Papers on Society and Social Issues
How To Communicate In A Relatioship
Number of words: 822 | Number of pages: 3.... is often a pitfall for communication. When a person states an
idea one way but means it in a totally different way, it is no wonder that he or
she will be misunderstood. With just a slight change in the tone of voice, which
many times may go unnoticed, the sarcasm might lose its' humorous connotations
and accidentally become hurtful.
This is also true with facial expressions. They can be misinterpreted
and then become a stumbling block for the rest of the conversation. When
talking with your partner keep in mind that 75% of what we communicate is body
language. Be careful not to imply anything with facial e .....
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The Crucial Role Of Mass Media
Number of words: 1163 | Number of pages: 5.... it’s privileged role or the supporters of Douglas Rushkoff’s essay on the ability of American people to see past the distractive sensationalism of modern day mass media. The debate that was engaged in class rested on these two contradicting sides.
On one side there is Manhiem. Arguing modern day mass media is profit and deadline driven, lacks true integrity, and despite the many different mediums it is still the same story taken apart, reassembled and passed on with little, if any difference in content. Today’s media determines a story’s “newsworthiness” not on content but rather on the location, timing, tim .....
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On Love And Hate
Number of words: 657 | Number of pages: 3.... wishing peace without
societal discord, tell us to repress our hatred and replace it with love, a
path bound eventually for emotive explosion and breakdown. The diametric
path gives us a series of smaller explosions with promise of emotional
stability as a result of constant expulsion of malefic urges.
Neither of these, or combinations thereof, are terribly productive
ways in which to deal with hate, as even the moderate paths deal with the
hatred only superficially and inefficiently. I see the only way around
hatred being understanding. Upon comprehension of the object of hatred,
one is either better equipped for the .....
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Street Gangs: A Guide To Community Awareness
Number of words: 1348 | Number of pages: 5.... be aware of behavior changes in their children. Such changes
include; a decline in grades, truancy, graffiti in the youth's room, on school
folders or on clothes, wearing of certain style or color of clothes, breaking of
curfew, change in friends, drug and/or alcohol use, or possession of money or
items that a parent cannot explain. Involvement of your child with a group of
their friends in delinquent or criminal behavior may be another sign. Some gang
members devise hand signals to communicate with other gang members. Use of such
signals should alert parents to possible gang association.
Style shows .....
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Number of words: 394 | Number of pages: 2.... Evidence of this can be found in some many cities and towns.
You will see signs in English or French and under them, you will see German ,
Japanese ,Arabic etc..Other examples of this are newspapers and media
productions in varying languages. People that have a choice as to where they
want to immigrate to , usually choose Canada because Canada is a great place to
live according to U.N. statistics.
Some people don't like multiculturalism and form cults, an example of
which is the KKK. They are dead set against black people and believe in white
supremacy. Such people are injust and completely wrong because eve .....
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Fingerprinting Kids
Number of words: 1056 | Number of pages: 4.... while in others the fingerprint cards are
turned over to the parents for safekeeping. The apparent purpose of the
program is to help provide positive identification to link either children
picked up, or bodies recovered, with missing person notices.
Every year about 1 million children are reported missing. Of these
most, about 800,000, are away from home for less than two weeks. About
150,000 of the total missing are abducted; of these two thirds are abducted
by a divorced parent.
Some of the reasons behind the missing children are not pretty.
According to an article in Parade, "about 35 percent of runaways .....
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Prejudice Against Native Americans
Number of words: 898 | Number of pages: 4.... become dominate figures on the Native American land. These factors can still
be attributed for the way that Native Americans are viewed in society today.
After the Revolutionary War the new United States government sought to gain
land through treaties. The payment offered for the land was far from fair,
however, and when Native Americans resisted the surrender of their homeland the
US government simply used superior military power to evict them. The Europenas
knew nothing of the new civilizations they encountered. Most Native American
tribes viewed the lands they occupied to be no one man's property. They
believied that .....
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The Enlightenment
Number of words: 878 | Number of pages: 4.... Bacon, Galileo, Descartes, Leibnitz, Isaac Newton, and John Locke--who had developed fruitful methods of rational and empirical inquiry and had demonstrated the possibility of a world remade by the application of knowledge for human benefit. The philosophes believed that science could reveal nature as it truly is and show how it could be controlled and manipulated. This belief provided an incentive to extend scientific methods into every field of inquiry, thus laying the groundwork for the development of the modern social sciences.
The enlightened understanding of human nature was one that emphasized the right to self-expressi .....
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Linking Media With Fitness Perceptions: A Study On The Affect Of Media On Fitness And Body Image
Number of words: 1179 | Number of pages: 5.... all participants.
In assessing personal attitudes it is often important to measure not only what
an individual feels towards others but also his/herself. Prior research
indicates this is especially important when measuring attitudes towards physical
issues. It has been found that opposing views may be held simultaneously by
individuals in regards to themselves and others. Also concern for how a
response will reflect upon his/herself may negate an individual expressing his
or her true attitudes. This research sought to assess the attitudes of high
school students towards fitness and body image in the presence of different
physic .....
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Affirmative Action In Seattle
Number of words: 1046 | Number of pages: 4.... job classification. Through these availability
rates, the City can determine whether or not women, people of color, or
persons with disabilities are underrepresented in a given job
classification within the work force; second, the City's affirmative action
program encourages managers and personnel officers to make special outreach
efforts into groups and communities that are underrepresented in our work
force, in order to increase the number of qualified candidates in the
potential hiring pool;
Third, the City's affirmative action program directs that when there
are two fully qualified candidates for a given position, prefe .....
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