Papers on English
A Raisin In The Sun Crtical Analysis
Number of words: 914 | Number of pages: 4.... Children are very impressionable. Walter displays an unselfish characteristic that is overshadowed by unwise decisions later in the play. In one particular scene, his son Travis asked both parents for money. Walter acts out of pride and little motivation by giving Travis his last pocket change. This symbolizes Walter's willingness to be a good father. In a different situation, Walter wouldn't display his selfish intentions. This behavior can be attributed to working in a degrading, underpaid position and not seeing results. The overcrowded living conditions and lack of privacy in the ghetto help make people who live the .....
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Young Goodman Brown
Number of words: 1363 | Number of pages: 5.... with the points in between these states. The
story seems more about the journey through between two rigidly defined states than about good and evil. By
describing good and evil through heavy-handed metaphors and symbols, such as his wife's name and the satanic
communion he finds himself at in the forest, and then describing goodman Brown's inability to adapt his self-image to
the hypocrisy he finds, Hawthorne comments on the ultimate failure of such a rigidly proscribed formula for human
existence. At the same time that sin is described as a seething, pervasive hypocrisy, it is also seen as a mundane fact
of living; Hawthorn .....
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April Morning
Number of words: 1183 | Number of pages: 5.... Solomon convinced him that he was not going to harm him. Solomon told Adam that he would have to wait a while to be able to walk back to his house. So Solomon comforted him and made him feel better about his fathers death, he also fed him. Solomon learned that the British were here, because before Adam told him he didn't know until he saw them marching. He also learned a lot about Adam and about what happened during the battle that his father was killed.
My favorite character in this book was Adam Cooper. He was a young man that fought against the British at the age of 15. During that battle he witnessed the death of his f .....
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Julius Caesar - Mark Antony
Number of words: 620 | Number of pages: 3.... out against them because he wanted power for himself, and unlike Brutus, he is politically ambitious and so believes that if he can take control while the state is in turmoil, he will remain in power. He was alone in making this oration, yet he was confidant in himself and courageous.
Rome began to collapse once Caesar was killed, and Antony was left without anyone to trust. He did not want to side with the conspirators whom he valued slightly. However, he felt his duty was to carry on Caesar's reign and clear his name. Therefore he joined the Second Triumvirate and became a great leader.
Antony was looked down upon by all the .....
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The Library Card
Number of words: 1586 | Number of pages: 6.... an Irish Catholic that was hated by the white Southerners. “Richard, don’t mention this to the other white men,” (pg.321) the Irish Catholic said to Wright, which indicates that he is not a typical white southerner who is against the blacks. If there is anyone who is in favor of the blacks, they are automatically disliked by the other whites. The Irish Catholic has absolutely nothing again Richard taking out books to read. Other people will be suspicious and they think it is wrong for black people to read.
Richard was forced to forge a note to the librarian saying that the Irish wanted to take out books by Mencken. .....
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Robert Frost 3
Number of words: 927 | Number of pages: 4.... archival Carl Sandburg, that he would as soon play tennis without a net as write free verse--he was a pioneer in the interplay of rhythm and meter and in the poetic use of the vocabulary and inflections of everyday speech. His poetry is thus both traditional and experimental, regional and universal.
After his father's death in 1885, when young Frost was 11, the family left California and settled in Massachusetts. Frost attended high school in that state, entered Dartmouth College, but remained less than one semester. Returning to Massachusetts, he taught school and worked in a mill and as a newspaper reporter. In 1894 he sold " .....
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Julius Caesar
Number of words: 423 | Number of pages: 2.... the government of Rome. Cassius strongly dislikes Caesar personally. He sees Brutus as the person that will unite the nobles in the conspiracy. Cassius tries to use Brutus to achieve his goal. His main goal is to remove Caesar from power by using his persuasive speaking.
Antony first appears in the play as a devoted follower of Caesar. He is also one of the great triumvirs. When he gains permission to speak at Caesar's
funeral he undermines the public confidence to seize the power of Rome. In his speech at the capitol he concentrates on Brutus and appeals to the emotions of the people of Rome. At the end of the play, he publicl .....
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Oedipus Fate Vs Free Will
Number of words: 648 | Number of pages: 3.... former King Lauis, Oedipus took matters into his own hands and cursed the murderer, now the curse would effect him as well, because he was the one who killed Lauis.. "Now my cursed on the murderer,/Whoever he is, alone man unknown in his crime or one among many, let that man drag out his life in agony, step by painful step- I curse myself as well as... if by any chance he proves to be an intimate of our house, here at my hearth, with my full know ledge, may the curse I just called down on him strike me!" (606).
Oedipus doesn’t realize the personal consequences his hunt for the murderer will have for him, and his loyalt .....
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The Cask Of Amontillado
Number of words: 2303 | Number of pages: 9.... the beginning. At the start of the story, Poe develops the plot of the story in a difficult manner. For example, Poe writes, "It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong." He could have just said in simpler terms, the revenge has to make to him feel like Fortunato felt when he wronged him. Other than in the opening paragraphs, Poe writes simple and easy to follow sentences. As the story develops, Poe provides much detail for the readers to be able to paint a picture in their mind about everything from Fortunato's outfit to the dampness and the niche on the walls .....
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The Sun Also Rises 3
Number of words: 510 | Number of pages: 2.... will
of Brett. She raved on and on about Romero and insisted to Jake
that they go and find him. Jake did not fight her on this issue,
but he certainly did not provoke it. Jake was more of a stooge
for Brett. She would have had her way even if Jake had not
helped her. She uses her feminine charm, and there is, little
that Jake can say. At one point she says “Oh, darling, please
stay by me. Please stay by me and see me through this”(188).
Jake is to wrapped around her finger to refuse.
There is no question in Jake¹s mind that he will be losing
Montoya as a friend and also the respect that others .....
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