Papers on Society and Social Issues
Number of words: 388 | Number of pages: 2.... these actions. I mean absolutely everyone seeks happiness and satisfaction in everything they do and therefore it is just human nature to act this way. is a term that can be used to describe people who do things only for themselves and do things solely for their own satisfaction unlike others who do it in part for their own satisfaction but also to actually assist that other person.
This new notion that I've learned took me a while to get used to since for some strange reason anything that people did for me after that I did not really appreciate since I though of every action as being selfish. After some time coping with thi .....
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Affirmative Action: Why It Should Go
Number of words: 1822 | Number of pages: 7.... minorities and believed that there was no better time than the present to bring about change. This action, that started with good intentions, would later lead to a different and more complex form of discrimination.
When the Civil Rights Law passed, minorities, especially African Americans, believed that they should receive retribution for the earlier years of discrimination they endured. The government responded by passing laws to aid them in attaining better employment as reprieve for the previous two hundred years of suffering their race endured at the hands of the white race.
To many people the passing of these laws was an .....
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Number of words: 1341 | Number of pages: 5.... is not all true for
the law's definition. In Georgia, incest is defined as any sexual intercourse
between known relatives, by blood or by marriage, (meaning a step-parent and
step-child.) Incest laws basically exist to prohibit marriage or inbreeding
between family members, and the sentences are almost never carried out. (Kosof,
pg 53) So incest is stated as wrong, but not enforced. The Bible states that
incest is wrong, just as the law does. ACursed be he who has relations with his
father's wife... Cursed be he who has relations with his sister or half-sister!"
(Deu 27:20,22.) Therefore, the definition can be altered to fit the n .....
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Why People Dye Their Hair
Number of words: 921 | Number of pages: 4.... on pure luck.
Sometimes people dye their hair because they need a change. They're
sick of the brown-haired, boring old person they see in the mirror every
day, and want to add a little spice to their look. It's really hard to be
boring looking when your hair can be seen from a block away. It's a valid
reason to make a change, and seems like a good idea to me.
A more common reason that people dye their hair, but most wouldn't
admit to, is to try to be "cool". If making friends or getting respect is
your reason for bringing out the dye, I would seriously recommend
reconsideration, and would look down on you if that was your only .....
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Censorship In Society
Number of words: 452 | Number of pages: 2.... It ruins the song. One band, the Insane Clown Posse was banned because of their lyrics, and their name. I may not list to the band, but I feel that others should be able to listen to them if they want to.
Books are normally banned instead of censored. Sometimes, the inappropriate spot in the book might be changed, but most of the time the book is banned. Many times the book is banned because of the message that it sends to the younger kids, but not for any foul or obscene language. The Catcher in the Rye was banned because of the loner kid that it described. Even the bible has been banned.
Some say that censoring inapp .....
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A Winning Attitude Being A Good Sport
Number of words: 395 | Number of pages: 2.... by themself. It takes a whole team to win. Teamwork is what makes the team, and what gives you, and the rest of the team a winning attitude. All of these factors are important to have a winning attitude.
Even when you lose a game you still need a winning attitude. After the game go shake hands with the other team. Say good game or good job. If you or somebody you know gets all mad or upset if they lose a game tell them that they don't have a winning attitude. Even if you have a winning attitude encourage others to have one too. The more winning attitudes, the more winners, or example; After a baseball game you don't see .....
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Human Nature Is Inherently Bad
Number of words: 278 | Number of pages: 2.... justification for such a drastic approach type conclusion, can by
described as basically atrocities of the century Freud lived in. In example the
invasion of the Huns, as a brutal entity designed to portray Man's innately evil
nature. And the atrocities of the First World War.
Freud's view of Man is an evil one. And that all Men are innately evil
and aggression lies within the human as a part of his nature.
Our inclination to aggression is apparent in one's relation with his
neighbor and is apparent in everyday casual behavior. Freud also states that as
a civilized society we use violence only on criminals and that .....
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America And Affirmative Action
Number of words: 1136 | Number of pages: 5.... aimed at helping Black Americans is that they violate the 14th Amendment of the Constitution and the Civil Rights laws., The claim is that these programs distort what is now a level playing field and bestow preferential treatment on understanding minorities because of the color of their skin. While this view seems very logical on the surface, many contend that it lacks any historical support and is aimed more at preserving existing White privilege than establishing equality of opportunity for all. Any cursory look at the history of this country should provide a serious critique to the idea of a level playing field. Since .....
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Hollywood's Attack On Religion
Number of words: 1561 | Number of pages: 6.... (38). However, as Medved points out, the protest was
"the largest protest ever mounted against the release of a motion picture" (37)
and included such groups as the National Council of Catholic Bishops, the
Southern Baptist Convention, twenty members of the U.S. House of Representatives
and prominent figures such as Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Ken Wales, former
vice president at Disney studios. Even with such strong opposition from these
respected groups and people, the studio refused to listen and stood behind its
First Amendment rights.
MCA/Universal was even supported by the Motion Picture Association of
America, wh .....
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Argument For Keeping Repeat Offenders In Jail
Number of words: 566 | Number of pages: 3.... they short enough already? The average jail sentence is
seven years and eleven months, but the actual average time served is two
years and eleven months. I think there are better ways to save money. For
example, we should cut back on the funding of foreign governments. We have
plenty of our own problems in the United States that we need to take care
of. We should take care of our own before we try to help others. The
money we would save would not affect us directly either. The money the
government would save would not reduce our taxes or anything like that,
they would take the money and invest it in something else impo .....
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