Papers on Science and Nature
Digestive Systems Of Humans, Earthworms, And Grasshoppers
Number of words: 1293 | Number of pages: 5.... into maltose. Pepsinogen, which is an inactive enzyme, will change to pepsin, an active enzyme, when mixed with hydrochloric acid. Pepsin breaks down proteins, forming chains of amino acids called polypeptides. Chyme, a mixture of churned food, mucus, and digestive enzymes, is formed and will pass through the pyloric sphincter into the small intestine.
The small intestine is made up of three parts called the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. All three parts aid in peristalsis. They also help with the chemical breakdown of simple sugars, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and fats. The villi, which is a finger like protrusion, conta .....
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Endangered Species
Number of words: 674 | Number of pages: 3.... back into the world by birth” (International Rhino Foundation 3). “The Black Rhino is illegally hunted for its ivory horn that ranges between one foot to one foot eight inches long” (Speart 26). The animal is slaughtered for its horn while its carcass is left for the vultures.
Since the Black Rhino was put on the list in the 1980s, conservation agencies have aided to help the Black Rhino to rebound. “Now under strict control, the population of Black Rhinos has risen to at least 2,500 in and around parks and on private land in eastern and southern Africa, an increase of 100 from three years ago” (Davies 1). With .....
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Number of words: 1051 | Number of pages: 4.... vaccines to prevent Encephalitis and some of the
most common diseases in this topic are Measles, Mumps and Rubella,
Meningitis, Japanese Encephalitis and Mosquito and Tic Bourne Encephalitis.
Measles, Mumps and Rebella viruses are all associated with Encephalitis and
all can be prevented with the same vaccine. Commonly known as the Measles
vaccine it is administered by injection under the skin in the thigh or shoulder.
Side effects from the measles vaccine may include a rash that rapidly fades and
a high fever that occurs five to 12 days after the immunization and lasts one or
two days. Meningitis, another common Enceph .....
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Drumlin Formation By Catastrophic Flooding
Number of words: 3070 | Number of pages: 12.... areas, by various workers. Shaw suggested as many as 10 meltwater discharges, similar to those which caused the Livingstone Lake drumlins, would be needed to account for drumlin fields in other areas [Shoemaker, 1995, p. 3].
The subglacial meltwater hypothesis of Shaw et al has several parallels to an interpretation of drumlins as streamlined landforms caused by the currents of flood waters generated by uplift, presented in the 1979 article Drumlins and Diluvial Currents by Cox. Although developed independently, Shaw's approach resembles that outlined by Cox in several ways. Cox published a photo with the above mentioned arti .....
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Computer Viruses
Number of words: 3907 | Number of pages: 15.... is possible to use the replication mechanism of for some useful and beneficial purposes. In this paper I will examine the question of why computer users consider to be a bad thing and why they reject the idea of having a computer virus serve a good purpose. I will also explore the military point of view with regard to . This paper is based in large part on a research paper by Vesselin Bontchev from the University of Hamburg.
The term “computer virus” is usually associated with some mean, little program that is produced to serve only one purpose; to cause damage to other computers and destroy the information on them. are si .....
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Number of words: 3029 | Number of pages: 12.... At the center, your body is put on a table in the perfusion room. A team of three or four technicians work to drain the blood out of your body and inject a cryoprotective agent to get as much moisture as possible out of the tissues, so the organ don't crack during freezing.
The body is then dried and wrapped in a cotton sheet. It is placed, cocoonlike, into a standard sleeping bag, head first, with the open end by the feet tied off. The body is placed in a large brown box lined with Styrofoam and packed with dry ice. It remains there for seven days to slowly bring the temperature down. By the time the body is removed, .....
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How Various Mechanisms By Which Substances Cross The Cell Me
Number of words: 886 | Number of pages: 4.... is greater than the
molecules will travel from the higher to lower concentration.
Eventually there will be a dynamic equilibrium and there will be no net
movement of molecules from one side to the other.
Osmosis is the diffusion of water. Like diffusion, the water moves
from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water
potential. Solutions have three different stages that the solutes can
be classified in: isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic. Isotonic is when
the solutions have equal amounts of solutes. Like equilibrium, there is
no net change in the amount of water in either solution. When the .....
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Anthopleura Elegantissima
Number of words: 1229 | Number of pages: 5.... any of the experiments started. Only the most healthy anemones were used in the experiment. To free the anemones, Francis hit the bowl against a solid surface. To determine the sex of the anemones, they were severed and inspected for sex organs. When their sex organs are fully grown the female’s are brownish-pink and they male’s are yellowish-white. The anemones that contain one or more sex organs including oocytes or spermatocytes were recorded as having developed sex organs. The anemones were then placed in a drying oven for approximately 18 to 24 hours, so they could be dried to a constant weight.
The anemones livin .....
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Alzheimer’s Disease
Number of words: 739 | Number of pages: 3.... a paired helix. Other diseases that have "paired helixes" include Parkinson's disease, Down's syndrome, and Dementia Pugilistica. Scientists are not sure how the paired helixes are related in these very different diseases. Neuritic Plaques are patches of clumped material lying outside the bodies of nerve cells in the brain. They are mainly found in the cerebral cortex, but have also been seen in other areas of the brain. At the core of each of these plaques is a substance called amyloid, an abnormal protein not usually found in the brain. This amyloid core is surrounded by cast off fragments of dead or dying nerve cells. The cell f .....
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Cystic Fibrosis
Number of words: 383 | Number of pages: 2.... level of salt in lung cells draw water out of the mucus causing it to thicken.The level of salt in a cell is determained by the movement of ions across the cell membrane.Ions are carried across call memebranes by protein channels embedded in the cell membrane. Since the stucture and functions of proteins are determained by genes problems with ion transport can be assumed to have a genetic basis. In 1989 an American Canadian research team found thre defect in the gene called the transmembrane conductance regulator gene ,produces a protein that usually helps maintain normal levels of chloride. In about 60% of pateints the protein .....
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