Papers on English
Much Ado About Nothing
Number of words: 913 | Number of pages: 4.... these two together: "If we can do this, Cupid is no / longer an archer; his glory shall be ours…" (2.1.363-4). In Act 2.3, Claudio, Pedro, and Leonato, see Benedick in the garden and decide that that is the right moment for them to try and trick Benedick into falling for Beatrice. The three men talk of Beatrice’s false affections towards Benedick, and in his eavesdropping he falls for the bait. Benedick, shows us his true feelings in his soliloquy: "This can be no trick… / I will be horribly in love with her" (2.3.210,223). Benedick, decides that he will allow himself to fall in love with Beatrice.
& .....
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Anything Is Possible
Number of words: 1437 | Number of pages: 6.... hurried up to Room 209. Every new patient required fresh bed sheets and a clean room. It was my job to make sure they had them. I came in contact with patients quite often because I was always cleaning their rooms. However, I knew it was not a good idea to become attached to any of the kids. Co-workers had informed me that they had become fond of a child, only to have their hearts broken when the child didn’t survive. I had been careful not to make the same mistake. I did my job and didn’t think much about the sick kids.
Just as I finished cleaning the room, two young girls entered in wheel chairs. They were both pale .....
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Do Androids Dream Of Electric
Number of words: 1046 | Number of pages: 4.... hunters such as Rick Deckard, are employed by the San Francisco police department. Rick and his wife Iran, are not satisfied with there lives and relationship. They have not achieved what they sought for in life, and it seems they both feel, at least partially, that the other is holding them back.
In the year 2021, the simple possession of a live animal is a large status symbol, not to mention a sanitary relief. Rick and Iran do own a sheep, yet, their sheep is electric. Another source of happiness in this world, stems from something called an empathy box. Inside this box, is an individual called "Mercer." The box is acces .....
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Traditions In "A Moment Before The Gun Went Off" And "The Lottery"
Number of words: 785 | Number of pages: 3.... gets singled out to win the lottery. So it is
Mrs. Hutchinson who is impacted the most brutally by the lottery. However
the other people of the village are affected differently by the lottery. It
is very unlikely that the people of the village kill people for the sake of
killing people. More likely there is a deeper reason. One possibility is
that the people of this village of this village are looking for a scapegoat.
A person to take the blame for mistakes and sins of others, so one person
dies for a community and saves the community from whatever sins that had
been committed.
The society can be affected in many ways by t .....
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The Odyssey 2
Number of words: 1441 | Number of pages: 6.... lines 104-105)" She realizes that Telemachus needs to be advised by a wise older man, she disguises herself as an old friend of Odysseus's, Mentes. As opposed to Athena disguising herself as just some stranger, she disguises herself as a very close friend of Odysseus, an equal, in order to seem more reliable. In the following passage Athena tries to convince Telemachus about her close relationship with his father "As for the ties between your father and myself, / we've been friends forever, I'm proud to say, / and he would bear me out / if you went and questioned old lord Laetes. (page 83, lines 216-219)" Athena morphs herself int .....
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Canterbury Tales, Franklins Ta
Number of words: 2030 | Number of pages: 8.... to understand the tales from the point of view of each pilgrim. Chaucer creates an affable and pious man with his portrait of the Franklin. The Franklin is a very pure man who is wealthy and kind to all. He has a delicate and plentiful taste for food and wine and is very hospitable. “He made his household free to all the County.” (p. 12) The Franklin is portrayed as an ideal and righteous noble, unlike most other nobles who are corrupt and take advantage of their wealth and power. Chaucer concludes with one line that effectively characterizes the Franklin; “He was a model among landed gentry.” (p. 12). .....
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The Color Purple - The Struggl
Number of words: 1413 | Number of pages: 6.... women's plight. Three obstacles black women had to overcome to be able to express themselves were Racism, the lack of education, and the stereo-type that women are inferior.
African-Americans have always experienced racism throughout their habitation in America. Slavery, is what caused most of the hatred towards blacks. African Americans were sold by their people and sent off to a foreign land. Colored people were used as work horses when they entered America. "It was acceptable for a white person to be lazy (in the South), and therefore, a white person takes advantage of this" (Theriault). White people wanted to keep their lazi .....
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Number of words: 781 | Number of pages: 3.... obstetrical, and certain other medical procedures. The support of life functions under the stress of anesthetic and surgical manipulations, and the clinical management of the unconscious patient, while managing problems in pain relief. Along with the management of problems in cardiac and respiratory revivals, the application of specific methods of respiratory therapy, and the clinical management of various fluid, electrolyte, and metabolic disturbances. Knowledge of physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and clinical medicine are absolutely necessary to the anesthesiologist. (“Anesthesiology”)
Anesthesiologists give pa .....
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Number of words: 1168 | Number of pages: 5.... of the blind man’s life is obvious. Because the narrator cannot understand life without vision, he assumes that the blind man cannot either, and that anyone that is affected by blindness is unsatisfied.
Shortly after the narrator sets the initial tone, he cites an example that plays an important role in the rest of the story. He talks about how, "on her last day in the office," the blind man "asked if he could touch her face." As he continues his description of how the blind man touched her, he speaks about "her face, her nose" and how he "even [touched] her neck!" The way the bli .....
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The Crucible - Characters Hidden Motives
Number of words: 576 | Number of pages: 3.... motives of kindness and caring for other people. John and Elizabeth Proctor were a couple that looked out for the good of the people. Their true motives were to correct the witchcraft hysteria taking place in Salem that that time. When John realized what Abigail was up to, he tried to reveal the truth to save the people on trial. Even when he knew he could be named, he tried to shed light on what was really going on in Salem. He admitted to adultery because he thought I might rectify some of the problems. Even right before being hung, he wouldn’t confess to witchcraft- he did what he thought was right and wouldn’t conform .....
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