Papers on Book Reports
Iago Is Evil
Number of words: 832 | Number of pages: 4.... It is interesting
that Iago feels theneed to justify himself to a pantywaist like Roderigo,
who entrusts him with his "purse"without really even knowing him. When
he does not belief his daughter to be "making thebeast with two backs"(I,
i, 113), as Iago so gently puts it, Brabantio calls Iago a villain.
Instead of denying it, Iago simply replies by saying, "You are-a
senator."(I, i, 115) Agreat way to avoid reality is to merely pretend it
is not there. Then, instead of takingcredit for telling Brabantio, Iago
allows Roderigo to remain and bear witness. After all,what is the devil
better at than casting false blame. .....
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Yugoslavia-a Land Torn Apart
Number of words: 1575 | Number of pages: 6.... the Mediterranean and Central Europe since ancient times. Most of the populations have lived separated from each other geographically and culturally, developing very strong national and tribal allegiances. This region is a frontier between Eastern and Western European civilizations and has also been influnced by Islam during the Turkish invasion.
The roots of the conflict in the Balkans go back hundreds of years. Farther than recent events in the region indicate. Dating back to Roman times, this area was part of the Roman Empire. It was here that the divide between Eastern and Western Roman Empires was made when it split under .....
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Thesis Paper On The Crucible T
Number of words: 1101 | Number of pages: 5.... church will burn like hell is burning.” “The church in theocratic Salem is identical with the state and the community and will surely crumble if unquestioning obedience falters in the least.” Proctor, on the other hand, “has come to regard his self as a king of fraud,” as long as he remains obedient to an authority which he cannot respect. In other words he believes that the cannot be his true self when he has to abide by lies and not by his morals. He thinks there is to much mention of hell in God’s church and about the dangers to the community to implicit in all this talk of witch craft. He is .....
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A Rose For Emily: Emily’s Disbelief In The Truth
Number of words: 816 | Number of pages: 3.... was expressed through the narrator, the new generation of townspeople, and Homer Barron. The narrator was representative of the pas mainly through their words and description of what was going on. Homer Barron along with the townspeople represented the “next generation, with its modern ideas” (p. 120) in the present.
Miss Emily was characterized as a “fallen monument” (p.119) one of great refinement, an ideal of past values but fallen because she had shown herself susceptible to death and decay, as seen when she lets her home become “an eyesore among eyesores” (p. 119); this being an excellent metaphor of her home an .....
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Helpless Before The Iron In Olsen's "I Stand Here Ironing"
Number of words: 655 | Number of pages: 3.... just one line in the story, this statement packs powerful reasoning into the mother's helplessness, showing how her immaturity and lack of knowledge is working against her and to no fault of her own.
Closely related is the narrator's single status in a time of male dominance and no charitable family organizations. The mother is acquitted from any wrong doing because her husband abandons her and Emily early in the story because he " could no longer endure" (p. 169). This act causes the mother to have to raise Emily on her own and with no experience. This proves to be one of the major causes of the families turmoil. There is no t .....
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Black Boy
Number of words: 717 | Number of pages: 3.... she handed Richard a stick. Richard, scared and terrified, went back down the street to the store and saw the same group of kids. Richard started to swing the stick like a crazy man and hit those kids in the head. His mother showed Richard how to stand up for himself and that anything is possible.
Another influence on Richard’s life was when a cat was meowing outside their house. Richards’s dad was sleeping at the time and he hated to be bothered. So Richard and his brother were afraid of waking up their dad and tried to quiet down the kitten. Richard’s dad then told them to shut that cat up or kill it if you have to .....
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The Worn Path Of Life
Number of words: 1210 | Number of pages: 5.... weather is cold; it's mid-December, and the ground is frozen. Phoenix's cane taps the frozen earth as she walks along, "like the chirping of a solitary little bird."
Phoenix is very old and very small and dressed in a cotton striped dress that reaches to her shoes, which are untied, the laces dragging the ground. Her head is "tied in a red rag" above her eyes, which are faded blue with age. The scent of her hair, the color of her skin and even the pattern of the wrinkles on Phoenix's face are clearly depicted here by Ms. Welty:
" . . .Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles and as though a whol .....
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Black Like Me 2
Number of words: 665 | Number of pages: 3.... on the bus and requests to get off at his stop. The bus driver refuses;"I can't leave the door open all night". This was just pure disrespect from the driver for he had nothing better to do than wait for traffic. Griffin at the time was exhausted and he was trying hard not to release his rage towards the bus driver. Griffin later writes in his journal "this is the only deliberate act of cruelty that I encountered on any of the city buses of New Orleans". He also says that the act was done strictly against his color not the person that he was, if the bus driver even realized that blacks were people.
To a lesser degree the .....
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The Great Gatsby: Death Of The American Dream
Number of words: 1425 | Number of pages: 6.... Paul Academy; his first writing to appear in print was a detective story in the school newspaper when he was thirteen.
From St. Paul Academy Fitzgerald went on to a higher education at Princeton University.
At Princeton, Fitzgerald neglected his studies for his literary apprenticeship. He wrote the scripts and lyrics for the Princeton Triangle Club musicals and was a contributor to the Princeton Tiger humor magazine and the Nassau Literary Magazine. On academic probation and unlikely to graduate, Fitzgerald joined the army in 1917. During this time he wrote the novel The Romantic Egotist.
After his discharge in 1919, he went to .....
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The Force Of Evil
Number of words: 1448 | Number of pages: 6.... by faced with no other choice than to confront the very source of evil, General Zaroff, face to face, Rainsford realizes the danger of his position and takes what he is dealt right in stride. He was now the wanted prey of the most dangerous of hunters. "He had not been entirely clear-headed when the chateau gates snapped shut behind him. His whole idea at first was to put distance between himself and General Zaroff. . . Now he had got a grip on himself, had stopped, and was taking stock of himself and the situation." Mr. Rainsford, an experienced hunter himself, had found himself in a position he probably had never imagined bef .....
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