Papers on Book Reports
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: The True Sign Of Maturity
Number of words: 835 | Number of pages: 4.... I never said nothing,
never let on; kept it to myself; it's the best way; then you don't have no
quarrels, and don't get into no trouble...I hadn't no objections, 'long as
it would keep peace in the family." (19). It is now clear to Huck that
these men are not going to be a blessing to him and Jim. Still, he never
says a thing, and just wants to have a friendly atmosphere between all of
them. He goes as far as to refer to them as family. Huck even treats liars
with kindness and concern.
More of Huck's kindness is shown during the Peter Wilk's scam. He
feels bad for the three daughters, because the Duke and the King are trying
to .....
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Jane Austen: Background Of Her Novels
Number of words: 2491 | Number of pages: 10.... increased
delight to the playfulness and general epigrammatism of the general style".
In 1809 Jane Austen, her mother, sister Cassandra, and Martha Lloyd moved
to Chawton, near Alton and Winchester, where her brother Edward provided a
small house on one of his estates. This was in Hampshire, not far from her
childhood home of Steventon. Before leaving Southampton, she corresponded
with the dilatory publisher to whom she had sold Susan (i.e. Northanger
Abbey), but without receiving any satisfaction.
She resumed her literary activities soon after returning into Hampshire,
and revised Sense and Sensibility, which was accepted in la .....
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The Great Gatsby: Morality And Gatsby
Number of words: 366 | Number of pages: 2.... a peculiar combination of circumstances had prevented it-
signed Jay Gatsby." (Fitzgerald 45-46) The two had lived next door to each
other for awhile however, they had never associated. Therefore, along with the
invitation to the party there was some suspicion. Jay Gatsby is a very wealthy
man. Nick Carraway, although he lives in West Egg, is not wealthy nor elegant.
The two are certainly opposites. Gatsby and Carraway are bound to take
advantage of each other.
In The Great Gatsby morality is often put to the test. In the book, as
well as real life, there are consequences that follow the actions that are taken.
Morality di .....
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Dr. Faustus
Number of words: 638 | Number of pages: 3.... to ugly to attend on me.
Go, and return an old Franciscan friar; That holy shape becomes a devil best." (Marlowe p.14)
By choosing Mephistopheles to change his form, he is almost sugar coating the reality of having a real devil serve him.
He also brought his own downfall upon himself by being filled with pride. Unfortunately for Faustus his pride was not morally healthy. Faustus would rather retain his pride than admit that he was at fault. He blames his parents, predestination, and appeals both to Christ and Lucifer.
"O my Christ! - O spare me my Lucifer! - You stars that reigned at my nativity.
Now draw up Faustus like .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 1609 | Number of pages: 6.... language that is used by members of that society. As
he becomes alienated from his former, traditional, society, Baumer
simultaneously is able to communicate effectively only with his
military comrades. Since the novel is told from the first person point
of view, the reader can see how the words Baumer speaks are at
variance with his true feelings. In his preface to the novel, Remarque
maintains that "a generation of men ... were destroyed by the war"
(Remarque, All Quiet Preface). Indeed, in All Quiet on the Western
Front, the meaning of language itself is, to a great extent,
Early i .....
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Snow Falling On Cedars: Hatsue And Ishmael's Incompatibility
Number of words: 1005 | Number of pages: 4.... much more logical and rational with her feelings. She saw her love
with Ishmael for what it was. She realized she did not really love him and that
she was still learning what love really is. She moved on with her life, whereas
Ishmael could not.
Ishmael's view of love did not change throughout the novel. He met
Hatsue as a child, and formed the idea that he loved her through his limited
knowledge and through his adolescent view of relationships. His love was
simplistic, yet real. He had concrete reasons for his love. He enjoyed being
with her. He looked forward to meeting her in the hollow cedar tree. He went
out of his w .....
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Symbolism In The Scarlet Lette
Number of words: 642 | Number of pages: 3.... the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your bosom. Now see! There it is, playing, a good way off. Stand you here, and let me run and catch it. I am but a child. It will not flee from me, for I wear nothing on my bosom yet” (192). This symbolizes Pearl’s constant curiousity and truth, and her knowing that the letter her mother must wear retricts her from being ‘loved by the sun’, in other words, Hester must remain in the dark about her feelings, while Pearl can stay in the sun. Again another example of Pearl’s free emotion, a symbolism .....
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The Cruicible
Number of words: 446 | Number of pages: 2.... town for the “minister whom they so loved.” However, these beloved church leaders were not the perfect devout workers of God that they professed to be. Reverend Dimmesdale, was an adulterer and father of an illegitimate child. Reverend Danforth of The Crucible, was a money hungry old man who appeared to be preaching for his own greedy, personal gain. Both men, however, were allowed to get away with their sins for a while because no one dared question the people who gave them their spiritual enlightenment. These men were, after all, the same men who were responsible for the church that stood at the center of not only th .....
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Sheldon's If Tomorrow Comes: Hardships Of Tracy Whitney
Number of words: 1259 | Number of pages: 5.... the character Tracy Whitney goes through a series of
changes, which lead to her eternal happiness. Tracy's character is
different from most other characters, because instead of going through one
change she goes through two. As the story begins, Tracy is loving and
compassionate. She has everything that she needs a rich lover, a great job
and happiness. Every thing is great until she goes down to New Orleans to
attend her mother's funeral. Soon after she arrives in New Orleans, her
entire world turns in to utter chaos, when someone frames her for a crime
that she did not commit. Her attorney tricks her and she ends up going to
ja .....
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Catcher In The Rye And Of Mice And Men: Go West Young Man
Number of words: 847 | Number of pages: 4.... that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place.”(Steinbeck 13) George has been saving up money to buy a piece of land for Lennie and him to live on. He finally has enough money for the land when Candy decided to join them and use his money to help pay for the land. George’s dream died when Lennie died because without Lennie, George would have too much freedom and he would spend his money carelessly instead of saving it. The death of Lennie symbolizes the death of George’s dream.
Lennie shares the same dream as George. Lennie and George travel around .....
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