Papers on Society and Social Issues
Peer Pressure
Number of words: 973 | Number of pages: 4.... as influencing other teens exerts whether it is a comments, criticism, persuasion, or pressure to be someone else. It can be as simple as a classmate asking to copy the homework and as difficult as a friend wanting us to try drugs for the first time. Friends can make us feel so pressured into doing something else that we don’t feel it’s right, yet they have such an impact that we have no choice but to go with the flow, surely nobody wanted to be called “chicken” and they might tell that “its not a big deal” but does simply lie in the realm of negativity? Does have any positive effect?
doesn’t have to be negative. .....
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Violence Between Blacks And Whites
Number of words: 768 | Number of pages: 3.... on the battlefield, the war at home witihin society still raged.
"Black Codes" replaced "Slave Codes". Blacks could not vote, hold office or speak to a White person. Riots in Memphis, Tennessee and New Orleans became "victories for white people" in the spring of 1866. A local newspaper even said, "Thank heaven the White race are once more rulers of Memphis."
In 1867 white fears became realized as blacks became enfranchised for the upcoming political convention. Supremeacy groups such as the Ku Klux Klan used violence to intimidate and influence potential voters from exercising their new right. Even Southern white sympathiz .....
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Spousal Abuse
Number of words: 1420 | Number of pages: 6.... they can maintain the abusive situation for a longer time.
Billboards, radio, and TV ads across the country proclaim that “every fifteen seconds a woman is beaten by a man.” Violence against women is clearly a problem of national importance, but has anyone ever asked how often men are beaten by women? The unfortunate fact is that men are the victims of domestic violence at least as often as women are. A survey conducted by National Family Violence showed that men are just as likely to be the victims of domestic violence as women are. In a study in Nineteen- seventy - five (1975) and nineteen - eighty - five (1985), the ove .....
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Cosmetic Testing On Animals
Number of words: 716 | Number of pages: 3.... into the rabbits eyes, lab technicians record the
damage to the eye tissue at specific intervals over an average period of
72 hours. The tests sometimes last seven to eighteen days. Reactions to
the subezces include swollen eyelids, ulceration, bleeding, swollen irises
massive deterioration, and blindness. During the tests, rabbits eyelids
are usually held open with clips, because of this, many animals try to
break their necks as they try to escape.
Acute toxicity tests, commonly called lethal dose or poisoning
tests, determine the amount of a subezce that will kill a percentage, even
up to one-hundred percent, of a .....
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"Is Moral Egoism Correct?"
Number of words: 1039 | Number of pages: 4.... of the time it is correct for us to do what is in our own best interest, sometimes it is not. For example, say I am poor and I am living in an alleyway in New York City. I have no money, no job, and nothing to eat. One day, a nicely dressed businessman comes up to me and offers to give me food, shelter and everything I ever wanted, but there was something I would have to do in turn. I would have to go to the local middle school and to the local high school and push cocaine to the students. Although it is in my best interest to have food, shelter and whatever else I ever wanted, it is not morally correct to push drugs to child .....
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First Impressions May Be Deceiving
Number of words: 724 | Number of pages: 3.... only add strength but also
give the library this impressive look of a bank. These light white-grayish,
square pillars are 2 by 2 ft. and almost half the way up them there are two
engraved lines that run all the way around them about 6 in. from the other.
Concrete, a sign of strength, is also used in the patio around the tower
entrance. This grayish colored concrete was poured in slabs of 3 by 3 ft.
sections. Concrete was also used as dividers between floors. Between each
floor, the redish-brown, 4 by 8 in. bricks are split up by a light grayish
horizontal concrete layer. The items used in the construction of this building
sh .....
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Mockery Of Native Americans
Number of words: 653 | Number of pages: 3.... racial groups have gotten. The African American people were mocked with a doll with a big black head and huge lips to mock an African American. The African American people complained about it and the doll was terminated from society forever. Now the Native Americans are complaining that the mascots of collegiate and professional teams are mocking them and no actions have been taken at all. What they could have done instead of nothing at all was at least change some of the dances which are vastly affecting the Native American people.
There are also many hidden tensions in the Native American people. Hidden tensions because they .....
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Dress Codes And Hair Restrictions Are Vital
Number of words: 541 | Number of pages: 2.... help ease this integration as well by giving each person similar
styles making everyone feel more at ease. The overall integration helps
the students realize that although people may look similar, the idea that
everyone exhibits will be greatly different. These different ideas are
present in everyone, and the dress code and hair restrictions help
illustrate that just because someone looks the same, they do not think the
same. When the students get jobs or find careers in their future, it will
be helpful to know that even though all their co-wor s seem similar, they
are in actuality very different. This approach to futur .....
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The Power Of Language
Number of words: 1272 | Number of pages: 5.... and use of the mass media. The propagandist speaks in an attempt to
persuade the audience to believe his way. With the support of the audience, the
speaker gains power.
Propaganda as an art of persuasion has been used for thousands of years.
In the fifth century BC, when Pericles addressed his fellow Athenians on the
merits of their city compared to the tyranny of Sparta, he was making propaganda,
even though much of what he was saying was true. Many centuries later, Lenin,
the Soviet revolutionary, realized the value of propaganda to indoctrinate
educated people. He employed another tactic toward the uneducated, called
agit .....
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The Environmental Movement
Number of words: 1039 | Number of pages: 4.... the right of the page is a picture of a bird staring forward and underneath that in caps "WE ARE WATCHING". After reading this one gets a true sense that EnviroWatch is looking out for the environment, almost like earth-friendly detectives.
The design of their web site is very conducive to quick and easy access. This is definitely a plus for any newcomer who is browsing through the site to get a feel for the organization. On the homepage, there are a series of 7 "links" running down the left margin of the page, each which brings you to another page containing a separate issue. The final link is an archived page containing i .....
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