Papers on English
To Kill A Mockingbird -
Number of words: 3149 | Number of pages: 12.... minister who takes care of Scout and Jem during the trial.
Chapters 1-7
The beginning of chapter one opens up with Scout telling us that Jem has a broken elbow. She then takes us back to summer of 1933 where we meet a young boy named Dill. Together Jem, Scout and Dill begin their adventures and their obsession with Mr. Aurthor Radley, or Boo as the kids call him.
We find out that there are rumors about the Radley House. These include the most memorable rumor which is that he stabbed his mother in the leg with a pair of scissors. We never do find out if they are true, however we can assume they are not.
Later on in t .....
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For Whom The Bell Tolls
Number of words: 831 | Number of pages: 4.... 2 "He crosses the stream, picked a double handful, washed the muddy roots clean in the current and then sat down again beside his pack and ate the clean, cool green leaves and the crisp, peppery-tasting stalks"(p.12) 3 "Robert Jordan breathed deeply of the clear night air of the mountains that smelled of the pines and of the dew grass in the meadow by the stream. Dew had fallen heavily sin the wind had dropped."(p.64) 4 "Now the morning was late May, the sky was high and clear and the wind blew warm on Robert Jordan’s shoulders."(p.311) 5 "Then he heard the far-off, distant throbbing .....
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Hills Like White Elephants 2
Number of words: 912 | Number of pages: 4.... saying that she only cares about him, and dose not care about herself. If she did care about herself, then she definatly would not get a abortion. She can not just tell him straight out that she wants to have this baby. The woman is so in love with the man, that she is willing to take the life of her unborn child. The man is in love with her as well, but also dose not want her to have the child. She was talking about the landscape around the train station, and without warning he comes out and says "Its really a simple operation, Jig, its not really a operation at all"(1). That was the only thing that is on his mind. She did not .....
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Theme In A Pair Of Tickets
Number of words: 251 | Number of pages: 1.... died of an aneurysm before the opportunity arose. Through chance, a friend of Jing-mei’s mother, still in China, spied the twins while shopping. The mother was already deceased, so with encouragement from her aunts, Jing-mei made the journey to China with her father to meet her long lost family. Ms. Tan’s story conveys the importance of finding one’s roots, Jing-mei’s Chinese heritage and family fifty years separated. In the beginning of the story, Jing-mei relates that she “vigorously denied that I had any Chinese whatsoever below my skin.” Her mother responds, “It is in your blood .....
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Hills Like White Elephants, Ye
Number of words: 1707 | Number of pages: 7.... this subject. However, he does not stop. Their relationship seems to be fine when the baby has not came in between them. We could see this where the guy says, “We’ll be fine afterward. Just like we were before.” The girl wants the relationship to become as before, but is in a huge dilemma whether to give birth to the baby or not. The man does not want the baby and has the choice of abortion in mind, not thinking of the other problems that would occur through operation such as the girl’s health. Later on, the girl makes a melancholy remark that the hills look like white elephants. Probably the hills bei .....
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King Lear
Number of words: 1031 | Number of pages: 4.... and simple disguise that Kent wears. Lear cannot see who Kent really is. He only learns of Kent's noble and honest character just prior to his death, when his vision is cleared. By this time, however, it is too late for an honest relationship to be salvaged. Lear's vision is also marred by his lack of direction in life, and his poor foresight, his inability to predict the consequences of his actions. He cannot look far enough into the future to see the consequences of his actions. This, in addition to his lack of insight into other people, condemns his relationship with his most beloved daughter, Cordelia. When Lear asks his daught .....
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Lord Of The Flies Book Analysi
Number of words: 1805 | Number of pages: 7.... now. It describes their loss of hope for rescue, and that they have developed a superiority complex. The rush they get from ending a life has made them go insane and clouded their judgement. As the book goes on and they say this line more often, wackiness follows.
"Coming?" (Chap. 7, pg. 119) Although Ralph was a good leader and had good intentions, he was still somewhat passive because he always gave in to whatever Jack said. He would let Jack walk all over him which was a factor in the "biguns" leaving his group and joining Jack's chaotic tribe.
"No. They're not as bad as that. It was an accident." (Chap. 12, pg. 184) Des .....
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Analysis -compare And Contrast
Number of words: 630 | Number of pages: 3.... The old adage which says," What a tangled web weave when we first start to deceive." We humans can't handle the truth. We think we know what is the truth. What that really is just bullshit. It's arrogance-playing tricks on our minds making us think we are in control of our lives. If we really were in control of our lives then why can't we control every little aspect of it that gives discomfort? Because we can't, because we don't know how, and eventually the truth will show that is we don't what the truth really is. Using the slippery slope logic one can conclude that the two stories are more similar than they are different but .....
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A Worn Path
Number of words: 841 | Number of pages: 4.... rituals of home, or private rituals which comes from repeated performances of an action of love”, Old Phoenix’s down the worn Path. (70).
The conflicts were put in the story to show us the inner feelings of Phoenix. She was able to endure hardships and yet stays focused on the task at hand. This tells us while she was growing up she over came many obstacles. Kreyling says, “usually Welty reserved for her black characters the functions of this vital, sure and faithful, ways of living of which modern man has either lost or denied. Phoenix Jackson represents the condition of the human race before “enfeebling” layers .....
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The Crucible - The Deteriorati
Number of words: 820 | Number of pages: 3.... them to dance. The girls also said that they saw members of the town standing with the devil. A community living in a puritan society like Salem could easily go into a chaotic state and have a difficult time dealing with what they consider to be the largest form of evil. Salem’s hysteria made the community lose faith in the spiritual beliefs that they were trying to strictly enforce. The church lost many of its parishioners because the interest of the town was now on Abigail because people wanted to know who was going to be named next. When the church was trying to excommunicate John Proctor, there were not enough peopl .....
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