Papers on English
Frankenstein - Every One Needs A Family
Number of words: 1481 | Number of pages: 6.... . . . a hope of meeting you in another world" (42). Elizabeth is expected to fill in as the role of the mother by taking care of and protecting the young children. Although she replaces the role of the mother, there is still the fact that a family member is missing. A mother is impossible to replace; you can’t have a stepmother because she will never be a replacement for an original mother. Nor can a mother be bought, but Victor uses his knowledge from Ingolstadt to create a being to fill in that missing figure.
In the later part of the novel, the monster stumbles upon a family where he learns the basics of living and .....
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Camus' "The Stranger": Choice And Individual Freedom Are Integral Components Of Human Nature
Number of words: 435 | Number of pages: 2.... conformity.
No windmills are slain1 in this simulated existence; absurdity of a
different ilk dominates the popular mentality, one which would alienate a man
based on his perceived indifference towards the mundane, and try, convict, and
execute a man based on his lack of purported empathy towards the irrelevant.
Attention to the trial sequence will reveal that the key elements of the
conviction had little to do with the actual crime Meursault had committed, but
rather the "unspeakable atrocities" he had committed while in mourning of his
mother's death, which consisted of smoking a cigarette, drinking a cup of coffee, .....
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The Artificial Family
Number of words: 645 | Number of pages: 3.... was a problem but chose not to deal with that problem. She left Toby without even discussing their problems with him. Toby never seemed to initiate any interest in his wife’s needs. He never asked her why she felt as she did. He just said he did not see a problem.
The story begins with Mary's first words to Toby in their introduction to each other; "Did you know I have a daughter?" (400) This sets the focus of both of the characters into place. The daughter, Samantha, seems to be the neutral character in the story who not only ties the two main characters together but is used to separate them as well.
Toby is presente .....
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Jay Gatsby Shattered Dreams
Number of words: 1071 | Number of pages: 4.... has been directed toward winning Daisy’s favor and having her back in his life. The greatest example of this dedication is the mansion he has constructed, “a colossal affair by any standard...with a tower on one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy, and a marble swimming pool, and more than forty acres of lawn and garden” (9). Once a “penniless young man without a past” (156), he transforms himself into a self-made millionaire and builds an extravagant mansion, all for the love of Daisy Buchanan. He also strategically places the mansion across the lake from Daisy’s house. From his window, Gatsby can see t .....
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Origins--Generally “Losers” Founded America
Number of words: 804 | Number of pages: 3.... it Jamestown after James I. Most of the settlers from Jamestown faced many hardships. They fell sick from drinking the river water, and out of the nearby swamps came mosquitoes carrying a dread fever. Hostile Indians lurked in surrounding forests ready to attack settlers at any moment. Like the settlers from Jamestown, another group of people who faced extreme hardships were the Pilgrims. The Pilgrims landed on the bleak shore and gave the name of Plymouth to their settlement. Life was very difficult at first for the early settlers at Plymouth, as it had been for those at Jamestown. When the Pilgrims landed, winter was .....
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A Look At The First Works Of The World
Number of words: 975 | Number of pages: 4.... they harbored different feelings and beliefs about the
subject. In the epic, many gods are mentioned and worshiped, such as
Ninsun and Shamash. These gods can give birth to mortals, and can
communicate with these mortals, usually through dreams. In Genesis, there
is mention of only one God, a being that created the earth and skies, as
well as humans and wildlife. This god can also communicate with mortals,
either through dream or direct conversation. In both cases, the mortals
worshiped the god(s), but in the epic it seemed that the gods were more
likely to be persuaded by their servants. In Genesis, God remains a fairly
st .....
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Slaughterhouse Five - Humankin
Number of words: 949 | Number of pages: 4.... with the concept of having fame, wealth, and being good looking. Reality is that you cannot be happy without being happy with yourself. In the novel the character's were not happy with themselves. Eg. Gatsby who was a mysterious man, did everything to impress one women which was Daisy, with his nice house, expensive clothes, and big parties. Gatsby wasn't happy with himself, everything was an act to show off to Daisy that he had money. People universally are just content with themselves because they are afraid to accept the truth. Nick realized that he had a problem with humankind through realizing what humans are really .....
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Grapes Of Wrath 7
Number of words: 640 | Number of pages: 3.... with the whites. Public areas such as schools were segregated so the blacks and whites went to different schools. It was like the whites wanted to rid the U.S. of the blacks. In The Grapes of Wrath, the Californians wanted to rid the "dirty" Okies from California because they were afraid of them. They were afraid that the Okies would take their land. Blacks were also beaten for no just reason. Racial group such as the KKK, beat up blacks because they hated the blacks. They wanted the blacks to go away or die. In The Grapes of Wrath, Okies were unjustly beaten. The California police beat them for no just reason because they wanted t .....
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The Anglo-saxon Literature
Number of words: 1773 | Number of pages: 7.... of God along with Christ. Although Christ and the Rood shared the ¡°innocent¡±¡¯ suffering together, this does not provide an adequate explanation for the Rood to become a replacement of Christ. Indeed, the Rood appears as a hero in the Anglo-Saxon society for it reflects the values of many figures that suffer with their Lord.
The Rood shares the suffering endured by Christ. It does not regret its pains but sympathizes with Christ as it brings unto itself the hostilities directed at Christ. Thus, it states, ¡°[how] they mocked at us both¡±(¡°The Rood¡±, 51). Suffering with the members of the community prov .....
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Civil Disobedience Reaction
Number of words: 377 | Number of pages: 2.... probably go to waste and not to things that would help economy. Without the money businesses need, people would soon lose jobs. Money would be spent very quickly and be gone very fast.
Government is needed so much when you think about it. Henry David Thoreau didn’t really appreciate it, but I bet he would change his mind if he saw life without it. Thearou is very deep and he uses big words and strange analogies to explain his opinions, but sometimes simple is best. Life would be miserable without a good government. Weak laws that don’t have good punishments would destroy our country. I quote Thoreau:
The finest qualitie .....
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