Papers on Book Reports
Lord Of The Flies: Our Society Suppresses The Evil That Is Presented In All Of Us
Number of words: 736 | Number of pages: 3.... hunters kept on growing and he began to get other
kids to hunt with him. They soon had a routine (the dance) and whenever
they did thad they had to kill, because they got so pumped up when they did
it. Jack then began killing as if it were a luxury. They became savage
hunters as evil took over; they killed almost as if it were a sexual
performance for them.
As this adventure began, Jack was the leader of the choir. He was
a bully who always wanted to be the leader and be looked upon with the
utmost resopect. When Ralph came along as a mild and sensible boy, and was
chosen ahaed of Jack as the leader, Jack was furious. Jack .....
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Brave New World: Huxley Predicted Many Events Of The Future
Number of words: 1194 | Number of pages: 5.... Huxley's prediction of
promiscuity is based on his iron law of sexuality:
"As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends
compensatingly to increase." A current example of Huxley's belief is China.
China is the last remaining communist regime, it also suffers from having one
fifth of the world's population within its borders. Needless to say, China's
large population is a direct result of a very sexually active society. Aldous
Huxley's fears of the future caused him to write about sexual freedom and the
resulting over-population in Brave New World.
Over-population is another problem which is addre .....
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Jack London's White Fang: Summary
Number of words: 439 | Number of pages: 2.... fighting dogs. He became wise and
learned many tricks. His value to them was priceless except a man named Beauty
Smith found a way to buy him through liquor. Beauty Smith used White Fang as a
valuable fighter. He arranged fights and took in bets on them. White Fang
whipped everybody he fought until he fought a pitbull. The pitbull had White
Fang by the neck and was slowly going in to open the jugular. Then a man named
Weedon Scott punched Beauty Smith and pried the pitbull's teeth off of White
Fang's neck. Scott started to love White Fang and pet him. White Fang was
afraid at first that Scott would hurt him. White Fa .....
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Dandelion Wine
Number of words: 540 | Number of pages: 2.... In this story many problems confronted Douglas. There were many deaths,
Great-Grandma, Helen Loomis, Colonel Freeleigh and Elizabeth Ramsal, which were
friends and neighbors of Douglas. A good friend of Douglas, named John Huff,
moved away to Milwaukee because of a job opportunity for his father. Also,
Douglas got extremely sick and was dieing and there was no information on what
kind of illness he had. Douglas took these problems hard. To many things where
going bad in too short of a time. His family was always there for him. He got
well and soon forgot about the deaths in his life, he knew that there was
nothing to be sad about .....
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Beowulf The Epic Hero
Number of words: 1325 | Number of pages: 5.... was not named too, which in my mind would indicate that women had little more status than slaves or property during the times of the Vikings. Fittingly enough, Beowulf’s sword even got a name, for it is by his sword that he earns his eternal fame and glory. However, besides the fact that Beowulf was of noble lineage and that he was a great warrior, he has some other noble qualities.
On the plus side for Beowulf we can say that he was a pious warrior. Although he was from being a modest warrior, for he was anything but modest when it came to his great deeds of valor on the battlefield, he did credit Jesus for every .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Relationship Between Brother And Sister
Number of words: 965 | Number of pages: 4.... appears in the
novel, she instantly shows the lack of respect she has for Cal.
Alexandra does not say “please” or “thank you”, just a simple command
forcing Cal into a servitude. Cal has symbolized strength and authority
throughout Scout's childhood, by acting as a mother figure in the Finch
household. Scout has never seen Cal in such a low and submissive position.
Calpurnia has established a respected place in the Finch family
through the years of dedicated service and through the love she has shown
the Finch children. Aunt Alexandra senses the family's closeness to Cal,
and fears the bond the family has with Ca .....
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Huck's Struggle Between Morals
Number of words: 2219 | Number of pages: 9.... for each other. However, at the same time he must leave behind
societies ways... getting “sivilized, money, and “family.”
Along Jim's and Huck's “adventure,” they have many conversations along the
way. These conversations consist about their freedom, money, and superstition.
In the story, they both have their own opinions about various things, like
"'Well, but he was the wisest man, anyway; because the widow she told
me so, her own self."
"I doan' k'yer what de widder say, he warn't no wise man nuther. He
has some er de dad-fetchedes' ways I ever see. Does you know 'bout .....
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Plot Flaws In The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 846 | Number of pages: 4.... and when they will tell Tom of their affair. It was very hot and all present were obviously uncomfortable. Suddenly Daisy asked, “Who wants to go to town?”(125). They eventually agree and all go to town. They end up getting a hotel room in downtown New York City which was just as hot if not hotter than where they had already been. Daisy and Gatsby tell Tom of their encounters and then they all decide to go home. Why did this needless act that could have occurred back at the Buchanan’s occur? Its only purpose was to set the stage for the hit and run incident that takes place on the trip home. It was merely an easy, but awkward .....
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Young Goodman Brown And The Birthmark: The Benefit Of Dreams
Number of words: 657 | Number of pages: 3.... stop at nothing in order to destroy the slight imperfection on the cheek of Georgiana. Dreams are often viewed as a perception of a person's unconscious mind. Aylmer is not a selfish man in his wishes for his wife to have her birthmark removed. He is just unable to control himself, much like children do. As a result of this new view of Hawthorne's character, we are now aware that Aylmer will not be held back by anything in his pursuit for what he believes to be perfection.
Young Goodman Brown's dream near the end of his story has a huge effect on his character. After an evening of making deals with the Devil and having all .....
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The Red Badge Of Courage And A Farewell To Arms: The Main Characters
Number of words: 1474 | Number of pages: 6.... of
others. Also, the fact that he wants to impress people and appear heroic
is a selfish aspiration. Heroes act not to impress others but to help them.
Usually the actions of a hero are impulsive and not premeditated because
the hero does what he/she believes is right and what their heart tells them
is right and not what others judge is right.
In The Red Badge of Courage, Henry is preoccupied about whether or
not he's going to run when it comes time to fight. After the second
skirmish, the readers find out that he does indeed run from battle but
that's not what makes him a non-hero. It's the fact that he tries to
rationali .....
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