Papers on Science and Nature
Number of words: 1562 | Number of pages: 6.... a few living D. magna. This is a very large species, as go, and one that is easily cultured in the laboratory. Return to your bench and observe the animals using the dissecting microscope. Note the characteristic jerky swimming motion. The uneven appearance of this motion is a result of there being only one pair of locomotory appendages, or oars. Try to observe the movement of the second antennae, which are the locomotory appendages. If you have watched adult brine shrimp, Artemia, in motion, the difference should be immediately apparent. Adult Artemia have many pairs of oars and thus has a smooth, even motion through the w .....
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Endangered Species
Number of words: 625 | Number of pages: 3.... are cut down, primates have progressively smaller feeding and living spaces. They also become more accessible to hunters, who kill monkeys for food and trap many primates for sale as pets, research animals, and zoo specimens. Some animal species may move into human communities when their own are destroyed. Extermination of marauding monkeys, roaming tigers, or foraging deer is easy to justify by people whose livelihood is threatened. Pollution is another form of environments change. Forty species of birds in the United States, including peregrine hawk, bald eagle, pelicans, and roseate terns, lay thin-shelled as a result of inge .....
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Number of words: 1790 | Number of pages: 7.... in the atmosphere or swirl around the slopes of towering volcanoes. Local patches of early morning fog can form in valleys. At the Viking Lander 2 site, a thin layer of water frost covered the ground each winter. There is evidence that in the past a denser Martian atmosphere may have allowed water to flow on the planet. Physical features closely resembling shorelines, gorges, riverbeds and islands suggest that great rivers once marked the planet.
is smaller and, because of its greater distance from the Sun, cooler than the eearth. It has seasons similar to Earth's because the tilt of its rotational axis to the plane of its orb .....
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Magic And Science
Number of words: 1503 | Number of pages: 6.... seventeenth century magic has become a living for some entertainers. Jugglers, wizards, and fortunetellers often appeared as scrub than a man of talent. These respected entertainers attracted lots of attention, not only because of their flaming clothing, but also because of their talents. In time there were traveling performers. Magicians dressed up and traveled for town to town, setting up stages and booths attracting the attention of the people, as well as their money. Pretty soon this sorts of entertainment was everywhere. At fairs they perform when they attract a crowd, then they passed around a hat for donations as if th .....
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Hydrologic Cycle
Number of words: 773 | Number of pages: 3.... slowly downward to the water table. Once it reaches the water table, it is called ground water. Ground water continues to move downward and laterally through the subsurface. Eventually it discharges through hillside springs or seeps into streams, lakes, and the ocean where it is again evaporated to perpetuate the cycle. GROUND WATER AND SUBSURFACE WATER Most rock or soil near the earth's surface is composed of solids and voids. The voids are spaces between grains of sand, or cracks in dense rock. All water beneath the land surface occurs within such void space sand is referred to as underground or subsurface water. Subsurface water .....
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Pulmonary Agents
Number of words: 2323 | Number of pages: 9.... military materiel (e.g., Teflon7, found in the interior of many military vehicles). The oxides of nitrogen (NOxs) are components of blast weapons or may be toxic decomposition products. Smokes, e.g., HC, contain toxic compounds that cause the same effects as phosgene does. The remainder of this chapter will deal solely with phosgene because it is the prototype of this class of agents; however, the principles of medical management of phosgene exposure also apply to casualties from compounds such as PFIB or NOxs.
Phosgene was first synthesized by John Davy in 1812. Subsequent development as a potentia .....
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Environmental Satire
Number of words: 658 | Number of pages: 3.... It is said that in the future, with global warming, temperatures outdoors will be too hot to survive in. But what is the future? Is the future tomorrow, maybe next month, or next century? The fact is by the time all of the problems that we worry about surface, we will have been dead for hundreds of years. We’ll be safe somewhere in the afterlife with our children and their children. We don’t have to worry about things like polar ice caps melting and flooding the entire earth because, frankly, it isn’t going to effect us. We can go on in comfort knowing that tomorrow the sun will rise and with it, bring ano .....
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Darwinism 2
Number of words: 1199 | Number of pages: 5.... People were willing to accept scientific data as fact and they were able to objectively consider theories that went against the church. Because of the story of creation, Darwinism would have been immediately rejected only a few centuries earlier. People used Darwinism as a weapon to strike at the validity of the powerful religious institutions of the period. It was because of the many drastic changes in the beliefs of the people and the advancement of the logical world that Darwinism was well accepted as a scientific truth.
Beyond the exact definition of Darwinism, many people found personal applications to the scien .....
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The Superstring Theory
Number of words: 4497 | Number of pages: 17.... this, prompts again, "Um, physics?" The teacher noticing the ignorance in the room explains, "Physics is split into two major fields: Relativity (Einstein) and Quantum. Thus, they explain big forces in nature and small forces in nature, respectively. They are not cross- applicable." The student, still baffled, persisted, "But if physics explains nature, how is it that nature can be prejudiced in what applies? I mean, why can't you just plug in numbers into equations and get the right answer, regardless of how small or large the numbers becomes?" The reply, "Well, you can. Well, we think that we think we can --- Well, we're n .....
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The Beginning Of The Universe
Number of words: 1280 | Number of pages: 5.... in the future. This model assumes the perfect cosmological principle. This principle says that the universe is the same everywhere on the large scale, at all times.2 It maintains the same average density of matter forever.
There are observational evidences found that can prove the Big Bang model is more reasonable than the Steady State model. First, the redshifts of distant galaxies. Redshift is a Doppler effect which states that if a galaxy is moving away, the spectral line of that galaxy observed will have a shift to the red end. The faster the galaxy moves, the more shift it has. If the galaxy is moving closer, the spect .....
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