Papers on English
The Chrysanthemums
Number of words: 2608 | Number of pages: 10.... a change in their enclosed lives. Steinbeck foreshadows, "It was a time of quiet and waiting" (396).
The action of the story opens with Elisa Allen working in her garden. She is surrounded by a wire fence, which physically is there to protect her flowers from the farm animals. This barrier symbolizes her life; she is fenced in from the real world, from a man's world. It is a smaller, on-earth version of the environment in which they live. This man's world is dominated by business. As Elisa works on her garden, she looks through the fence out to where her husband, Henry, is talking with two men in business suits. They look at a .....
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Their Eyes Were Watching God:
Number of words: 675 | Number of pages: 3.... for happiness. "So de white man throw down de load and tell de nigger man tuh pick it up. He pick it up because he have to, but he don't tote it. He hand it to his womenfolks. De nigger woman is de mule uh de world so fur as Ah can see," opines Janie's grandmother in an attempt to justify the marriage that she has arranged for her granddaughter (Their Eyes 14). This excerpt establishes the existence of the inferior status of women in this society, a status which Janie must somehow overcome in order to emerge a heroine. This societal constraint does not deter Janie from attaining her dream. "She knew now that marriage did not make .....
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Life In The 20th Century As Sh
Number of words: 1055 | Number of pages: 4.... to pretend the girl had given back only so many checks, you see, and really she had given many more, but after they were out of her hands, what could she do?” (Page 121) This quote shows how the woman of the house cheated Ninette out of her money. These next two quotes tell how Ninette was physically abused. “So she would say, I will get out of this place, and curse and cry. Then the madam would hit her over the head.” (Page 121-122) “The girl said, Keep you hands off or I’ll brain you: and at that the madam took hold of her shoulders, and began to lift her knee and kick this girl most terribly in the stomach, a .....
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A Clockwork Orange 2
Number of words: 602 | Number of pages: 3.... the reader that Alex is destined for a life of evil and there is nothing he can do to change it. Alex has no free will or moral choice. The theme of the 20 chapter version is that there is no such thing as free will or moral choice. Alex is evil and he has no ability to change that. The story also ends without Alex evolving at all from the beginning of the book.
Chapter 21 gives the book an absolutely different theme. Alex becomes board with his malicious life, he begins to evolve. "I was like growing up" he says about himself in chapter 21. He decides he wants to create rather than to destruct. The theme of the book with chapter .....
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The Caucasian Chalk Circle By Bertolt Brecht
Number of words: 859 | Number of pages: 4.... Solomon. Solomon the paragon of justice and truth oversees the trial of two mothers, one child is dead the other alive, they seek custody of the alive child. The king asks the child to be cut in half, the real mother relinquishes her claim and thus
gains custody of her rightful child. In these two whispers the law is shown to be equated with justice, however Brecht seeks to highlight that within Grusinia this is not the case and it takes a greedy Azdak who despises the upper classes to give a just verdict.
The class justice presented in the novel has close links to the Marxist view of the law, with the law serving all, but in re .....
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Influence Of Realism On Litera
Number of words: 2142 | Number of pages: 8.... manners, and
stratification of life in America. Realists created this picture of
America by combining a wide variety of "details derived from
observation and documentation..." to "approach the norm of
experience..." (3). Along with this technique, realists compared the
"objective or absolute existence" in America to that of the "universal
truths, or observed facts of life" (Harvey 12). In other words,
realists objectively looked at American society and pointed out the
aspects that it had in common with the general truths of existence.
This realistic movement evolved as a result of many .....
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Number of words: 4144 | Number of pages: 16.... things will just never make sense.
Don't ever be reluctant
to show your feelings
when you're happy, give in to it!
When you're not, live with it.
Don't ever be afraid to try to
make things better
you might be surprised at the results.
Don't ever take the weight of the world
on your shoulders...
Don't ever feel threatened by the future
take life one day at a time.
Don't ever feel guilty about the past
what's done is done. Learn from any
mistakes you might have made.
Don't ever feel that you are alone
there is always somebody there for you
to reach out to.
Don't ever forget that you can achieve
so .....
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To His Coy Mistress
Number of words: 542 | Number of pages: 2.... by saying, “and you should if you please refuse, till the conversion of the Jews”. If the reader has any knowledge of the strength of the belief of Jewish people in their faith, then the reader would get the idea that the speaker meant to say that he will lover till the end of time, even if she was to refuse his love.
Next, the speaker compares his growing love for her to the expansion of great empires. In lines 11 and 12 the speaker says, “and my vegetables love should grow, vaster than empires and more slow.” Once again the speaker is alluding to something not directly related to love. Yet this .....
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Analysis Of King Lear With MLA
Number of words: 1240 | Number of pages: 5.... that she is unable to show her love with mere words:
Cordelia (aside)
What shall Cordelia speak? Love, and be silent (23).
Cordelia’s nature is such that she is unable to engage in even so forgivable a deception as to satisfy an old king’s vanity and pride.
Cordelia (aside) Then poor Cordelia!
And yet not so, since I am sure my love’s
More ponderous than my tongue (23).
Cordelia clearly loves her father, and yet realizes that her honesty will not please him. Her nature is too good to allow even the slightest deviation from her morals. An impressive speech similar to her sisters' would have prevented much tragedy, but .....
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Saturday Climbing: Resolving Conflicts
Number of words: 733 | Number of pages: 3.... adoliescent children usually have throughout society. As a single father, Barry has an incredible fear of losing his only child. In his attempt to keep Moira with him forever, he has tried his best to provide Moira with security. He makes every decision for her in order to make their lives "simple and uncomplicated." Yet, Moira's growing up has made Barry no longer handle the situation well. His every decision for Moira has made her more and more opposed and resistant. Moira's insistance on leaving home for university has made Barry depressed and frustrated. Having found himself utterly helpless, Barry describes his feel .....
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