Papers on Society and Social Issues
Only Those With No Hope Take Drugs
Number of words: 318 | Number of pages: 2.... seek relief in drugs.
When people do not know how to handle their stress and depressions
properly, they seek for ways that can solve, at least lessen their pains. Using
drugs is certainly one method to reduce pressures and stress when there is no
help coming from others. Because drug causes temporarily delusion of what a
person sees, hears, and smells, he or she might feel a sense of invulnerability.
It will make anyone from hell to heaven. On the other hand, there are many
ways, other than using drugs, that can help to solve one's problems. There is
always hope unless you don't give it a try. Don't surrender to drugs! .....
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Teenagers Of The Sixties And Today
Number of words: 687 | Number of pages: 3.... to this generation in his article as the "me" generation. He quotes University of Michigan social psychologist Lloyd Johnston as saying "It's fair to say that young people are more career-oriented than before, more concerned about making money and prestige." (Gelman 195). This is because life itself changes. There are no more unjustified wars, totalitarianism practiced by college administrators or obvious racial inequities in our society.
Secondly, children grew up in the sixties believing in motherhood and apple pie. America was at peace and the economy was prosperous. Fathers had good jobs, went to work everyday and m .....
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Evolution Of Media Violence
Number of words: 365 | Number of pages: 2.... there has been a increase in violence in the media (television).
In 1968 censorship laws were relaxed in favor of a rating system that allowed
any type of subject matter to be filmed. This permitted Hollywood to specialize
in films featuring excessive violence. Many individuals and citizen groups have
expressed concern about the level of violence in television programs,
particularly in action-adventure series and cartoons. They feel that viewers,
especially children, may learn to see violence as the way to resolve conflicts.
Television can influence peoples mental picture of the world. This is
especially true for younger viewer .....
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Gangs In America
Number of words: 831 | Number of pages: 4.... is everything we don’t see. The life of crime, violence, and prison. Nobody really can understand that until they live it, and once they had lived it, it can sometimes be to late.
Now of course there are situations where kids join gangs because there is no other way. Often it happens that a teenager is forced to join a gang because he/she has no family. The gangs show these kids a sense of loyalty and belonging. Sooner or later these gangs become their family and they no nothing or want anything else.
Another reason I feel kids join gangs is the whole respect/fear aspect. Often I find it that people equate fear and resp .....
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Love One Another
Number of words: 362 | Number of pages: 2.... and get to know how peers.
Okay, but what if I am a shy person? There is wrong being shy. Everybody is
shy of something, but shyness can always be reverse. I used to be shy of
something, but then I gave it some thought when I was thinking when life was
getting boring. I thought that if I were more open and sought friendship, my
life would be much happier.
So loving one another. Is it possible? In my words it is possible, but
it is a long process that cannot happen overnight. It takes a period of time.
I never accomplished the full meaning of loving one another, but just because I
never completed in loving everybody, it does .....
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Number of words: 554 | Number of pages: 3.... Over the years, I have been
elected to several offices and I have realized that if you are elected to a
leadership position you should perform the job duties because many people
are counting on you. I have tried to the best of my ability to live up to
my commitments.
I also realize that not all leadership positions are elected or
appointed. Many are people deciding something needs to be done in there
town and doing it themselves. I have taken this kind of leadership role
in many activities including being a Junior Counselor at Camp. Each year I
was in charge of a cabin of twenty girls, who's ages ranged for 9-12 years
old. .....
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Homeless: What Has Been Done To Decrease The Problem?
Number of words: 806 | Number of pages: 3.... care and necessary social services, and to the right to security in the
event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack
of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
This is a step in the right direction. However, this is not enough. These
rights are subject to the discretion of the government of the country who
decides to obey these universal rights. How much is "adequate"?
The government, both at the federal and municipal levels, is currently working
on new spending cuts. These cuts also include spending on welfare, unemployment
and social services that are geared towards helping the .....
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Number of words: 1501 | Number of pages: 6.... a way of thinking and behaving as though one sex is better than the other; especially, unfair treatment of women by men, caused by thinking this way. You should not treat someone different because of their sex. Woman and men are equal in most ways and can usually complete the same tasks equally well.
Narrow-mindedness: is another form of racism. Narrow-mindedness is like when somebody predetermines by the way you dress, your race, your religion, social class, etc. that you are going to act or behave in a certain way without giving you the chance to prove yourself. When I enter stores or restaurants, because of my young age or ba .....
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What Is An American?
Number of words: 431 | Number of pages: 2.... in. There may be a lot of crime in America, but there
are always more policemen, soldiers, or CIA agents ; it does not matter.
These soldiers and policemen and agents ; they are all modern Americans.
They try to help other people in trouble, and try to make America a better
place for other people to live in.
People like that are what make up America. They hold the society
together, and make sure our neighborhood is safe, and so on. If we didn't
have people like this, there would be no America. Just a land full of crime,
treason, greediness, etc. Modern Americans are responsible for being our
friends and families who live in this .....
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The Problem Of Domestic Violence
Number of words: 1920 | Number of pages: 7.... one it didn't just happen
overnight, it has just been popularized overnight, domestic violence has been
going on from as far back as anyone can remember and probably farther than that,
and two, this is not affecting many people at the same timem, because, as I've
stated before, "in most families men and women do not engage in physically
abusive behavior". If you as the reader gets anything out of this paper, it is
important to me as the writer, that you find that, while domestic violence is a
major problem for some families, it is by no means an epidemic.
The major reason domestic violence has become so widespread over t .....
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