can carry out its
operation without any unacceptable damage to the
Listed above are the basic deciding factors that govern the location of
a plant. The following will explain in greater detail why these factors
should be considered.
1) Raw Materials The plant needs to be close to the raw materials that are
involved in the production of sulfuric acid such as sulfur, lead,
coppe .....
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Number of words: 306 | Number of pages: 2.... an australopithecus fossil was made in 1924. The body of
the australopithecus is smaller than humans, but biffer than chimpanzees. Also,
The brain size of australopithecus is bigger than humans at about 475 cubic
centimeters. This is also biffer than the chipanzees, but the brains were not
developed in most areas. For example speech. The australopithecus species all
had mostly the same features with a low forehead, a "bony ridge"over the eyes, a
flat nose and no chin. Their jaws stuck out and they had large back teeth. Even
today, many more species of australopithecus are being discovered.
Australopithecus anamensis was only named .....
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The Human Eye In Space
Number of words: 907 | Number of pages: 4.... Himalaya mountain area.... I saw a steam locomotive by
seeing the smoke first..... I also saw the wake of a boat on a large river
in the Burma-India area... and a bright orange light from the British oil
refinery to the south of the city (Perth,Australia.)"
The above observation was made by Gordon Cooper in Faith 7 [1963] and
which generated much skepticism in the light of the thesis by Muckler and
Narvan "Visual Surveillance and Reconnaissance from space vehicles" in
which they determined that a visual angle of ten minutes was the
operational minimum, and that the minimum resolvable object length
[M.R.O.L] at an altitude of 113 .....
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Number of words: 478 | Number of pages: 2.... sometimes form tangled webs or thin whitish sheets. A large ring or halo is sometimes seen around the sun or moon when the cirrostratus covers the sky.
The middle layer of range in altitude from 6,500 to 23,000 feet. The altocumulus, altostratus, and nimbostratus are found in the middle division. The altocumulus are more rounded and puffier than the cirrocumulus . When people stare at the altocumulus , they usually see a shape of an animal, usually an elephant. Altostratus cover the sky with a grayish veil through which the sun or moon may shine as a spot of pale light. The nimbostratus are the that we can ident .....
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Computer Programming
Number of words: 1229 | Number of pages: 5.... and expanding existing programs. They are often grouped into two types. These two types are Applications programmers and Systems programmers. Applications programmers usually are oriented towards business, engineering, or science. They write software to handle specific jobs within an organization such as a program used in a place of business were a lot of inventory is being taken. They may also work alone to revise existing packaged software. Systems programmers, on the other hand, maintain and control the use of computer systems software. These workers make changes in the program that determine how the network, workstation .....
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