Papers on Book Reports
In The Middle Of The Night: Review
Number of words: 284 | Number of pages: 2.... Night is about an accident in a theater where a
balcony collapses on a number of small children, and kills them, and a few
are injured. The owner of the theatre kill himself and everyone is out to
blame John the usher who was investigating the noises from the balcony at
the time. Today the usher has grown up and has a son. A victim, who died in
the accident but came back to life that day, is out for revenge on the
usher's son.
The novel is hard to follow at first because there are jumps from one
character view to another, to piece together a whole view of the story.
The structure of the story is from 3 different views, one is t .....
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Naturalism In To Build A Fire
Number of words: 1239 | Number of pages: 5.... a creature of temperature, and upon man's frailty in general, able only to live within certain narrow limits of heat and cold."(p.1745) At first when the man started his journey to the camp, he felt certain that he could make it back to camp before dinner. As the trip progressed, the man made mistake after mistake that sealed his fate. The man's first mistake was to step into a pool of water and soak his legs to the knees. This blunder forced the man to build a fire to dry his wet socks and shoes so his feet would not freeze and become frostbitten. When the man began to build a fire he failed to notice that he was doing so under a .....
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Linda McQuaig's Shooting The Hippo: Causes And Results Of Debt
Number of words: 1092 | Number of pages: 4.... and leads to numerous other examples which McQuaig uses
to break down the popular myths about the deficit. McQuaig, determined to
expose one by one, several of the current myths about the state of the Canadian
economy, backs up her arguments with interviews and publications. These include:
a chief statistician at Statistics Canada who has been working on the statistics
of social spending since the middle '60s; the man at Moody's bond rating service
in New York who is in charge of setting the credit rating on our federal debt;
and noted economists, among others.
The book goes on in its investigation as to why the recession i .....
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The Theme Of Brave New World
Number of words: 659 | Number of pages: 3.... the old and new worlds. Another time where the conflict of promiscuity comes up is between John and Lenina who tries to have relations with John. Though John is attracted is to her he strictly believes that marriage must come before sex and when he finally gets the nerve up to suggest such a proposition to Lenina she is appalled and laughs at the idea.
When John and Linda are brought back to London John becomes a freak show exhibit in a way. He is a rarity and Bernard uses him as a shield so that he can finally state is political opinions, which are highly unpopular, without getting in trouble. Linda having access to soma .....
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Moby Dick: The Characters And Plot
Number of words: 1711 | Number of pages: 7.... the Pequod sets
sail in the Atlantic. As the weather begins to warm up (several months
after leaving port), Ahab is finally seen on deck. The strangest thing
about Ahab is his leg. Instead of flesh and bone, he has a white ivory peg
As the weeks wear on, Ahab starts to become friendlier. One day,
he calls the crew before him. He tells them that the sole mission of the
Pequod is to kill Moby Dick. Moby Dick is a gigantic sperm whale with a
crooked jaw and a deformed forehead. He has never been defeated, and has
attacked and sunk entire ships. Ahab admits he hates Moby Dick for taking
his leg away, and wants revenge. T .....
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Virgil's Aeneid
Number of words: 1332 | Number of pages: 5.... he notices that Turnus is wearing the sword belt of
Pallas and the stoic ways of Aeneas leave him as rage, fury, and anger run
through his body. He kills Turnus in anger and dedicates his death to Pallas.
This loss of control and act of violence is the opposite of stoicism and the way
Aeneas had been portrayed the rest of the epic.
Turnus has to die for the founding of Rome to occur but he should not
have been killed in such a way. The killing was payback for the dishonorable
way that Pallas was killed. The sword belt had images that reflect Augustinian
Rome as did the shield in book eight. The theft of the belt from Pa .....
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The Silence Of The Lambs
Number of words: 782 | Number of pages: 3.... Clarice that Buffalo Bill was a former patient of his and that his name is James Gumb. Dr.Lecter also told her that James had a storeroom in Baltimore. Clarice contacts the manger of the storage depot and goes inside Gumb’s space. While inside Clarice finds a car, after rearranging a few things she goes inside the car and discovers a decapitated head in a jar. After examining the head she notices a moth in the mouth of the head and takes it to the entomology lab of a local museum. The technicians there tell her that it is a rare moth from Asia. Later Clarice learns that this is Buffalo Bill’s signature. He would place a moth .....
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Analysis Of Racism In Huck Fin
Number of words: 1146 | Number of pages: 5.... as property rather than as individuals with feelings and aspirations of their own. Huck comes to realize that Jim is much more than a simple slave when he discusses a painful experience with his daughter. Jim describes how he once called her and she did not respond. He then takes this as a sign of disobedience and beats her for it. Soon realizing that she is indeed deaf, he comforts her and tries to make up for the act of beating. The feeling that Jim displays shows Huck that Jim has a very human reaction and the fact Jim says, "Oh Huck, I bust out crying....'Oh the po' little thing!" (Twain 151), only further proves to Huck tha .....
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The Odyssey Character Essay On
Number of words: 501 | Number of pages: 2.... The Cyclops is a gullible character. First off, the Cyclops believes
Odysseus when he tells him that his name is Nohbdy. "Nohbdy is my meat
and then I eat his friends". Moreover, he accepted wine from Odysseus and his men, people he was continuously torturing. "Three bowls I brought him and he poured them down". Also, the Cyclops leaves Odysseus and his men, who were complete strangers to him, alone in his dwelling when he goes out with his sheep. The Cyclops is cool because he can be easily fooled into doing things for people, for his stupidity and gullibility is evident.
The Cyclops is uncivilized and is concerned .....
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A Review Of Huxley's Brave New World
Number of words: 4621 | Number of pages: 17.... of pain,
disease and unhappiness can be. If you think it does, then you enjoy an
enviably sheltered life and an enviably cosy imagination. For it's all
sugar-coated pseudo-realism.
In BNW, Huxley contrives to exploit the anxieties of his bourgeois
audience about both Soviet Communism and Fordist American capitalism. He
taps into, and then feeds, our revulsion at Pavlovian-style behavioural
conditioning and eugenics. Worse, it is suggested that the price of
universal happiness will be the sacrifice of the most hallowed shibboleths
of our culture: "motherhood", "home", "family", "freedom", even "love". The
exchange yields .....
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