Papers on English
Othello 5
Number of words: 1801 | Number of pages: 7.... at talking to the crowd and making us realise that it is the enemy within we should fear most.
Some people could argue that Iago was extremely lucky to have all the opportunities put in front of him, such as Emilia finding Othello's handkerchief. I, however believe that whatever the situation, Iago would be able to take the situation, and therefore Othello's downfall was imminent. An example of this would be in Act III, Scene III. Iago says, 'Look to your wife; observe her well with Casio,' which is taking advantage of knowing that Desdemona will try to defend Cassio and seem to be in love with him. In adapting to new situation .....
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A Modest Proposal: An Analysis
Number of words: 1466 | Number of pages: 6.... person would
assume he intends to put them in factories or farms to work and not be on
the streets begging for food. We are also told that his plan will prevent
voluntary abortions and women murdering their bastard babies.
The narrator shows the reader he is serious by producing
calculations that appear to be well thought-out and then showing us,
through examples, That these children have no future.
Up to this point the narrator appears to be intelligent. He is
from the upper class and has low morals. He thinks lowly about the poor
but has made several logical assumptions and observations. He has us all
won .....
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Social Criticism In Literature
Number of words: 1500 | Number of pages: 6.... similar in that both describe how,
even with the best of intentions, our ambitions get the best of
us. Both authors also demonstrate that violence and the Machiavellian
attitude of "the ends justifying the means" are deplorable.
George Orwell wrote Animal Farm, ". . . to discredit the Soviet
system by showing its inhumanity and its back-sliding from ideals [he]
valued . . ."(Gardner, 106) Orwell noted that " there exists in
England almost no literature of disillusionment with the Soviet
Union.' Instead, that country is viewed either with ignorant
disapproval' or with uncritical admiration.'"(Gardner, 9 .....
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Is My Papas Waltz Really About
Number of words: 501 | Number of pages: 2.... life were his most popular. Rothke was regarded as not only a great poet but also known as a great teacher. Theodore Rothke gives so many examples to show his reader this was a positive memory in his life. One was Rothke show that this is a good time in his life is "Then waltzed me off the bed still clinging to your shirt"(Rothke 357). Another example in Rothke’s poem that shows how this is loving time in his life is " But I hung on like death such waltzing was not easy"(Rothke 357). Other people see these as fighting words, however, I see a little boy standing on his dad’s shoes dancing around with the music p .....
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The Gambles In Life
Number of words: 534 | Number of pages: 2.... says "yes," He has won the gamble; although the male has lost
the gamble is the female says "no."
As life progresses, this child continues to gamble. When this
person gets old enough to obtain a driver's license, he will continue to
take chances. Some people will drive very recklessly by speeding,
disobeying traffic signs, running traffic lights, and even passing. When a
person does any of these, he gambles with both his life and even the law.
Through speeding, and disobeying signs and traffic lights, a person takes
the risk of having an accident, receiving a ticket or an injury or even
killing himself.
As an adult, one might .....
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The Crucible 10
Number of words: 858 | Number of pages: 4.... she is talking to her uncle, Reverend Parris, she even mentions that “She [Elizabeth Proctor] hates me, uncle. It’s a bitter woman, a lying, cold, sniveling woman...” (page 12). It is clear that Abigail is speaking with a jealous tone, and that Elizabeth only did what seemed to be the best way to keep her family together. Abigail, however, does not understand nor accept this, since she is deeply in love with John Proctor, and sees Elizabeth as her adversary.
Once the word “witchcraft” has fallen in Salem, the girls who were dancing in the woods with Tituba realize that there is no way out of this .....
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Temptations Of Odysseus
Number of words: 1486 | Number of pages: 6.... a solution to overcome the danger were the most formidable tasks that could easily destroy Odysseus. Odysseus and crew are finally on their way home after the war, after nine days on the rough sea, they arrive at the isle of the lotus eaters. The lotus eaters are a group of people who have a lot of fun, thanks to their consumption of the lotus flower. This confrontation provides Odysseus and his crew with the first of their challenges (Odyssey 9:1-103). This threat is definitely one that a heroic confrontation is unlikely. This danger is not any physical threat to him or his men. The lotus eaters create a situation where Odys .....
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Fried Green Tomatoes
Number of words: 1557 | Number of pages: 6.... basket at the Baptist church once. She was a character all right…”(12). This shows that nothing would stop Idgie from doing her pranks and having her laughs.
Maybe she was lectured by her priest or by her parents but she didn’t regret it. Idgie was concerned with the present, not the past or the future. Of course she had her hardship that
wouldn’t let her forget, like when her brother Buddy died, and she even looked forward to a day, but she lived in the present. She lived life for the moment. “Now, seriously, Idgie, I’m not trying to run your business or anything, but I just want to know if you’re saving any .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 4065 | Number of pages: 15.... African Congo on a "business trip". He is an Englishmen through and through. He's never been exposed to any alternative form of culture, similar to the one he will encounter in Africa, and he has no idea about the drastically different culture that exists out there.
Throughout the book, Conrad, via Marlow's observations, reveals to the reader the naive mentality shared by every European. Marlow as well, shares this naiveté in the beginning of his voyage. However, after his first few moments in the Congo, he realizes the ignorance he and all his comrades possess. We first recognize the general naiveté of the Europea .....
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Honor Killings
Number of words: 1247 | Number of pages: 5.... and the teeth were shaken out with the stroke and both eyes filled up with blood, and gaping he blew a spray of blood through the nostrils and through his mouth, and death in a dark mist closed round about him. (16.345-350)" "Now Dekalion was struck in the arm, at a place in the elbow where the tendons come together. There through the arm Achilleus transfixed him with the bronze spearhead, and he, arm hanging heavy, waited and looked his death in the face. Achilleus struck him with the sword's edge at his neck, and swept the helmed head far away, and the marrow gushed from the neckbone, and he went down to the ground at full lengt .....
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