Papers on Book Reports
Water Is Wide
Number of words: 388 | Number of pages: 2.... that the white students reacted passively to
the event.
"Since the faculty was all white, the black
students walked the halls in silence, tears
of frustration rolling down their cheeks and
unspoken bitterness written on their faces in
their inability to communicate their feelings
to their white teachers." (p. 11)
This reaction to the assassination stayed with Pat for many years. Pat
Conroy's view have changed drastically. He is currently a liberal after
watching and witnessing many acts of brute force against blacks. "I
lobbied for a course in black history in a school 90 percent white." ( .....
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Milton's Paradise Lost: A Look Within
Number of words: 725 | Number of pages: 3.... Because of these refined
intelligence, these creatures should incline solely to good.
"So farwel Hope, and with Hope farwel Fear,
Farwel Remorse: all Good to me is lost;
Evil be thou my Good;"
(IV, 109-111)
In this intensely dramatic statement, Satan renounces everything that's
good. His is not a lack of intelligence, or weakness of character, very
simply an acceptance of evil. It almost justifies C. S. Lewis' observation.
"What we see in Satan is the horrible co-existence of a subtle and
incessant intellectual activity with an incapacity to understand anything."
Although the statement "Evil be thou my Good, .....
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The Significance Of Food In "Like Water For Chocolate"
Number of words: 690 | Number of pages: 3.... food and magic are mixed in sparingly in the
story, which revolves about Tita, third daughter of a Elena.
The time is the early 1900's and the Mexican Revolution is raging,
but in the kitchen of the family ranch, the emphasis is on cooking. The
family servant, Nacha, Tita's surrogate mother, teaches the her secrets and
makes her the next in an ancient line of great family chefs. From Nacha
and her mother Tita learns the art of cooking. While all the food did not
center around Tita, most of it was. Even from the time of birth of Tita
she was a part of the cooking, for example when she was born and Nacha
scooped up the salt left .....
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Mary Shelley’s Self-help Guide To Life
Number of words: 1390 | Number of pages: 6.... and enjoying life and
nature through Victor Frankenstein and his monster’s actions.
Mary Shelley begins by telling of the dangers in being overly-
ambitious through Victor's obsession with creating life. As Victor toils
on a physically and mentally laborious project, he completely neglects the
other significant areas of his life, such as his family and his friends.
Victor speaks of this when he states that his obsession "caused me to
forget those friends who were so many miles absent, and whom I had seen for
so long a time" (40). Soon, he begins to think of this project, which is
supposed to fill his emptiness, as an affli .....
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Oedipus Rex 3
Number of words: 880 | Number of pages: 4.... the land of Corinth and such a damned destiny.” That free will act must have been invoked by fate, for the very land he fled to was the land of Thebes, the land where his real parents rein as king and queen. It would seem that fate not only controls people’s lives, but their own free will! His plans to disrupt his destiny played right into those of fate’s. A great example in the book where Sophocles illustrates his belief that know one is able to out run their true path in life.
Now, the prophecies begin to be fulfilled. En route to a faraway city where he could start a new life, he comes across a small .....
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Eagle Eyes
Number of words: 305 | Number of pages: 2.... role parents need to play with children with ADD. By using this book in my classroom, I would explain the ways ADD can effect a child. Probably some of my students will have ADD and those who do not understand. The book I think would help them understand the troubles and triumphs students who have ADD go through. Gehret, J. (1991). . New York: Verbal Images Press
Word Count: 309 .....
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Upton Sinclairs Book The Jungl
Number of words: 572 | Number of pages: 3.... he is naïve in his disregard of human nature". Also "…his conclusions so perverted that the only effect can be only to disgust many honest sensible folk with the very terms he used so glibly" (Blinderman 103). Sinclair's book "The Jungle" effected the business of Chicago in a good way. "The Jungle" made laws come into effect to make meat packing, and the food safer. Today there is meat grading, the ink used today (that is used for stamping) is harmless, it is made from vegetable dye (Ziegler 374). Meat packing today has a price, it raises periodically because of inflation, it is presently at $26.40 per hour (Ziegler 374). .....
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Number of words: 791 | Number of pages: 3.... Shane return to solving problems with a gun, Jack Schefer implies that a man can not
changed, there is no breaking the mold.
In A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens expresses his belief on changing ones personality. The moral of A Christmas Carol is "People can make changes in their lives whenever they really want to, even right up to the end." Charles Dickens shows the moral by haveing Scrooge change his personality. In the begining of A Christmas Carol Scrooge is a cold and almost heartless man, Scrooge doesn't like Christmas or anything to do with it. Scrooge keeps to himself a lot, he does not like having people around him .....
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Showing The Connection Between
Number of words: 1267 | Number of pages: 5.... of the end. When Gatsby trod his first step upon Dan Cody's boat, it was as though he was proclaiming that his old self never existed, and his new-self would flourish. This act of rejection shows not only his self-centered nature, but his blatant disregard for others. The reader is able to see, though, when Gatsby's father, Mr. Gatz, returns later, that this family is extremely odd. After Gatsby's death, upon Mr. Gatz's return, the reader can see Gatsby's father's awe and amazement at his son's wealth and possessions. This illustrates Mr. Gatz's pride in his son, but moreover shows his pride in his son's belongings. Gatsby's c .....
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Racism Related To The Novel Ja
Number of words: 387 | Number of pages: 2.... him. From that point on the story became a struggle of suffering and survival after the deception of “jazz”.
Jazz symbolized the music that bloomed along with the Harlem Reniassance between the years of 1920 and 1930. Like the harlem Reniassance, it claimed to offer a better life foe southerners with new hopes of opportunities in the North. Violet was embraced by this image, but recalled a different view of “jazz”. Like many black women of her time, it did not provide the promised opportunities but rather a source of the problem. “It wasn’t the war that .....
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