Papers on Technology
Computer Crimes
Number of words: 1512 | Number of pages: 6.... that take the form of
trespassing, invasion of privacy, or vandalism. Quite often they are mearly out
for a fun and games evening, and they get entangled in the illegal use of their
machines without realizing the full import of what they are doing", I have a
hard time believing that so lets see what a "hacker" has to say about what he
does "Just as they were enthraled with their pursuit of information, so are we.
The thrill of the hack is not in breaking the law, it's in the pursuit and
capture of knowledge.", as you can see the "hacker" doesn't go out to do destroy
things although some do. It's in the pursuit of knowledge. Of cou .....
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A Quantum Computer
Number of words: 1627 | Number of pages: 6.... until it arrives at the answer. But what if instead of having to search by yourself, you could instantly create as many copies of yourself as there were rooms in the building all the copies could simultaneously peek in all the offices, and the one that finds the briefcase becomes the real you, the rest just disappear. – (David Freeman, discover )
David Deutsch, a physicist at Oxford University, argued that it may be possible to build an extremely powerful computer based on this peculiar reality. In 1994, Peter Shor, a mathematician at AT&T Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, proved that, in theory at least, a full-blown quantum .....
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Exploring The Career Of A Computer Programmer
Number of words: 2652 | Number of pages: 10.... programmers from other computer specialist since job titles shift so rapidly, reflecting new areas of specialization or changes in technology. Job titles and descriptions also may vary depending on the organization. In this paper, "computer programmer" refers to individuals whose main job function is programming; this group has a wide range of responsibilities and educational backgrounds. ( Eberts 12 )
Computer programs tell the computer what to do, such as which information to identify and access, how to process it, and what equipment to use. Programs vary widely depending upon the type of information to be accessed or g .....
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Software Piracy And It's Effects
Number of words: 1051 | Number of pages: 4.... Brand name are
properties of their respected companies and they have the right to protect their
Understanding of the IT background of the Issue
Software is contained on disc or on a CD-ROM. Pirates copy can easily be made of
Software on disc by copying from one disc to another disc. For CD-ROM one needs
a CD-ROM burner or one copies the content onto a large hard disc and then on to
a floppy disc. There are some underground bulletin boards ( BBS ) that contain
pirate software. A user who logs on to one of these BBS can download Full
version of Pirate Software provided one too can give something in return. On
the Intern .....
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Computer Crime
Number of words: 3429 | Number of pages: 13.... and new businesses taking advantage of perks of an alternate electronic world, this information dimension will only get bigger, more elaborate, provide more services, and we will find society as a whole more and more dependent on it.
However, even in an artificial environment such as the cyberspace, it appears mankind cannot escape from its somewhat overwhelming natural attraction to wrongful behavior or criminal tendencies. In turn this alternative dimension has been infected with the same criminal behavior that plagues our physical reality. The information age has opened the doors to anti social, smart, and opportunistic pe .....
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Can Computers Understand?
Number of words: 371 | Number of pages: 2.... a computer can
look like it understands a story, it can do no more than "go through the
Of course such a definitive standpoint on an issue as controversial as
the capacity of an AI to understand will draw many critics. The criticism of
his theory that I find to be the most credible is The Other Mind Reply offered
by Yale University. This line of thinking asks: if behavior is what we can
determine the presence of cognition through, and an AI passes a behavioral test,
why don't we attribute cognition to it?
I myself do not believe in the philosophy of AI understanding, because
to support either side on this .....
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Government Intervention Of The Internet
Number of words: 2350 | Number of pages: 9.... and countless other things that offend some people. With over 30 million Internet users in the U.S. alone (only 3 million of which surf the net from home), everything is bound to offend someone. The newest wave of laws floating through law making bodies around the world threatens to stifle this area of spontaneity. Recently, Congress has been considering passing laws that will make it a crime punishable by jail to send "vulgar" language over the net, and to export encryption software. No matter how small, any attempt at government intervention in the Internet will stifle the greatest communication innovation of this century. .....
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Creating WebPages By Using HTML
Number of words: 687 | Number of pages: 3.... is a tag, it identifies the entire document as an HTML document. The next thing you will do is to create a header. An HTML document can be roughly divided into two sections: header and body. Header is where you display information about your web page, like its title. In a basic HTML document, header has two kinds of tags. First is the tag, it identifies this section as a header section. Inside the head is the tag, which identifies the following text as a title. Then you can begin with the most important part of you web page ¡V the body. Body is where contains all the information of your web page. As usual, you ca .....
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Speech Recognition Technology
Number of words: 2718 | Number of pages: 10.... NationsBank, United Parcel Service, British Airways, and Sears Roebuck and Co. These companies focus on the fastest growing parts of the speech market, where the caller's voice replaces punching in letters and numbers on the telephone keypad. The other applications of speech technology are for the use of consumers. The users' voice can give computer commands as well as dictate speech into text.
All operating systems used today are Graphic User Interfaces (GUI's), but "future computers will have Speech User Interfaces, or (SUI's)" (Iversen, 3).
The sudden surge in speech recognition applications can be attributed to two major .....
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History Of Computers
Number of words: 1829 | Number of pages: 7.... binary to
decimal to make it readable to the user.
One of the first computers was called ENIAC. It was a huge, monstrous
size nearly that of a standard railroad car. It contained electronic tubes,
heavy gauge wiring, angle-iron, and knife switches just to name a few of the
components. It has become difficult to believe that computers have evolved into
suitcase sized micro-computers of the 1990's.
Computers eventually evolved into less archaic looking devices near the
end of the 1960's. Their size had been reduced to that of a small automobile and
they were processing segments of information at faster rates than older models. .....
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