Papers on English
The Children Left Behind
Number of words: 2093 | Number of pages: 8.... feel he
deserves it” (DeBonis 60-61).
Joe did attend school up until the fourth grade, at which time his family moved from Saigon to Long Thanh, he was denied the right to attend. He was told, “No, you can’t go, you don’t have any paper work plus you’re ‘My Lai’ you’re half-American” (DeBonis 61).
Before Joe and his mother immigrated to the United States he was made to feel like an outcast, Joe says “ ‘I considered Vietnamese as my family, as my people too, but they don’t think of me the same way…’” (DeBonis 56). Joe was like a “man without a country”; he was made to feel he did not belon .....
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Gods Grandeur
Number of words: 3610 | Number of pages: 14.... so thoughts of the Creation, which began with a spark of light, are not far off: "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light" (Gen. 1.3). Yet this "charge" was not a one time occurrence; "[t]he world is charged with the grandeur of God" (Hopkins 1). Or, in the words of Wisdom 1:7, "The spirit of the Lord fills the world" (Boyle 25). This line of the poem also sounds like Wisdom 17:20: "For the whole world shone with brilliant light . . ." Nor does the similarity end with the first part of this biblical verse. The author of Wisdom proceeds to tell us that the light "continued its works without interruption; Over [the E .....
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Two Kinds By Amy Tan
Number of words: 515 | Number of pages: 2.... begins to test her with questions and she cooperates. But as time goes on and the tests her mother gives her gets harder, Jing-Mei begins to be resentful and unwilling to cooperate. She thinks to herself, “I won’t be what I’m not.” (492) This shows a child resisting it’s parents control.
Even as Jing-Mei loses interest in becoming a prodigy, her mother continues to push her on. She decides to arrange piano lessons for Jing-Mei without consulting her first. In doing these things, Jing-Mei’s mother wants to control not only her actions but also her dreams, and she will not tolerate disobe .....
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A Friendly Enemy
Number of words: 513 | Number of pages: 2.... importance. A friendship has been established. Death is Medea’s friend. She uses it as a weapon to get what she views as justice. "Then if you have a dog eyed enemy and needed absolute vengeance . . . Unchild him, ha? And then unlife him"(23). Medea believed with great depth to get vengeance upon Jason. She wanted to go through with her vengeance and hurt Jason as Jason hurt her. Jason left Medea for another woman thus leaving her miserable and craving for revenge. Thus, she went on taking the life of his bride-to-be and the life of their children. She also wanted to wash herself from the impurities of Jason’s t .....
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I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
Number of words: 843 | Number of pages: 4.... in her writings to enhance the tone of the book. "That’s right. You know, the children was readin’ me something th’ other day, Say folks dream about whatever was on their mind when they went to sleep."(Pg. 158) Angelou quoted her "momma" [paternal grandmother], and allows the reader to feel a sense as if momma was really saying something to them; she brings momma to life.
J. Moreno Pg. 2
As for the quote stated, Angelou uses what we consider to be African American slang, more formally known as "ebonics", to personalize "momma". In everyday English we use subject and verb agreement, .....
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Antogonistic Enlightenment
Number of words: 602 | Number of pages: 3.... only now a victim of violence (21). He did not use politics to better his life, until he was imprisoned for only pretending to do so before (23). Brille likens his experience in prison to his experience with his family, he becomes aware of his power to make others behave humanely. Brille's physical shortsightedness is symbolic of a mental shortsightedness, he that it will be more effective to punish Hannetjie's poor behavior like a child. Hannetjie is initially described as inhuman, and his reform by blackmail resulted in him not doing a proper job. Nevertheless, his evoked interpretation of humanity touched surprisingly and s .....
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Grapes Of Wrath 4
Number of words: 724 | Number of pages: 3.... various reasons leading to the slow but sure disintegration of the Joad clan. The first to go is Noah; then Grandpa and Grandma die;Connie walks off and leaves Rose of Sharon; Young Tom leaves because he has gotten into trouble again; and Al becomes engaged and decides to go with his fiancee’s family. Ma deals with each loss as best she can. As the story progresses, we find Ma Joad becoming more and more concerned with people outside the family unit. She feels the need to share whatever meager food and belongings her family has with other families enduring hardships. She saw the needs of her own family at the beginnin .....
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Observation Case Study At Alpha Elementary
Number of words: 1209 | Number of pages: 5.... which are solitary play, onlooker play, parallel play, associative play and cooperative play (Craig and Kermis). In my observations of Kayla she fits all these levels of play. For example, in observation #7, I was able to watch Kayla interact with other children for two hours of play on an activity day called "Apple Day". She interacted with several children at different times. They all seem to get along with her very well. She even played by herself pretending to be a puppy. In observation # 10 Kayla was supposed to be molding a ship (Columbus Day) and instead she had a circle shape and was pretending it was .....
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The Common Hemingway Protagoni
Number of words: 1147 | Number of pages: 5.... world which the war had made him to see too clearly to accept"
(Burhans 190). Krebs seeks refuge from this disillusion by withdrawing from society and engaging himself in individual activities.
A typical day for Krebs consists of going to the library for a book, which he would read until bored, practicing his clarinet, and
shooting pool in the middle of the day; this is common for a Hemingway protagonist. Hemingway realizes "that with the
disappearance of the transcendent and the absolute from man's consciousness, the universe becomes empty of meaning and
purpose..." (Burhans 284); a good basis for testing a protagonist to .....
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Far From The Madding Crowd
Number of words: 1903 | Number of pages: 7.... . . . vanity” (p. 56).
Gabriel, although impressed by Bathsheba’s beauty and vivacity, does not immediately begin to court her. He is quite smitten with her from the very beginning of their relationship. Gabriel even goes so far as to repeat her name over and over and is quoted as saying “I’ll make her my wife, or upon my soul I shall be good for nothing” (p. 74.). He proposes marriage to her, but she admits that she does not love Gabriel and, if they tried to make a relationship work without love, he would grow to despise her. Being the amiable fellow that he proves himself to be throughout the story, Gabriel is .....
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