Papers on English
Poem Bushed
Number of words: 548 | Number of pages: 2.... At first our character is still unsure and alert at all that is happening around him, “ At first he was out with the dawn.” Yet he becomes more and more sure of himself and feels very secure, “ A guard of goat before falling asleep on its feet at sundown.” Earle Birney uses the goat as a metaphor for security because a goat does not slip of the rocky mountain tops that our character is reaching for.
In the last stanzas the poem changes tone. It goes from a happy survival to a loss of security. The life he thought he was living and the people around him start changing showing their true colors. Everything is, “Sh .....
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Essay On Flowers And Shadows
Number of words: 297 | Number of pages: 2.... his controlled madness might have fooled the likes of Jonan for a while,
but the latter's paranoia finally caught on and killed Sowho and itself;
putting a rest the destruction and curse laid upon the poor factory workers and
opening a broad new scale of possibilities that might (in long terms) help tip
the edge of demeaning business ethics in the Nigerian society.
Anyone who read Macbeth would agree that it's quite parallel to Flowers
& Shadows. Even thought the books where written by two different authors at
different time periods; the depicted morals of the stories show the
fundamental and universal rela .....
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Othello - Compared To Twelfth Night
Number of words: 802 | Number of pages: 3.... it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on…" (Othello, III.iii 169-171) In his rage, Othello charges Iago with the killing of Cassio, his lieutenant who supposedly slept with his wife. Othello then plans to kill Desdemona. Even during the course of the killing, Othello maintains his love for Desdemona (although this might seem a contradiction.) He refuses to defile her body in any way. "Yet I'll not shed her blood; nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow, and smooth as monumental alabaster." (Othello, V.ii 3-5)He then proceeds to choke or smother her to death. The theme of .....
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Huck Finn
Number of words: 696 | Number of pages: 3.... with extraordinary power. Incidentally, and with a true artistic instinct, the villages, the cabins, the people of this river become startlingly real. The beauty of this is that it is apparently done without effort. Huck floating down the river happens to see these things and to encounter the people and the characters that made
the river famous forty years ago--that is all. They do not have the air of being invented, but of being found. And the dialects of the people, white and black--what a study are they; and yet nobody talks for the sake of exhibiting a dialect. It is not necessary to believe the surprising adventures tha .....
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Little Girl Lost
Number of words: 1014 | Number of pages: 4.... to. "A " seems to be much deeper in thought than "The ." This depth in content begins with the title, which gives the poem an aura of uneasiness. A feeling that it is dangerous or sinful stems from word "Little" in the title, which implies that the girl addressed in the poem is quite young. Other signs such as the fact that the prologue is addressed to "children" and that the "maiden" is still clearly under parental guardianship create contradicting feelings about innocence. All this could be slightly misleading. Perhaps Blake, like Shakespeare, believed in very young bride .....
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Ordeal By Hunger
Number of words: 318 | Number of pages: 2.... and had to turn back, do to heavy snow.
McCutchen was not the only hero in the Donner Party; Eddie William played a big roll in this 2,500 journey. Like McCutchen, Eddie took the trip to Fort Sutter, with the Forlorn Hope. McCutchen’s and Eddies children died in the hands of the psychopathic, Keseberg. McCutchen and Eddie both went back to Truckee Lake with a rescue party. Two had also survived the disastrous Trail to California, by taking the Hastings cut-off. I am glad for all the Donner Party members who lived through this horrible experience. McCutchen himself lived a white–bearded and vigorous old age at San Jose. .....
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Ethan Frome - Contrast Between Film And Novel
Number of words: 991 | Number of pages: 4.... of appropriate music, creates a bleak atmosphere, and there is no doubt in the audience’s mind of an impending sense of gloom and tragedy. The darkness of the house amongst the pure white of the snow is a symbol of the darkness within the house. It shows that the people living in the house, the Fromes, are not happy people. They have their burdens and a darkness in their lives that is further intensified by the joy of the people around them. The audience is perhaps more aware than readers of the book of the dreariness of the isolated town as they are shown visually, aspects of isolation and desertion that the reader would ha .....
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Macbeth - Imagery
Number of words: 1799 | Number of pages: 7.... This ambition, as we see, is what leads to his demise. When Macbeth first hears the prophecy that he will be King, he does not see how it can be so, "to be king / Stands not within the prospect of belief" ( I, III, 73-74). However, Macbeth’s ambitious nature becomes visible when he considers murdering King Duncan to claim the throne, "If it were done, when ‘tis done, then ‘twere well / It were done quickly" ( I, VII, 1-2). His ambition is encouraged by Lady Macbeth, of whom attempts to convince him to commit this crime, and lay claim to the throne. He is reluctant however, as Macbeth states, "I have bought / Gold .....
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Mockingbird Cunninghams Vs. Ew
Number of words: 788 | Number of pages: 3.... proud and hard working people and accepted nothing that was given to them, unless they earned it. For example Mr. Atticus Finch provided legal services to the Cunninghams and did not expect payment of any kind. Mr. Walter Cunningham, however, brought Atticus various things from his farm throughout the year until he reached a point which he considered fair payment for his services. These actions earned the Cunninghams the notion of being proud and honest people.
The Cunninghams did have a run in with the law one time, which caused several of the boys to be sent to "prison". The prison was more like a state industrial school, wer .....
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Frankenstein 6
Number of words: 4665 | Number of pages: 17.... murdered William. He arrives home to find that Justine Moritz, a girl who had lived for some time in the Frankenstein household, has been accused of the murder. She is tried, condemned, and executed, despite her assertions of innocence, and Victor becomes despondent and guilty knowing that the creature he created was responsible for the deaths of these two innocent people.
Victor's father hopes to take Victor's mind off of his grief by taking the family on a trip. One day while Victor is alone in the mountains, the monster appears to him, tells his story, and begs his creator to make him another creature as a mate. Victor ref .....
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