Papers on Creative Writing
Alone With Nature
Number of words: 367 | Number of pages: 2.... sun is comfortably placed in front of the cotton candy clouds, in the midst
of the soft blue sky. The occasional bird soars through in a last minuet attempt
to catch a worm so it may feed the yearning mouths of it's young. The rough dirt
trail ends and you are brought to the base of a rock. Your feet reach for the
unfamiliar footholds of the high rocky promontory, anxiously scrambling up the
streaky pinkish rock ready to explore any new treasures that lie beyond you.
Once on top, you gaze down and see it all- the crystal clear stream brilliantly
reflecting the sky, the vast landscape consisting of the towering trees wher .....
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A Wedding Day
Number of words: 586 | Number of pages: 3.... gown. I got the invitations out and all the other arrangements changed.
I awoke early Saturday morning August 17th, my wedding day, or is it? I really wasn't a nervous bride. I finished packing my luggage for the honeymoon. I went to get my hair styled and do some last minute touches. All set, at least that's what I thought.
My wedding was scheduled to start at 4:00 p.m. my mother, sister, and I arrived at the church. It was almost 4:00 p.m.; I am at the church waiting to walk down the aisle with my dad. Suddenly, someone came in and told me that the groom wasn't here. All the wedding party is here, but no groom. I didn' .....
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The Pharmacy
Number of words: 526 | Number of pages: 2.... Fast that bangs agents the floor. The brown liquid was poring out of the box like a river and some started to spray everywhere. Immediately they paged someone from the cleaning department. While the cleaning person was on it was to clean up the spill; an employee put an orange hazard sign on top of it. To the left there was a person putting away stock on the shelf. The floor was white and the cart was silver. There was some stuff in the cart, along with a lot of plastic warping the stock is warped up in. The ceiling was white and it had a lot of small holes in it. There was florescent light and light was florescent t .....
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Personal Writing: Boot Camp
Number of words: 1294 | Number of pages: 5.... for
you to go to this program. A fee of about five hundred dollars all
together. That money is for the uniforms, bus ride, reserved tickets for
the bunks, and money needed when on the base.
After that the worn out bus load was escorted to a room with other
cadets from other cities. All together there was about four hundred kids
from all over Michigan going to this camp. Every camper was assigned to a
special squad. I was assigned to division six. When I arrived at my
barrack with the rest of the division I was assigned a bed. All of the
recruiters were told to stand perfectly still in front of our beds until
our .....
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Personal Writing: Disaster Hits Village !
Number of words: 308 | Number of pages: 2.... more and more. I heard someone scream "It's an earthquake". I ran
towards the house, but I never got inside. All of a sudden something fell in my
head, and I passed out. The next thing I now I'm laying in my bed. I get up and
looks out the window. Everything so far I can see is destroyed, except from our
house. It was built on solid ground. The earthquake had filled the village with
water. It took years to restore the village. .....
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Personal Writing: Game Over
Number of words: 1948 | Number of pages: 8.... the coaches room. My assistant coach led me into
the room and sat me down on a wooden chair. I began to feel very cold, and my
finger began to have a shooting pain. This pain was not present before and was
no making itself known that there was something wrong with.
My parents entered the room, my mother carrying a face that I never had seen
before. My father with a calm collective look to him. The assistant then began
to explain that there was to deal with this, either go to the hospital and miss
the game or deal with it write in the room. My mother stared over at my coach
when he relayed this message to me and my father seem to .....
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Creative Writing: A Day At The Park
Number of words: 530 | Number of pages: 2.... I almost
regretted having to bring my son, what with the hassle of getting the
diaper bag packed , the traffic, and fighting the crowds while pushing a
stroller. It was hectic, but I survived.
Finally we were situated and ready for the game. The singing of
the national anthem was finished and we were waiting for the first pitch.
All of a sudden it hit me, for some reason I couldn't have been prouder.
There I was, holding my son and watching my childhood heroes, sharing his
first major league baseball game. Now I don't know if what I felt was
brought on by television fantasy, or just sheer pride and joy, but I do
know tha .....
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Going Out On My Own
Number of words: 761 | Number of pages: 3.... for the day shift. Our menu mainly consisted of home cooked favorites such as boiled pot roast with new potatoes and honey glazed carrots, meat loaf with a spicy tomato sauce, and my personal favorite chicken fried steak. Our chicken fried steak was a half-pound monster that was double breaded, deep-fried and served with a white gravy made from bacon grease, French fries and Texas toast. It wasn’t very good for the heart but sure made your mouth and stomach happy.
Our clientele was an eclectic mix of business people, police officers, construction workers and college students. We had an odd group of about five regulars who wou .....
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Creative Writing: “The Paradise Behind My Eyes”
Number of words: 950 | Number of pages: 4.... that god gave me such a heavenly paradise.
As I continue my walk I wonder if I am alone or if this enchanted tropical rain forest has other inhabitants. Upon thinking this I notice bright, rainbow colored tropical birds perched in the towering trees all around me. The beautiful birds were feeling the air with the sweet love songs of nature. In the near space, on the other side of the bushes I am slowly making my way through, I hear something. The sound of gentle footsteps it feet, hooves, or claws? Fearlessly, I press on, not knowing what’s ahead. I step out of the bushes and am blinded by the sudden blindness of the sun .....
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Creative Story: Mischels Greenhouse
Number of words: 459 | Number of pages: 2.... it could hurt the plants (They could rub together) and the
racks wouldn't fit side by side. It's a endless cycle, day after day, until
all the mums are gone. When the mums are all gone, it's a glorious feel of
relief. All the benches had to be cleaned to get ready for poinsettias. Tanya
went back to Belarus to live with her real family so I asked my friends if any
of them wanted to help and only one said yes. I told my boss and a week later
my friend was working with me It was my job to "show him the ropes" with the
poinsettias. After he got the hang of things it was smooth sailing, to load
poinsetias. We did everything the .....
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