Papers on English
Why Write
Number of words: 757 | Number of pages: 3.... is for the writer only, while a memoir is written with the purpose of communicating the memory to others. In 'Finishing School' by Maya Angelou, she writes a memoir to tell of her upbringing as a black child being taught white female etiquette. Here, her intentions of the piece is to give an understanding of what it was like for her as an underprivileged slave child to interact with her white peers in the 1930's.
Writers write to explore the self. To most, this is the easiest form of self-discovery. While this purpose is somewhat similar to writing to record memories, the emphasis is different. The writing is produced to give a .....
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Number of words: 1117 | Number of pages: 5.... as Gertrude's mask. Gertrude was brought up to believe that when a woman protests her innocence, in any matter, too much then people will begin to think otherwise. Gertrude revealed the idea of her mask, when responding to Hamlet inquiry of her likes to the play, her response was a bold reply, "The lady doth protest too much methinks" (Gertrude - 3.2.254), while viewing "The Murder of Ganzago." Hamlet's disgust with his mother's lack of strength, in regards to Claudius' sexual temptations, was evident in his soliloquy, after Gertrude begged him to stay with her and Claudius in Elsinore. "And yet, with a month let me not thin .....
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The Great Gatsby(true Love Or
Number of words: 517 | Number of pages: 2.... Wilson when really Daisy hit Myrtle.
Mr. Wilson went to Tom’s house, looking for Gatsby. Mr. Wilson was carrying a gun
with him and was angry. So henceforth Mr. Wilson found Gatsby in his pool and shot
Gatsby. Gatsby paid the ultimate price to be with Daisy; Gatsby gave his life for Daisy’s
safety and innocence.
Finally, Gatsby only thought about the good things that would come up with his
relationship with Daisy. Since Gatsby’s whole life is devoted to winning her back, he
cannot look at her as she really is. Gatsby should have went along with his first instinct,
when .....
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Number of words: 659 | Number of pages: 3.... Like Daru Balducci is very loyal, but this loyalty often pushes aside his good judgment.
Balducci's characteristics are introduced through his reactions to adverse conditions . Camus illustrates Balducci as a loyal yet cowardly man, who's work often interferes with his morals. "Balducci painfully got down from his horse without letting go of the rope". (pg 48) Although Balducci realizes that tying a rope around a man is against his morals he attempts to ignore his conscience. "I don't like it either. You don't get used to putting a rope on a man even after years of it and your even ashamed-yes, ashamed. But you can't le .....
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Conventions Of Drama
Number of words: 1932 | Number of pages: 8.... tragedy and dramatic irony. The tragedy meant that the play often ended with a noble person being destroyed by the Gods. The noble person was led by his own downfalls or flaws which often resulted in his death. This is evident in the story of “Oedipus the King” where Oedipus tries to outwit the prophecy which the Gods predicted, but fails to do so and ends up in exile. The interesting technique of the dramatic irony in Greek plays meant that the audience had prior knowledge of the play and knew the events that will
take place before the characters. The staging of plays in Greece took place in huge amphitheatres the siz .....
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Six Characters In Search Of An Author
Number of words: 572 | Number of pages: 3.... needs this! What does this mean?" and the audience, in unison, shouts back, "It's us! We're here!" The moment immediately after that, when the whole cast laughs directly at the audience, pointing at them in glee, is nearly unbearable for an audience, as shown by the riot after the first performance, when the audience not only ripped the seats out of the theater, but stole the popcorn.
Pirandello also used a technique he inherited from the "Cirque de Soleil," involving a trapeze hung from the catwalk. But though the trapeze was not in itself his own invention, its use during the intermission as a means to annoy the audien .....
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Essay On Greek Family
Number of words: 336 | Number of pages: 2.... main cause of this lack of morals is (in my opinion) directly related to the amount of sex and violence on television. Many years ago Elvis couldn't even shake his waist on TV, but now Sharon Stone can open her legs on a big screen for everyone to see. Violence has increased on television because sitcoms and movies will not sell in today's society without sex and violence.
In the future, life in general will eventually become a game involving survival of the fittest and killing your next door neighbor before he kills you. Movies and television should be screened so only kids mature enough to know the difference between Ho .....
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Canterbury Tales Historical Si
Number of words: 539 | Number of pages: 2.... back then, one false accusation or claim that was believed by some would lead to death.
Also represented in the tale are the moral codes of conduct that were followed during the time. Since the main characters were drunken rioters, we would presume that almost all the moves they made were ‘evil’ in a sense. They were constantly drinking and cursing at each other, disrespecting their elders, being extremely greedy, and then eventually murdering each other in cold blood. The old man they had met, however, was a symbol of what was right, of the good in society. He was wise and had abandoned his money, because he knew that he d .....
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The Iliad
Number of words: 744 | Number of pages: 3.... also affects those whom he holds in his charge, and close to his heart.
Furthermore, instead of assuming full responsibility for his situation, Achilleus places part of the load on his mother Thetis, as well as Zeus. In drawing gods into the conflict, Achilleus further complicates the matter. Without the intervention of immortals, the victor of any contest is simply the stronger, more skilled, or perhaps luckier opponent. Once the gods are brought into the field of play, anything can be expected since they are even capable of changing the destinies of men.
Hera is one of the first of the gods to exhibit her meddling ways .....
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Deeper Philosophical Meanings
Number of words: 733 | Number of pages: 3.... the reading that Dionysus has a revenge motive. It is as if he wants to punish the population of Thebes for not taking his true power seriously. When he appeared on Earth, he could have made himself look like an all powerful god, but instead took on the form of a deviant youth and a weakling. He is irrational and one can pick up a sense of his wrath toward the people. Knowing all this, when Dionysus said, “How do live? What are you doing? Who are you? You don’t know!” it is easier to define the meaning behind the statement.
Dionysus knew all along what his plan was against the people of Thebes. He also knew ex .....
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