Papers on English
Life And Sacrifice
Number of words: 618 | Number of pages: 3.... his family as a result of his suicide. His decease has only brought feelings of sorrow and sadness to his family, which turns out to be an unnecessary sacrifice. Reverend John Hales remarkable comment on Protor's decision; " Life is God's most precious gift, no principle, however glorious, may justify the taking of it." (Miller, P. 132), indeed is an enlightenment for readers to re-consider the value of their lives. Nothing in the world has the privilege to take away our precious lives.
People living in a fantasy world are often obsessed with unrealistic love stories. William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is an excellent .....
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All The Kings Men
Number of words: 779 | Number of pages: 3.... on to have the same personality, but exercise it in a different set of values. The man the reader comes to know in the final pages of the novel is still recognizable as Jack. In these final pages, Jack notes that Hugh Miller “will get back into politics,” and that Jack himself will “be along to hold his coat.” One will recall Miller as the Attorney General who resigned to keep “his hands from getting dirty.” This is a clear example of Jack’s new set of values. Jack will keep doing what he has done for so many years -working in politics - because his personality has not changed. Nevertheless, his new set of values wil .....
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Pride And Perseverance
Number of words: 843 | Number of pages: 4.... wickedness of their young masters (Young 16)." He and his family have made a better life for themselves. Jourdon has moved his family to another area of the country, his children are in school, his wife is involved with church and he has a decent job.
In the memoir "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl," Harriet Jacobs has also escaped her life as a slave. Harriet Jacobs is living her life in a small shed off of her Grandmothers house. Although Harriet has escaped her life as a slave and her abusive slave master, her living conditions still sound grim. The shed is barely large enough for her to move around in, and the only .....
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Into The Forest
Number of words: 519 | Number of pages: 2.... things when Eva is pregnant, such as using the rifle to kill a wild pig for food.
Both girls show compassion towards each other, but it is Nell that needs or craves this fellowship and interest of other people. She tries to become friendly with the girls in the Redwood town with no success, but when she realises that she cant really be apart of them because of her different past. Alcohol provides some temporary relief, but after a while she thinks that maybe a boyfriend would be better. Nell eventually meets and gets to know Eli, a young man from the Redwood town.
From Nell’s account of Eva we see that Eva has a different pers .....
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Othello - The Greatest Tragedy
Number of words: 1085 | Number of pages: 4.... pity, therefore, no tragedy. The downfall of the protagonist in Shakespearean tragedies always originates from their tragic flaw. Othello’s tragic flaw is his jealousy, which Iago constantly reminds him about. This is first brought about in act III, scene 3 when Iago asks Othello if he has "Seen a handkerchief spotted with strawberries… did I today see Cassio wipe his beard with" (III, 3, 431-432/435-436). At this point Othello is jealous at Cassio for having won the heart of Desdemona and earned the handkerchief. Upon hearing this Othello flies into a mad fit by saying "O, that the slave had forty thousand li .....
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Stephen King
Number of words: 2048 | Number of pages: 8.... impact on King’s life. In the autobiographical work Danse Macabre, recalls how his family life was altered: "After my father took off, my mother, struggled, and then landed on her feet." My brother and I didn’t see a great deal of her over the next nine years. She worked a succession of continuous low paying jobs." Stephen’s first outlooks on life were influenced by his older brother and what he figured out on his own. While young Stephen and his family moved around the North Eastern and Central United States. When he was seven years old, they moved to Stratford, Connecticut. Here is where King got his .....
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Crime And Punishment 4
Number of words: 3949 | Number of pages: 15.... to deal with humanity and its problems. Dostoevsky himself does not give a
clear solution nor does he leave one with the certainty of faith for an
example. He says himself:
Finding myself lost in the solution of these questions, I decide
to bypass them with no solution at all. (From the Author. The
Brothers Karamazov)
Through the presentation of crime and the issue of money which is often
connected to it, Dostoevsky retells a Bible story. His answer to the problem
of evil and human life filled with suffering, at least the most persuading
one, for a better society and better social conditions is activ .....
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Jon Donne - Alediction Forbidd
Number of words: 1066 | Number of pages: 4.... back and forth motion of the rhyme calms down the reader, much as a hug that rocks you back and forth calms you. This poem's purpose is to offer peace to those who read it. The steady use of rhyme provides a rhythmic, serene environment. In addition to a well-developed rhyme scheme, Donne employs very few end stops. The only time periods are used is to end a stanza, all other line breaks are handled by commas or no punctuation at all. This once again adds a natural and peaceful flow to the poem.
The first three stanzas of the poem deal with the way people react to a death. When there is a death, people carry on and waste t .....
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Number of words: 405 | Number of pages: 2.... had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will” (279). Her father robs her from many of ’s necessities. She misses out on having friends, being a normal “woman,” and her ability to be happy. Emily is not able to live a normal which she indirectly blames on her father. Emily is so used to having her father be there for her, she figures that by keeping his body he can still be part of her .
The Jungian archetype of this feminist struggle can be noted as: Emily is not able to live a normal because her father keeps under his thumb. In relation to .....
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Camus The Outsider Vs. Bolts A
Number of words: 1603 | Number of pages: 6.... and knowingly risks disfavour with his liege because his prayer is that important to him. Norfolk is indignant at this behaviour, “What sort of fooling is this? Does the king visit you every day” (A Man For All Seasons, Robert Bolt, Act One, p. 26). Also, according to his Steward “Sir Thomas rises at six ... and prays for an hour and a half”, “During Lent ... he lived entirely on bread and water” and “He goes to confession twice a week” (A Man For All Seasons, Bolt, I, p. 23). It is in this way that More endeavours in a search for truth about life, he looks to God for the answe .....
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