Papers on Technology
File Storage And Document-To-Html Conversion
Number of words: 963 | Number of pages: 4.... types of file
extensions on the Internet. They represent different standards and formats
to create the files. Different file extensions need different ways to
transfer and to display or play. I have prepared a comprehensive but not
exhausted List of File Extensions for you. You can always consult this
list to find out what a file ex< "nsion mcans and how to use a file with a
particular type of extension.
Ascii and Binary Files
Basically, there are only two types of file formats on the Internet: ASCII
format and BINARY format.
ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, which
is used to establish a co .....
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Battle Of The Bytes: Macintosh Vs. Windows 95
Number of words: 1131 | Number of pages: 5.... than the
Mac's because its use is more obvious. It clearly shows what is running and
allows you to switch programs with a single click of the mouse. Control panels
have been added so you can configure your hardware. There is easy access to
frequently used files. You can make very long file names on Windows 95 instead
of short and strange names that leave you wondering about, such as on Windows
3.x I could not name a folder This is stuff for school it must be a lot shorter.
The Help system helps you implement its suggestions. A multilevel Undo command
for all file operations safeguards your work, something Macintosh does not ha .....
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Software Piracy
Number of words: 1389 | Number of pages: 6.... worldwide due to software piracy.
Software piracy costs the industry:
$482 every second
$28,900 every minute
$1.7 million every hour
$41.6 million every day
$291.5 million every week
To understand software piracy, one must get inside the mind of the
pirate. People, who wouldn't think of sneaking merchandise out of a store or
robbing a house, regularly obtain copies of computer programs which they haven't
paid for. The pirate has a set of excuses for his ac .....
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How To Make A Webpage
Number of words: 478 | Number of pages: 2.... select one of the many programs that allow you to make a web page, using html,
java, and cgi. Once you find this program, you may now start to enter your html,
java, and cgi coordinates. After long hours of work you may now test your web
page, depending on the program you are using, there is usually a button that you
may press that enables you to look at the web page you have made. After revising
and checking your web page, it is time to place it on the internet. To do this,
you may have to contact your internet provider, and ask them if they allow their
customers to place internet documents on their world wide web server. Once .....
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Computer Literacy
Number of words: 508 | Number of pages: 2.... a specified program,
and using a modem to check e-mail and access the Internet.
Personal computers now have a tremendous entertainment value due to
their versatility. Not only can a computer do all the things that are unique to
computers, it can be a television and a radio as well. Computers have also
attracted millions of people with games galore. Immersive, three-dimensional
games such as Doom 2, Quake, and Duke Nukem 3D can keep people glued to their
computers for hours. With current technology, two friends can connect from
anywhere in the world via modem and play a blazing fast two-player game against
one another. With t .....
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Ultrasonic Radar For A Home PC System
Number of words: 2068 | Number of pages: 8.... and even themselves on their PC screen. Just to impress a
neighbour or friend is reason enough to build your own ultrasonic radar
Similar to that of a Polaroid, ultrasonic transducers are used in this
type of radar. A rangefinder emits a brief pulse of high frequency sound
that produces an echo when it hits an object. This echo returns to the
emitter where the time delay is measured and thus the result is displayed.
The Polaroid rangefinder is composed of two different parts. The transducer
(Fig. 1) acts as a microphone and a speaker. It emits an ultrasonic pulse
then waits for the echo to return. The rangi .....
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How Technology Effects Modern America
Number of words: 1224 | Number of pages: 5.... of
Welfare Reform Network.
In view of these facts, I wonder if these trends are good or bad for society.
"The danger of the information age is that while in the short run it may be
cheaper to replace workers with technology, in the long run it is potentially
self-destructive because there will not be enough purchasing power to grow the
economy," M. B. Zuckerman. My feeling is that the trend from unskilled labor to
highly technical, skilled labor is a good one! But, political action must be
taken to ensure that this societal evolution is beneficial to all of us. "Back
in 1970, a high school diploma could still be a ticket to .....
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Internet Censorship And The Communications Decency Act
Number of words: 676 | Number of pages: 3.... Definitions annexed on to them are extremely
broadsided and could not only ban pornography but also things like
information on AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, birth control,
breast cancer, certain forms of artwork, and many other things that should
never be considered "obscene." However Internet censorship laws could
potentially make it illegal to publish things like this on the Internet,
and in being so vague, there is plenty of room for abuse of laws like these.
Politicians could misuse these laws to ban things that they personally
consider immoral or simply don't like even if they aren't considered
"offensive .....
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Future Of Television
Number of words: 1047 | Number of pages: 4.... dollars. You are probably saying to yourself at this point, “Other than being more expensive, what am I
getting out of a HDTV that I am not getting from the TV at home? To start with, as of now, we use 525 lines of resolution,(makes up the screen, with colors) where HDTV has anywhere from 720 to 1080 (Sobel 73). Next, is the difference between the picture screens. The HDTV has a width to height ratio of 16:9. The average TV now is 4:3. Other than getting a bigger screen with a great picture, you are getting digital sound. HDTV broadcasts will be encoded with Dolby Digital (AC-3) audio, featuring 6 separate audio tracks. Ea .....
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Laws Must Be Passed To Address The Increase In The Number And Types Of Computer Crimes
Number of words: 1340 | Number of pages: 5.... is tempting to liken computer criminals to other criminals, ascribing
characteristics somehow different from
'normal' individuals, but that is not the case."(Sharp, 18:3) It is
believed that the computer criminal "often marches to the same drum as the
potential victim but follows and unanticipated path."(Blumenthal, 1:2)
There is no actual profile of a computer criminal because they range from
young teens to elders, from black to white, from short to tall.
Definitions of computer crime has changed over the years as the users and
misusers of computers have expanded into new areas. "When computers were
first introduced into bus .....
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