Papers on English
The Only Truth Existing
Number of words: 1063 | Number of pages: 4.... are what we sense and see.
But it is our sense of reason and logic, our idea of reality, and our
perceptions, that may likely to be very wrong. Subjectiveness, or personal
belief, is almost always, liable for self-contradiction. Besides the
established truth that we exist, there are no other truths that are certain,
for the fact that subjective truth may be easily refuted. Every person
possesses his or her own truth that may be contradicting to another
person's belief. A truth, or one that is true for all, cannot by achieved
because of the constant motion of circumstances of who said it, to whom,
when, where, why, and how it was s .....
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The Hollow Of The Three Hills
Number of words: 915 | Number of pages: 4.... her because
the most important, was dying. Hawthorne was not too clear
in stating what exactly the problem was but it seemed that
her daughter had fallen ill.
Throughout the story Hawthorne masks this fact well and
uses foreshadowing nicely. In one part where the main
character is looking in on her parents by means of the
witches powers and Hawthorne describes her parents as
speaking "...of a daughter, a wanderer they knew not where,
bearing dishonor along with her, and leaving shame and
affliction to bring their gray heads to the grave. They
alluded also to other and more recent woe,"(Hawthorne 104)
The daughter w .....
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A Shropshire Lad
Number of words: 1227 | Number of pages: 5.... my team ploughing," the focus is placed upon a conversation between a dead man and one of his friends from his previous life (Housman 18). "XXII: The street sounds to the soldiers’ tread;" meanwhile, expresses an emotional wonder discovered in the eyes of a passing soldier (Housman 15). Both the ambiguous quality of the dead man’s last question (18 ll. 25-26) in poem XXVII and the nature of the chance encounter in XXII stand to exemplify the subtle undercurrent of Housman’s own enigmatic sexuality.
"Is my team ploughing" is in the form of "the primitive ballad metres, which Housman revived,& .....
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The Things They Carried 3
Number of words: 1138 | Number of pages: 5.... he had power over the boy; this gives him some relief to know he had that kind of control. Cross’s power, over the rest of the men, increased his fear of death for all the men not just himself because he is responsible for them. With his responsibility, Jimmy Cross alters his behavior to keep all of his men safe, and he only does this because of his power. An example of Jimmy Cross changing his behavior because of power was after Lavender was killed, when he led the troop into the town of Than Khe to destroy everything they could. Jimmy had been acting more passively about the war before Lavender was killed, but after he .....
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A Rose For Emily 6
Number of words: 648 | Number of pages: 3.... because it is the only way Emily knows how to love.
When Homer Baron, a construction worker, comes into Emily's life he sheds hope into her life. He offers Emily a chance to feel love and to receive the affection she has previously only dreamed of. Together they take Sunday carriage rides, and for awhile, the town's people seem to think that Emily will finally wed. It appears to them that Emily has finally found her rose.
Emily then sets out to fulfill the ultimate form of the rose dream, that of marriage. She purchases "a man's toilet set in silver, with the letters H.B. on each piece" and "a complete outfit of men's clothing, in .....
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Trifles By Susan Glaspell
Number of words: 461 | Number of pages: 2.... towels are not clean is because she more than likely was busy doing her many other chores of the household. They also considered how much trouble Mrs. Wright went to fix the preserves. The women reason that the uncaring concern John had for Minnie and the attention he paid to the house perhaps forced Minnie to resort to killing. Even the County Attorney, Sheriff, and Mr. Hale could not understand all the difficulties women go through. They criticize Mrs. Wright as well as insult all women. Mr. Hale says, "Well, women are used to worrying over trifles." The actions of just these men show how women were taken for granted in this .....
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My Antonia
Number of words: 1217 | Number of pages: 5.... ashes – like something from which all the warmth and light had dried out. Everything about this old man was in keeping with his dignified manner (24)
Mr. Shimerda was indeed a prosperous man in Bohemia, but had made his living in the business world, not by running a farm to provide for his family’s needs. His hands show that he rarely performed hard manual labor, but that he did work hard with his hands to weave. His face however shows signs that he was already having doubts about the welfare of his family and their survival. The apparent glow that he must have once had was now replaced by the look of heavy thoughts. This .....
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A Clockwork Orange
Number of words: 2153 | Number of pages: 8.... and war and the mixture of these images and the drugs cause him to associate feelings of panic and nausea with violence. He is released after two weeks of the treatment and after a few encounters with past victims finds himself at the home of a radical writer who is strongly opposed to the new treatment the government has subjected him to. Ironically, this writer was also a victim of Alex’s but does not recognize him. This writer believes that this method robs the recipient of freedom of choice and moral decision, therefore depriving him of being a human at all. These themes are played out and developed throughout the ent .....
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The Five-forty-eight
Number of words: 1157 | Number of pages: 5.... for their lack of self-esteem." It is clear that "picked" has a double meaning in this place. To fill a secretary's position was a mere masquerade, compared to the real reason of quenching his personal desires and victories. Because of his overconfidence, he underestimated Miss Dent. How could someone so young and frail do anything to harm a man like him? Now we begin to see a dark side of him. The words in the story begin to paint a picture of a man we are about to know a little better: "He was a slender man with brown hair - undistinguishable in every way, unless you could have divined in his pallor or his gray eyes his .....
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Nike Company Profile
Number of words: 2687 | Number of pages: 10.... and it has been a dramatic success.
(millions of dollars) 1999 1984 1989
Total Revenue 8,777 3,790 1,711
Total Net Income 451 299 167
They have built a remarkable company, which has emerged as one of the world's greatest brand names. It is said that Nike posesses a reputation comparable to those of McDonald's and Sony . Nike has outpaced its closest rivals.
Moreover, this success is reflected by the stock price of the company. During 1994 and 1997, the stock price nearly quintupled.$100 invested in Nike stock ten years ago would have been worth $ 1,432 on May 31, investment in the S&P 500 Index would have been worth $ 52 .....
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