Papers on English
The Use Of Symbolism In "A Jury Of Her Peers"
Number of words: 930 | Number of pages: 4.... of what John
Wright did to Minnie. She says "I know what stillness is. The law has got
to punish Crime, Mrs. Hale"(glaspell 167). The difference is she is
talking about the crime committed against Minnie, not the murder of John by
The Rocking chair is another important symbol in the story. The
chair symbolizes the absent Minnie Wright. The rocking chair "was dingy,
with wooden rungs up the back, and the middle rung was gone, and the chair
sagged to one side"(glaspell 157), which was not anything like Mrs.Hale
used to remember it being. Mrs. Hale also speaks of Minnie Foster, Foster
being her maiden name, "I wish .....
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Jungle Night
Number of words: 559 | Number of pages: 3.... adds a great deal of suspense with the way he taps the metal. In the first stanza he "…Strikes it softly like a bell-Tink-tink; tink-tink." (ll. 3-4) and in the second to last stanza "Strikes-twice; Strikes-twice" (l. 21) which gives a sense that something more is yet to come.
In the first stanza when the two men are first introduced, the author uses very soft words, which gives us a sense of peace and serenity. However in the second to last stanza he uses onomatopoeia again saying "Drip-drip; drip-drip"(l. 19) and "Strikes-twice; strikes-twice"(l. 21) which shows us that there .....
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Number of words: 1351 | Number of pages: 5.... Schoolteacher.
Sethe knew that the beatings, raping, and abuse of her and her people was wrong and she
would have rather killed her children than to let them return to that inhumane form of
life. This book also shows how one man's desire to do right by another man only hinders
the already strained relationship he is involved in with Sethe. This book shows the reality
and the inner workings of the Underground Railroad. Sethe's home was a way point for
that railroad until Baby Suggs' death and Sethe's killing of her newborn baby "Beloved".
At that point it tells of another fundamental belief amongst people, and that is one of .....
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Women In The Odyssey
Number of words: 781 | Number of pages: 3.... of her husband. At any time Penelope could have married one of the suitors and provided a father figure for her son. This fact demonstrate
Penelopes loylaty to her husband. . Standing before the suitors, Penelope announces that whoever among them can string the bow and shoot an arrow through the twelve axes will win her hand. At first reading, one may be surprised that Penelope will give up hope for
the return of her husband, however, Penelope knows that Odysseus's bow was a gift from a god, and Odysseus's strength was unmatched by any mortal. Although Penelope may not have absolute power without her husband, her cleverness giv .....
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The American 2
Number of words: 2286 | Number of pages: 9.... the world is in his hands and that with his money he is there to enjoy it. He goes to Europe thinking that Europe will welcome and admire his wealth, and he is not set astray by the rich culture and heritage of Europe. James introduces the novel with a description of Newman walking through the infamous Louvre in Paris, “It was a typical vagueness which is not vacuity, that blankness which is not simplicity, that look of being committed to nothing in particular, of standing in an attitude of general hospitality to the chances characteristic of many American faces” (James 20). Newman represents the typical American .....
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Carpe Diem: The Golden Chance
Number of words: 530 | Number of pages: 2.... the country
is not a third world country, Spain is a country not very rich, and for a person
like my it would be not very intelligent to reject this great chance. Here I am
trying to learn as much as possible about American life style, culture, language
and people. My chance was supposed to expire in one year but now I have the
opportunity to not only finish high school in United States, but also continue
my college years here.
My Carpe Diem tells me that I can not waste my time, because I have
already lost too much precious time in my life. I have to be resolute to succeed,
to give my best, to enjoy my education and the teachers .....
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Exile And Illusion In Araby
Number of words: 470 | Number of pages: 2.... as well as the Priest's will and paperwork of charitable contributions, since when does a Priest make enough money to have an extensive will, wonders the narrator? I also believe the Araby bazaar was a symbol of the church as Cleanth Brooks stated [in Understanding Fiction, 1947] "The quest for the father, for the church, has been thwarted by reality. The bazaar turns out to be just as cold, as dark, and as man-made as the gloomy house of the dead priest on his own street."(Fitzgerald) The dreary and sordid life Joyce recollects, does not only comes from his religious disappointments but also from his social shortcomings as well .....
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Role Of The Common Man In A Ma
Number of words: 851 | Number of pages: 4.... clothes he wears suggest darkness and death. Next, the audience meets Steward, Thomas Mores butler. He is a humble character but has some extremely important lines that foreshadow Thomas Mores future. “… My master Thomas More would give anything away to anyone. …I say that’s bad …because some day someone’s going to ask him for something that he wants to keep; and he’ll be out of practice. There must be something he wants to keep its only common sense.” (Bolt 17) This quote foreshadows Thomas More not wanting to go against his conscience and swear to the King Henrys’ oa .....
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Ludwig Van Beethoven
Number of words: 1473 | Number of pages: 6.... the Viennese High- Classic style. Although the style had been first perfected by Mozart, Beethoven did extend it to some degree. He had unprecedently composed sonatas for the cello which in combination with the piano opened the era of the Classic- Romantic cello sonata. In addition, his sonatas for violin and piano became the cornerstone of the sonata duo repertory. His experimentation with additions to the standard forms likewise made it apparent that he had reached the limits of the high- Classic style. Having displayed the extended range of his piano writing he was also begining to forge a new voice for the violin. In 1800 .....
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Achilles As Hero
Number of words: 480 | Number of pages: 2.... to fight Agamemnon. Not able to act against the will of the gods, Achilles sheathed his sword and only verbally badgered Agamemnon. After the verbal abuse continued for a while, Agamemnon finally got fed up and ordered Briseis to be taken from Achilles. Achilles lets the two messengers take Briseis away; although he mourns every step she takes away from him, he reluctantly lets her go. Before Briseis was taken away, Achilles states that
“But let them both bear witness to my loss…in the face of that unbending, ruthless king-if the day should come when the armies need me to save their ranks from ignominious, stark defeat.” .....
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