Papers on Book Reports
Beloved: Sethe's Character
Number of words: 1616 | Number of pages: 6.... slavery(Morrison 251). In this respect, her act is that of love for her children. The selfishness of Sethe's act lies in her refusal to accept personal responsibility for her baby's death. Sethe's motivation is dichotomous in that she displays her love by mercifully sparing her daughter from a horrific life, yet Sethe refuses to acknowledge that her show of mercy is also murder.
Throughout Beloved, Sethe's character consistently displays the stubburn nature of her actions. Not long after Sethe's reunion with Paul D. she describes her reaction to School Teacher's arrival: "Oh, no. I wasn't going back there[Sweet Home]. I went to ja .....
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Stones From The River
Number of words: 2614 | Number of pages: 10.... Jews, Catholics, and Protestants become victims of the Nazis. Religious prejudices are common throughout the novel. However, Hegi portrays Catholicism as the primary faith. The author scatters many fairy tales and stories inscripted about the different types of religion throughout the text. “Catholic water rusted Jewish cars.”(Hegi 88) However, the priest says, “Protestant babies [are] pagan babies…and the Jewish babies [are] like Protestant babies,” because they are not christened. (Hegi 58) In both the Jewish and Catholic religion different beliefs and celebrations bring commeraderie to the .....
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Cry, The Beloved Country: Stimulating A Change
Number of words: 1102 | Number of pages: 5.... immense respect. On the train
he is aware of the respect that other blacks hold for him, because he is a
man of God, though, in the city, his social standing demonstrates little
significance. This may be taken as a sign that the idea of a God may be
questioned or less acceptable to the people, when they have positions in a
society that are cruel and not beneficial.
Kumalo does find assistance when he asks for help from an older man,
who kindly escorts him to the Mission House. The contrast that Paton
creates here is the fact that not all blacks think with the same purpose, a
common characteristic of stereotypes, which Pat .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird
Number of words: 475 | Number of pages: 2.... and tom Robinson and when the verdict came out he was guilty. They were in shock they showed so much hardcore evidence but it seemed as though the jury felt like if they ruled him not guilty they would be disliked by the rest of the town. But at the end tom Robinson was killed trying to escape or at least that’s what they told everyone. I think that they just killed him and he really didn’t try to escape from the prison he was in. so back to the other part of the book with the children, the children are confronted and are almost killed by bob ewell mayella ewell’s father, but the children are saved by the mysterious boo radl .....
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Number of words: 1194 | Number of pages: 5.... and all bad deeds deserve the pain and the punishment of hell. "Philgyas in extreme of misery cries loud through the gloom appeals warning to all mankind: Be warned, learn righteousness; and learn to scorn no god (pg. 165-66)." "All have dared a monstrous sin and achieved the sin they dared. Even had I a hundred tongues, a hundred mouths and a voice of iron, I yet could not include every shape of crime or list every punishment's name (pg. 166)." Aeneas finds his father Anchises in the underworld and is told of the future of Rome and how his descendants will found it. When Aeneas saw his father in the 'Homes of Peace (pg.168)' .....
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Their Eyes Were Watching God: Janie Speaks Her Ideas
Number of words: 705 | Number of pages: 3.... Starks was very nice to her and gave her
everything she wanted. When it came to Janie wanting to talk or speak her mind,
he would not let her, and that made her feel like she was less of a person than
he. Until one day, towards the end of their long marriage, when Jody made a
very mean comment about Janie's body. She came back with, "When you pull down
yo' britches, you look lak de change uh life." After these words came out,
Jody hit her. These harsh words could never be forgiven. At the end of their
marriage, before Jody died she finally told him her feelings. "....And now you
got tuh die tuh find out dat you got tuh pacif .....
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As I Lay Dying By William Faul
Number of words: 662 | Number of pages: 3.... to get to Jefferson. Is Anse sincere in wanting to fulfill his promise to Addie, or is he driven by another motive? Anse plays "to perfection the role of the grief-stricken widower" (Bleikasten 84) while secretly thinking only of getting another wife and false teeth in Jefferson. When it becomes necessary to drive the wagon across the river, he proves himself to be undeniably lazy as he makes Cash, Jewel, and Darl drive the wagon across while he walks over the bridge, a spectator. Anse is also stubborn; he could have borrowed a team of mules from Mr. Armstid, but he insists that Addie would not have wanted it that way. In tru .....
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My Brother Jack
Number of words: 1030 | Number of pages: 4.... Shifting the novel focus from his own inadequacies, George Johnston tries to in fact get the reader to confront these issues.
2. George Johnston uses the theme of deception all through the novel, through the character of David Meredith. David was the most deceitful character in the novel. He did not care who he hurt on the way to getting away from his plain and mediocre life. David basically hurt everyone in his life that ever cared about him. George Johnston used the theme of deception when David continuously deceived his parents. He lied to his parents about the paintings being his own when they were only a litho .....
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Beloved-water Motif
Number of words: 1447 | Number of pages: 6.... name is Beloved. They took her in and she lived with them. Throughout the novel, Morrison uses many symbols and imagery to express her thoughts and to help us better understand the characters. Morrison uses the motif of water throughout the novel to represent birth, re-birth, and escape to freedom.
In Beloved, one of the things that water represents is birth. When Sethe was running away form Sweet Home, she was pregnant. In order to get to freedom, she had to cross the Ohio River. On the way to the river, Sethe met a young white girl named Amy Denver. Amy helped Sethe to keep going because her feet were swollen up. When Se .....
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The Outsider: Meursault
Number of words: 1539 | Number of pages: 6.... of what had happened. An additional illustration of his
detached attitude is after his mothers funeral when he goes to see a
humorous "Fernandel" film with Marie, his girlfriend, and then he takes her
home and sleeps with her just hours after his Mothers funeral. This
indicates that aswell as having a detached viewpoint that he has no
perception of morality. A section of the novel that reinforces this occurs
that after the murder when he is in jail; he never mentions the Arab at
all; it is as if he does not care about the Arab's life; just about what he
is going to do for the rest of the day. This is hardly admirable nor
heroi .....
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