Papers on Book Reports
The Pearl: Prequel
Number of words: 700 | Number of pages: 3.... the end must do it
again until one oyster stands. This was the first time in history that more than
three tests had to be run. It came down to Chuck the clan favorite and Tinagel
the outcast. Finally with a little cheating and a lot of dishonesty Chuck took
the pearl to gain its power till the coming year when he would relinquish
control of the pearl. Tintagel knew this fact but was jealous and devised a plan
to steal the pearl by poisoning Chuck. The next few days Tintagel spent
carefully gathering all the equipment and materials he'd need to complete his
plan. Then after his materials were gathered he mixed and organized them i .....
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A Good Man Is Hard To Find Ana
Number of words: 631 | Number of pages: 3.... her purse on the shelf in front of the back window.
The children's mother still had on slacks and still had her head tied up in a green kerchief but the grandmother had on a navy blue straw sailor hat with a bunch of white violets on the brim and a navy blue dress with a small white dot in the print. Her collar and cuffs were white organdy trimmed with lace, and at her neckline she had pinned a purple spray of cloth violets containing a sachet. In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once she was a lady.
The parents pay little attention to the grandmother and when they do, they are often quite .....
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Thunder Rides A Black Horse: Mescalero Apaches And The Mythic Present
Number of words: 1597 | Number of pages: 6.... three major examples of life in the "mythic present" that I
will primarily be discussing are the astronomical concept of the Mescalero
Apache, the kin-system that the Apache implore, and lastly the Apache
girl's puberty ceremony. Although I have only selected three examples,
there are obviously many more such as the cultural heroine, White Painted
Woman, the creation process in which Apache people are seen as the weakest
link in the being-chain, and reciprocity, among others.
The first example of the "mythic present" I will discuss is the
astronomical concept that the Apache Indians have and how they apply it.
This also inclu .....
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Delsohn's The Emmitt Zone: Summary
Number of words: 328 | Number of pages: 2.... Johnson that he had made the right pick by
setting a record, three straight NFL rushing titles. Not even the great Walter
Payton or Jim Brown had ever done this. This is what labeled Emmitt Smith as
one of the best football players ever to step onto a turf or grass field. He
was quoted by Jimmy Johnson saying, "Emmitt makes everyone around him a better
player just by his presence."
All in all, this was a good book. I learned all about the kind of
records Emmitt Smith set. I learned that not all people are as fortunate as
Emmitt to have a great skill and be able to take it on. .....
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Summary Of Clancy's Rainbow Six
Number of words: 1477 | Number of pages: 6.... the commander and in charge of starting a new European anti-
terrorist group called Rainbow Six. Rainbow Six is split into two teams;
Team 1 and Team 2. These teams are the best there is. They are based in
Hereford, England, but any European country can call on them at any time.
They run 3 miles in 20 minutes every morning at 6:00 am. Only one team
will be on-call at a time. The team that is not on-call will be doing live
fire practices. In the first 6 months of being in operation they are
called on three times which is a lot for this type of thing. The first
incident happens in a Swiss bank where terrorists have taken cont .....
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Macbeth Appearance Vs Reality
Number of words: 1224 | Number of pages: 5.... something very important:
Duncan says, “This castle hath a peasant seat; the air/ Nimbly and sweetly reconnends itself/ Unto our gentle senses.” (Act I, Scene 6, Lines 1-3)
This quote shows that Duncan like Macbeth very much even he feels that Macbeth’s place is comfortable for him. Duncan never suspects the trustworthy of Macbeth and never does anything to guard himself. Macbeth kills Duncan easily. Therefore Duncan has deceived by Macbeth’s appearance.
Lady Macbeth tricks by the three witches. When Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth the prophecies from the three witches. Lady Macbeth thinks that it will be terri .....
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The Queen Of Air And Darkness
Number of words: 710 | Number of pages: 3.... is probably the least well adjusted of the
four. He tends to be sadistic and self-centered. The children were told the
tale of the King of Ireland by St. Toirdealbhach; the tale where the king gets a
head wound and can not be excited, but then he dies while trying to defend his
savior. Agravaine does not see any point in putting one's self in danger to
protect any one else. He says “It was silly, it did no good,” because he does
not understand the principal behind the story. He does not understand that
there are things other than yourself worth dying for. Agravaine's sadism is
evidenced in the Unicorn episode. A .....
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Animal Farm
Number of words: 1601 | Number of pages: 6.... wrote essays and gave speeches to the
working class poor. The working class in Russia, as
compared with the barnyard animals in Animal Farm, were a
laboring class of people that received low wages for their
work. Like the animals in the farm yard, the people is Russia
thought there would be no oppression in a new society
because the working class people (or animals) would own
all the riches and hold all the power. (Golubeva and
Gellerstein 168). Another character represented in the book
is Farmer Jones. He represents the symbol of the Czar
Nicholas in Russia who treated his people like Farmer Jones
treated his animals. The animal .....
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The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer
Number of words: 414 | Number of pages: 2.... mattered.
Tom works best under pressure because he thinks more about it.
Somehow, Tom had sensitivity for others, even others didn't have it
for him. Like the situation with the torn page of the teachers book. Even
though Tom didn't tear the page he still took the blame for Becky when
Becky was being mean to him. He got a whipping Tom didn't care he had
gotten them before that was just same as it ever was for Tom.
Tom's upbringing most likely leads to his adventurous side. The
fact he doesn't have a mother living with him probably has a little less
respect for Aunt Polly than he Biological mother. He wouldn't have less
love since .....
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One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest: Rules In Society
Number of words: 1210 | Number of pages: 5.... thing to do? The people who wear their shoes do not ask questions like this. They follow their fellow men like drone robots, good little servants of society.
There are those people in our society that do as they please when it comes to the unwritten rules of the world. They are decent folks who obey laws that doctrine civilized behavior, but they do so in their own unique way, which makes them seem uncivil to the rest of society. Perhaps they do not wear their shoes to dinner, or in more extreme cases know how to act in certain social situations, such as Billy who does not know how to express his feelings, or more precisely d .....
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