Papers on Book Reports
Steinbeck's East Of Eden
Number of words: 692 | Number of pages: 3.... remained of Mr. and Mrs. Ames to make sure there were two
bodies ." Cathy had set the house on fire and broke into the safe to steal the
family's money. As the investigators scooped the place, they noticed that the
bolts stuck out and there were on keys left in the locks. They knew it was not
an accident. Cathy's body was never found, but the town assumed that she died.
"If it had not been for Cathy's murder, the fire and robbery might have been a
coincidence. " Steinbeck, again, portrays the reader that Cathy is a monster.
"when I said Cathy was a monster it seemed to me that it was so." Steinbeck is
reassuring the reader that .....
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Catcher In The Rye: The Quest For Love
Number of words: 2413 | Number of pages: 9.... for love is
overwhelming, and the tragedy of this great world is the fact that some people
do not find the proper love that they deserve. Holden Caulfield is a perfect
example of the striving to acquire a love sought all throughout his life.
According to this quote, “He is simply expressing an innocence incapable of
genuine hatred. Holden does not suffer from the inability to love, but does
despair of finding a place to bestow his love” (Heiserman and Miller 30), Holden
Caulfield has the need for allocating his cornucopia of love for people. His
quest is very simple. He wants to do good. As compared to tragic heroes in the
past .....
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The Outsiders: An Analysis
Number of words: 2383 | Number of pages: 9.... the authorities.
I hope you would enjoy and learn something about the book from reading this
Plot Development
The plot development in the book, “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton, was easy to
follow. In this part of the book analysis I will give some more details about
the plot development.
There were no hooks or hurdles in the beginning of the book, the first sentence
starts right away with the plot—without any forewords. This is the beginning of
the first sentence: “When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the
darkness of the movie house...” (page 9). As you can see, it goes straight to
the point .....
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Characterization Of Zaroff In Richard Connell's "The Most Dangerous Game"
Number of words: 261 | Number of pages: 1.... job to abolish the weak. 4) This idea is expressed when
Zaroff states, "...Life is for the strong, and, if need be, taken by the
strong. The weak of the world were put here to give the strong pleasure...
I hunt the scum of the earth - sailors from tramp ships - lascars, blacks,
Chinese, whites, mongrels- ..." 5) This shows that Zaroff not only acts
arrogantly, but also is sadistic. 6) His demented mind forces him to
believe that it is moral to hunt all living creatures, when in fact, he's
actually committing murder. 7) The worst part is that Zaroff considers his
hobby of hunting other humans amusing. 8) Another trait of Zaroff i .....
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Remember Me: Review
Number of words: 1013 | Number of pages: 4.... girl who lives for the moment. She has the ideal life of sex, parties, friends, and a handsome boyfriend. Her parents are rich and did not hesitate to buy her an expensive, red sports car. She can't imagine her life getting any better. She has the immortal feeling of most teenagers until she is pushed from a balcony at a party and killed. Her soul does not leave this earth in the first book. She stays on earth and helps to solve her murder. Early after her death she is bitter and feels cheated of her life. Yet as the book progresses, Pike does an admirable job of having her character come to the realization that it is .....
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Things Fall Apart 3
Number of words: 990 | Number of pages: 4.... pacify the Ibo people and ultimately cause the death of Okonkwo. I believe Okonkwo is the last and final source of chaos that is finally muted to bring civility to the people.
The Ibo people live a very peaceful but ignorant life. At first glance their lifestyle may seem to be normal but when examining the depths of it we can clearly see why it would seem to be chaotic. When I use the term chaos or anarchy I don’t mean it in the literal sense but in comparison to the modern world or in particular England. Anarchy or chaos in my usage is meant to be the lack of morals and/or certain values, which we as westerners would agree t .....
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The Red Badge Of Courage 3
Number of words: 778 | Number of pages: 3.... also characterizes the toughness people can endear. "... the tattered soldier had two wounds, one in the head and the other in the arm, making that member dangle like a broken bough." (pg 51) "'Was a pretty good fight, wa'n't it?' Said the tattered man." (pg 51) Even through the harshness of war people will find something inside of them, overcome it and not let it bother them. "His homely face was suffused with a light of love for the army which was to him all things beautiful and powerful." (pg 51) The tattered solider goes out and lives through the tough endurance of war but he finds something inside of him to live thro .....
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“Tintern Abbey” And “Intimations Ode”: Natural Peace
Number of words: 326 | Number of pages: 2.... shaped by the poet’s mind. The thought revolves around the serenity that nature has brought to his life.
In “Intimations of Immortality” Wordsworth states “Yet in my heart of hearts I feel your might” (line 89) as to perceive nature as a part of man spirit. The part of man spirit man can roam freely without human concerns. In light of this thought man loves nature in an overwhelming way. Nature being the beginning of mans life and the rebirth of the old.
In Wordsworth’s work there is a very clear picture of the serenity and freedom that nature represents. Wordsworth view of mankind’s relationship to nature is .....
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Great Expectations: True Goodness In A Person
Number of words: 718 | Number of pages: 3.... are what finally bring him to realize the importance and value of true goodness. He is brought to London where he was to become a gentleman. But he only finds that life there was even more unsatisfying. He grows deeper in debt, and starts loosing friends because he felt he was better than them. When he visited Pip was actually embarrassed by him, one of the few people who loved him most and cared for him so much when he was a child, and Pip just turned him away. He even did the same to Magwitch, a person who had dedicated his life toward helping. When Magwitch finally revealed to him that he was Pip’s benefactor all Pip had .....
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Silence Of The Lambs: The Battle Between Two Evils
Number of words: 867 | Number of pages: 4.... he uses to see into the minds of others. He gets into their heads and
plays with their minds, internally torturing them. He is a sick man and needs
therapy and constant care in a hospital because he is too sick to help himself.
On the other hand, Dr. Chilton is capable of changing, if only he could realize
his evil ways. He is blinded by his own power and greed which he obtained
through his job.
Unlike Dr. Lector, Dr. Chilton has total control of his actions.
Another difference between the two, Chilton does not set out with doing evil in
his mind. He has become so evil that he is not even aware of his evilness. It
almost s .....
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