Papers on English
Fountain And Tomb- Ignorance A
Number of words: 1617 | Number of pages: 6.... know can’t hurt us. While massaging his naked female neighbor’s body, the narrator is asked if he’s going to tell his mother. No, he answers. “So you even know that certain things are better left unsaid! You really are a devil” (Mahfouz, 13). The neighbor makes the obvious point that sometimes there are things that don’t have to be repeated, for the benefit of all the parties involved. Some might argue that the Truth will always come out, and by hiding it someone will end up being affected by it much more later on. But that is only if the information does get repeated. Knowledge doesn’t always have to be repeated, a .....
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A Price Above Rubies
Number of words: 2294 | Number of pages: 9.... God. Yossi tells her she is a sinner and will end up just like the woman in the story, wandering the earth for eternity, like Cain. Yossi then gives her a fake ruby, which she immediately recognizes and rejects. Perhaps the jewel symbolizes her soul, what makes her complete, and she won’t accept a fraud, something in place of the real thing, even at that young age.
The film goes forward a number of years, to when Sonia and her husband Mendel have just had their first child. Mendel is the perfect example of the devout Hasidic Jew. He is a scholar, and respected by everyone in the community. The Hasidic Jews believe that wisdom, .....
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King Lear - Power Corrupts
Number of words: 761 | Number of pages: 3.... an enemy of all other joys.” (1, 1, 79-80) They don’t really love Lear, but instead they love the power that Lear gives them. Once Lear had given the land to his daughters, the power that they have corrupts them. When Lear needs a place to stay, the daughters are not quick to react; Goneril allows him to stay but he must “disquanty his train” (1, 4, 126). She even goes to the extent of making Oswald “slack of former services” (1, 3, 10) to Lear in an attempt to make him leave. Regan is no better, when Lear comes to her door looking for a place to stay, “the old man and’s people cannot me well bestowed.” (2, .....
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Jane Eyre
Number of words: 692 | Number of pages: 3.... guests; all elegantly appareled and socially sophisticated. Hesitantly, Jane reaches the drawing room where she and Adele wait for the party to enter. The ladies all come in first, gathered together and chatting when they notice Adele and Jane. The ladies swoon over Adele while Jane sits on the side inspecting and criticizing each lady as she passes by. No one is unpleasant to her and no one seems to grab Mr. Rochester’s attention; which puts Jane at ease. Jane is content and almost enjoying herself while she participates in some activities and becomes amiable toward the party. This is an extreme fairytale-like revision wi .....
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A Gathering Of Old Men
Number of words: 945 | Number of pages: 4.... black people have a nickname in which they only allow the "inner world" to refer to them. When Yank is confessing the crime of killing Beau Griffin begins to take down the name "Yank. Y-a-n-" and is corrected "Sylvester J. Battly . Be sure to spell Sylvester and Battly right, if you can" (99). The name he wants printed to the outside world is his real name, not the silly nickname his inner ring of friends refer to him as. These nicknames they find harmless by their peers, are offensive by others. When Charlie comes back, now a man, he wants "to have a handle, too-like Mister. Mr. Biggs" (187). This demonstrates the two di .....
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Hamlet Criticism
Number of words: 332 | Number of pages: 2.... usually only found in one’s mind and is rare if impossible to find in reality. This is again shown through the fact that Hamlet’s planning seems to take a backseat to luck and fate as the others end up dying from the poison, which they had planned to use against Hamlet. Cooleridge also stresses the inconsistency of Hamlet and his plans for revenge throughout the play. One minute the audience believes that he cares greatly for Ophelia, and the next minute we see him showing a sort of disrespect for her at her funeral. Overall, though, Cooleridge shows the flaws of Hamlet and how the play differs from other forms of .....
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The Cages Of Maya Angelou
Number of words: 904 | Number of pages: 4.... nice remarks. Maya conveys the words of Mr. Edward Donleavy, one of the people in the masquerade, "The white kids were going to have a chance to become Galileos and Madame Curies and Edisons and Gauguins, and our boys (the girls weren't included) would try to be Jesse Owens and Joe Louises."(pp.151) Maya was forced to listen to Mr. Donleavy's stereotypes of how white children could be thinkers, and black children can only be athletes. What was supposed to be an encouraging speech, which Mr. Donleavy probably thought was sincere, turned out to be just another racist and stereotypical message. Perhaps it was not so much .....
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Darkness, Sign Of Chaos In Mac
Number of words: 453 | Number of pages: 2.... of Act 4 witch describes Macbeth as "black Macbeth" and a "tyrant". The Castle that Macbeth lives in, Dunsanine is also indicative of darkness. Dunsanine is similar to the word dungeon a dark and dirty place. In Act 4 Macbeth is an agent of disorder, he murders and he consults witches, because of this he is described using dark imagery.
Scotland under the rule of Macbeth is described as, "shrouded in darkness", by Malcolm. Scotland in Act 4 has fallen off the "Chain of Being" and is now occupied with the forces of chaos and disorder. Scotland in Act 4 is filled with "sighs, and groans, and shrieks, that rent the air". Scotland .....
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The Natural Film Vs Novel
Number of words: 1157 | Number of pages: 5.... whispered Iris, 'win for our boy.' He stared at her. 'What boy?' 'I am pregnant.' There were tears in her eyes. Her belly was slender . . . then the impact hit him. 'Holy Jesus.' " This displays how Roy really does not want to be stuck with Iris and a child. However, in the movie Iris is a romantic prospect for Roy throughout the entire story. They grow up together as friends in the film and we know that they are quite in love before Roy leaves on the train to play baseball. This is a contrasting difference from the book where we first see Iris when she is in the stands at one of Roy's games. All of these small differe .....
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Doubt Of Shakespeare's Authorship Of His Plays
Number of words: 2407 | Number of pages: 9.... boyhood home, Stratford, were all transfigured in
his plays by his wonderful verse, but yet they still remained the scenes to
which he was bred. Drinkwater believed too, that not only in Shakespeare's
humble folk, shepherds, gardeners, and serving men, but also in his princes and
kings, he reflected the humanity with which he was familiar in Stratford. The
knowledge and wisdom he acquired directly from his own enviroment was quite true
to life. Drinkwater also said that mere book- knowledge in Shakespeare's works
was usually incorrect because he used knowledge outside the range of his own
experiences, with a "grand audaci .....
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